My Lycan Mate of Suicide Forest

Chapter 138 - Charcuterie

"So Ethel and Agnes live together?" August asked as her and Greta approached the house with Finn trailing them somewhere in the shadows. "Are they sisters?"

Greta giggled. "No."

"Oh, I just thought…" August tried to recover. "Their names are so similar."

"They are kind of similar aren't they?" Greta tilted her head. "You know what I always thought was funny?"


"That my brother and my mate's names rhyme," she laughed.

"That is a little weird," August agreed. "Sam and Graeme. You are the center of some very powerful rhyming men."

"I am," Greta thought aloud. "And I have an old woman name like Ethel and Agnes."

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"That's not what I meant. And I've always like the name Greta. I had a friend named Gretchen in school. It's pretty."

"Thanks, sis. Regardless, I'll be an old woman one day to fit my name. Goddess willing," she winked.

"My name was always made fun of growing up. It's unusual for a girl. It's also not terribly common for a boy, so," August shrugged.

"I like it. It's unique. And there's something… promising about it," Greta said.

"Promising?" August chuckled. "How so?"

"Well the name individually and your full name. I'm not sure I can explain what I like about August. It's timeless and comes around every year. It's a good month," Greta smiled and glanced teasingly at the human beside her.

August groaned.

"No, for real—it's the sound of it or something. Like a breath of fresh air or a gust of wind off the ocean. It reminds me of a grey-blue sky on the coast when you can smell the ocean and feel it kissing your cheeks. And then you smell fresh and renewed the rest of the day with sand in your shoes and your hair… an entire day of memories deposited in those little sparkling grains that are impossible to get rid of no matter how hard you try," she chuckled, and August stopped walking.

"What?" Greta turned to her.

"Nothing," August shook her head. "It's just that… that's so beautiful. Thank you," she replied with a small smile.

"It's beautiful because it's true. Come on," Greta backtracked to link August's arm in her own before the pair started walking again. "And then there is 'Moon,' which is obvious. And Cady…"

"Hey you two! Finally. The food is already out, come eat!" Ethel appeared in the front door of the cottage and ushered them in. "The food is out back, but go ahead and grab some drinks in here. Agnes is burning some sage and cannabis out back if you need help with an appetite," she chuckled.

August understood why this place was chosen for dinner. In the backyard there was a picnic table that stretched long enough to fit 18 people. At each spot, there were individual little benches with back rests, which looked incredibly comfortable while retaining the rustic charm of outdoor dining. And above the table was a criss-crossing string of large white bulbs that illuminated the table beneath.

Agnes, Raya, and Vera were huddled together on one side of the table talking and passing a joint around, and August giggled.

"There are the youngsters," Charlotte said, approaching August and Greta. "What did you think of our sacred circle?"

"It was powerful," August replied. "I'm honored to have been included."

"Oh, August Moon, the honor is ours. Believe me," she patted August's arm and gestured for her to take a seat at the table.

Down the center of the table was a long charcuterie board with a variety of crackers, cheeses, sliced cured meats, fruits, dips, and jams. August's stomach growled.

"We have soup, Greta, if none of this sounds good," Charlotte added. "Or more herbal tea," she gave Greta a knowing smile.

"This actually looks really good. Thank you, Charlotte," Greta replied.

"Sam will be relieved I'm finally eating," Greta chuckled as she and August sat next to each other sampling the food. "He's starting to get on my nerves. How can I possibly eat when I feel like I'm going to throw up?"

"This is all so good," August said. "I think I could eat this every day. Poor Finn, he has to watch us eat."

Greta laughed. "He's fine. He probably caught something to snack on."

"Like…" August slowed her chewing.

Greta shrugged. "A squirrel or something."

"Are you serious? I'm going to find him and take him some food." August piled different slices of meats and cheeses on a plate and rose from the table.

"Are you serious?" Greta giggled.

"Yes! He shouldn't have to spend his night that way. There's plenty," she answered.

On the way to the shadows to find Finn, a few of the women stopped August to chat. It was crazy how all of these women were feeling more and more like close friends even though they had just met. But the intense sacred circle and the heartfelt sharing that commenced afterward catalyzed that feeling of closeness.

Agnes offered August a hit of cannabis, but she declined. The smoke was making her feel giddy already.

When she finally made her way to the trees where she now felt the familiarity of Finn's unique presence hidden amongst the shadows, she found him—to her great surprised—absorbed in his own conversation.

"Oh," August breathed without thinking, and both Violet and Finn turned to her.

"Oh, Miss August… I mean, August," Finn started, remembering how she had told him to call her. "Are you all right?"

"Yeah," she breathed a laugh. "I just, um," she raised the plate, "brought you something. I wasn't sure if you ate."

"Oh, thank you Miss August," he smiled and took the plate.

"Yes, that's so nice of you to bring him your leftovers," Violet smiled cloyingly. Just having Violet's eyes on her made her stomach turn with the memories that resurfaced.

August's eyebrows pinched together. "They're not leftovers. I just got distracted…"

"Violet brought me my favorite steak and cheese sandwich from the market," Finn smiled. "But I always have room for more. Thank you, August."

"No problem," August smiled awkwardly before retreating back to the group of women and leaving Violet and Finn in the shadows.

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