My Man Is A Villain, So Am I!

Chapter 28 - 28: The Extra(8)

Marinette (Sun-hee)'s POV

Don't judge the book by its cover. That was what everyone said. But why did the book itself have to hide its true self with the cover?

Of course, it was for their advantage. If you didn't want to be judged then, make yourself a nice cover. But nonetheless, people still judge you no matter what you did.

I hate those people, especially the one who was quick to judge, no matter how perfect your cover was, no matter how you tried to make yourself look perfect in everyone's eyes.

Trying to do everything everyone demands and in return, all they stared at you were their eyes full of judgment.

<I heard that girl named Sun-hee has an alcoholic father.>

<Eun-kyung shouldn't be friends with someone like her, I heard her mother abandoned her because of hideous she was when she was born.>

I hate them...I hate them the most.

"Is that true?" Irene got up from the ground by herself, something in her eyes seemed to be changed as if it was lit up by the truth of the world she used to know.

The priest everyone admired, just as soon as I took all of the bodies from the ground, all of their souls went twirling around the priest shouting in anger at him.

I wondered...what can her eyes really see.

Irene walked closer and closer to the pathetic priest and pulled his chin with one of her hands. Her ears were twitching, her tears were falling, her eyes glared poison into the priest's innocent eyes.

He went on his knees trying to refuse my accuse and pointed his finger at me, that time if I didn't stop Aurora. Another finger might be broken by her again.

But his finger snapped, and it wasn't Aurora. The orange-haired wearing simple clothes like the woman from the countryside changed completely when she broke that scumbag's finger.

"Do you hear my what she said true??" he shook his head as he lied to Irene. Irene turned her back looking at me like she wanted to ask something.

I gulped and asked her, "What?"

"Should I kill him?" it was quite unexpected for a woman in the novel who was even kinder than Diana to ask me that question.

I opened my lip going to respond to her but I was cut off by that man's crying voice as he begged and begged her to spare him.

Irene took a quick look at him very disgusted by the sight of him.

"Keep him alive, people like him don't deserve an easy death." I looked back at Aurora and Herod behind me and nodded telling them I was gonna be okay before I approached that priest.

One, two,..., forty-four. Forty-four corpses that I found on the mountain, I wonder which among those people begging him to spare them just like the way he did to me now.

I grabbed his hair, I couldn't control my lip and my expression. I smirked at him pitying him, playing with his feeling.

I wanted him to experience the same thing as his victim's.

I snickered at that guy and murmured, "Priest, your hair is beautiful. Your robe is luxurious. Your face is smooth. I wonder if I should. Kill you tomorrow or tonight?"

" just followed the order--"

"Ohoho, then should I order Irene to kill you right now? Will you resent her if she followed my order?" 

The world with no detective, no punishment, just bury the lie with the truth, the killer will be spared.

I wonder what killing someone feels like, was it fun for these guys that they keep killing people without shaking their eyelids?

The sharp fingernail of mine traveled across his smooth face to his lip, I bit the other hand and dropped the drop of my blood into his opened mouth.

Death Roses Magic: Poison Execute

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Let's bet!! Did my blood have poison or not?? If you survive till the end of the week, you win and I'll kill myself...but...if it has poison, I wondered...which one between hell or heaven will you go?" I tossed his disgusting face to the ground and stared at Irene who was still shocked, and so was Aurora except for that strange woman Herod who was grinning at me with one of her hands still holding onto Irene's friend.

"You, whatever your name is. Take me to your workplace, if you didn't..."

Cough cough

The annoying coughing of the priest holding his throat trying to vomit my blood out was desperately trying to survive was the threatening I used to order that woman.

"I...I will lead you there but..."

"Are you in the condition to say 'but' to me? Take me there." that was all I said, and she was trembling to fall to the ground.

It was quite troublesome since I really wanted to meet the mastermind behind all these.

Fortunately, she really knew what situation she was in, she got up from the ground wiping her tears, and led me inside the church.

Irene couldn't follow me in, she was still standing at the same spot unable to look at the woman who was her friend in the eyes.

That was what happened when you put too much trust in someone, the one she saw that the person had a pure soul betrayed her and even wanted to take her to death in the disguise of finding a job for her.

So many things didn't follow the novel, but the one scene where Irene was fooled by her friend was still the same except I came to her rescue instead of the male lead Richard.

Aurora stood guarding her outside in case something might happen to her, and I also let Herod stand outside since I didn't really trust her much even if my heart told me she was trustworthy.

I just felt somewhat hurt when looking at her, she kept reminding me of my father--


"Hahahahahaha, if I have to die, I have to take you with me to hell, you b*tch!!!!" the table turned real quick in a blink of an eye, just when we reached the statue of the goddess.

The one behind all of these really had everything planned. It was shocking to know she even had the explosion magic spell in her body.

One order from the one who planted it, her body will make everything around her explode but the risk was she won't be able to escape the explosion.

There was an invisible door behind the statue, just when that woman touched the doorknob, she laughed and turned her back activating that magic inside her body.

All I did was sighed mourning for her pathetic soul, I used my magic to dodge the rock falling down easily not like her who was hit by the rock as soon as she activated the magic.

I escaped using the door she showed to me.


I was about to walk into the darkroom, but that low voice full of emotion called for me to turn back and I did.

That woman was lying down on the floor with her hand reaching out for me, what did she expect me to do? Help her? Her body was already crushed with the big rock on top of her.

If it was other people, the one under the rock might be them not her.

"I...don't want to die...I want to live...wahh...I want to live...I want to live!!!" that was all she shouted at me, without begging me to save her, without resenting me, her eyes shedding tears instead of being scared dying...but it was a relief.

"So do I." I only closed my eyes and turned my back on her. And again, I was interrupted but I didn't turn back and listened closely to her last words, "I'm free..."

"I see. Good for you." my legs were shaking as I walked down the stair with no light, the stair kept leading me down and down.

When I finally saw the light, I rushed to it when I noticed there wasn't any person there. When I arrived, all I saw were weapons, staff, and the leftover magic circle on the ground.

The endless prison in front of me, the corpse which was all still warm and yet, it already died. The fresh blood on the floor, with the imprinted hands on the wall...I could imagine all sorts of the situation in here.

I clenched my hand, I wanted to take my anger out of my chest.

I walked to the magic circle in the center of the hall, there was a letter with the names was crossed with red lines.

'All killed!'

I grabbed that paper and went up to the surface using the stairs, I didn't know what my feeling was. It was all messed up, was I angry at myself for coming late? Or was I angry at the killer?

The letter crumbled by my hand when I arrived at the surface.

Aurora smiled in a joyful way when she saw me coming out of the behind of the statue, she immediately made her way to me by throwing all the big rocks in her way.

"I was so scared!!! Are you alright?"

"Yes, don't worry about me."

"I know you will be fine, my lady." said Herod.

Aurora whispered to me, "She was going to destroy the whole mountain a moment ago."

When I glanced at Herod, she avoided my eyes and whistled trying to deny what Aurora 'whispered' to me.

Her whispering was like she was speaking with a mic.

Why wasn't I surprised by that?

On the other hand, Irene was standing there with an expressionless face seeing her friend lying under the rock.

"She...blew herself--"

"Don't..." her leg lost its energy couldn't withstand any of her sufferings any longer, she fell down on both of her legs sobbing and covering her face with her bruised hands.

"Don't say anything...please." I left her there.

I had no experience on how to comfort the sad person since I never received any such thing called comfort from anyone.

Just leave them be, don't say anything, I think that's the best way to comfort someone. Everyone needed some alone time. 

"Marinette, I'll take my leave now."

"Okay, bye!!!" it wasn't me who said that. Herod waved goodbye at Aurora happily seeing her leaving.

Her happiness didn't last long.

"You, go with her."

"What????" they shouted at me at the same time, my ears couldn't handle any of them.

They were...what could I say...noisy.

"No, no, no. There's no need."

"You won't go back to that house tonight, right?" Aurora nodded.

"Yes, then take her with you. I can't just take anyone inside my house easily."

"What?? But I don't want to go with her." I crossed my arm cutting Herod off and walked away from both of them.

I really needed some time alone, everything was a mess today. It was all sorts of things that happened in one day. I wanted to go back and slept on the bed.

I didn't know much about those two I left back there but at least I knew they won't murder each other. And that priest will crawl to me when he couldn't find the antidote to the poison.

If he is alright tomorrow, then it must be the mastermind and the mastermind will be none other than the light magic user, the royal blood.

And Irene won't go away from me this time, she will come to me at least tomorrow.

For now...let's just rest for a while.

I said I wanted to sleep on the bed, but I ended up sitting on the bench with my head on the light pole.

The moon was covered by the cloud again when I looked at it. I looked back down at my legs, I never knew how lucky I was to be able to walk again.

Compare to life back in my world...this world was better. I didn't want to go back to that day when I watched those kids looking at me like they were above me, to the life when I had to endure everything couldn't do anything.

Huff huff

Someone ran to me, I could only see their feet because I was afraid to look up. I didn't want to wipe my tear in front of someone especially...that guy.

"Do you know how worried I was!!? Why didn't you come home?!"


To be continued....!

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