My Lycan Mate of Suicide Forest

Chapter 175 - What's Ours

"You were a pup then and could not have seen the truth that was before you," Andreas grumbled. "We did the best we could with the information we had at the time, and we tried to protect you with it."

Graeme shook his head. "The first thing I want done is that map destroyed."

Andreas paled. "That is preposterous! You can't simply destroy years of hard work and research the moment you return… the money that is invested isn't just our own, and our allies—it is a political matter. You do not understand the implications and the response it would have. We will have packs who have trusted us for years turning on us overnight. They will show up here. No, you will have to meet with them and do this the right way. The repercussions are too great."

"Andreas," Graeme interrupted. "It will be destroyed. But meetings, yes. Let's begin with a meeting with Zoe's team. I want every one of them in this office this week."

"You don't realize how an act against the map will be perceived. It will be akin to an outright attack on individual packs. That is not the first act you want to do as a returned Alpha. We are not prepared for it," Andreas protested.

"Then we will become prepared for it. We will do everything in our power to prepare for taking that map out of circulation," he said. "The map was created here and it will be destroyed here. I will correct the error that has led to its proliferation."

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"If you are to lead, you must allow us to guide you, particularly in this delicate matter," Andreas tried. "If the Moon Goddess has seen to bring you back to lead, then I honor that. We will all honor that. But let us not turn our pack land into a war zone before you even get started."

Graeme sat up, folding his hands on the desk in front of him as he searched Andreas with dark unreadable eyes. He was trying his best to remain calm and not unleash the fury that was warring within him just being in this old man's presence. This was going to be the most difficult time, reigning in the justice he felt should be swift and severe. How was he supposed to learn the extent of everything that was happening within this pack when Andreas would be set against him at every turn?

"I am bringing in additional wisdom for guidance during these unprecedented times. Those from within our pack who have been around as long as you and respected as much as you and the other two elders, though they have managed those reputations on the ground rather than from a tower," Graeme said, his eyes remaining impassive. "They will balance what guidance you may offer, and they have been present within the pack during the time I have been away, so they are not ignorant to pack matters."

"If they have not been in discussions with our allies or involved in official business…" Andreas began.

"They will be included from now on, so prepare to make room," Graeme interrupted. "And I hate this pretentious desk. Have someone bring the desk that was my father's. You can move all of this to the office you had cleaned out for me before I left and conduct your business from there, understood?"

And just like that, the power Andreas had enjoyed for himself began crumbling before his eyes. He swallowed back the bile that had crested in his throat. This was going to be the longest two weeks of his life.


Sam came in with food from the market while August and Greta were cleaning up. The house was still in excellent condition, but it had been empty for so long that it needed some life breathed into it. Greta had opened all the windows to circulate the fresh fall air through.

"Do you two mind putting these away? Apparently Graeme wants me at the pack house now," Sam said after setting down all of the bags. "I guess he woke up and got right to work?"

"Yeah, you could say that. Please be careful," Greta answered. "He is attempting to work with the elders. But that will leave them an opportunity to steer things their way and be deceptive about their motives. I don't know that this is the best way. It seems too risky."

"We need to trust that he will find the best way. Your brother is the Alpha, remember?" Sam said, giving her a meaningful smile.

"You don't say," she smiled back and wrapped her arms around his neck. "And does that finally make you the Beta now, my love?"

"If that is what the pack needs of me, then sure," he answered. "Although I would be happy as a simple farmer growing old next to my best friend and our pups," he said, kissing her and placing a hand on her stomach. "As long as they are safe."

"You are too good of a male. My brother is lucky to have you by his side. And so am I," she murmured. "Now go keep Graeme in line for us."

Sam shot Greta a wink as he left, closing the door to her childhood home behind him as she stood watching, praying for his safe return. They had just been in the dungeon together and now he was leaving to take up his role by Graeme's side as Beta. It was too soon and too easy. Would Andreas really roll over and submit with such little struggle?

"Do you think they will be okay?" Greta called up to August who was descending the steps after Sam left.

"Yes, I do," August replied simply. "They will be. Don't worry."

There was something so confident about August now—like she finally knew who she was—that Greta couldn't help but be reassured. It was a strange feeling, because she was used to being the one who was always comforting and reassuring others. It seemed that now it was her turn to be in the position to receive.

"They better be or I am blaming you, sis," Greta mumbled for August to laugh.

"Let's hurry and put this away. Then, we can go grab some things from the treehouse and have everything settled before they come back tonight. Are there more things you'd like to grab from your house?" August asked, and Greta gave her a worried glance.

"You would trust that we are safe to go out, too?" Greta asked.

"This is our home. If we hide and allow others to control us with fear for what may happen, then how can we offer a better pack for anyone?" August asked, something fierce flashing in her blue eyes. She truly was different now. "You are strong, and apparently I am, too.. Let's go take what's ours. What do you say?"

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