My military branches can Evolve Infinitely

Chapter 15 - 14 Difficult Resource Assessment (asking for collection, asking for reading)_1

15 Chapter 14 Difficult Resource Assessment (asking for collection, asking for reading)_1

Translator: 549690339

As Mu Yuan made his way into the Association, his eyes were opened wide to many wonders. Although he was only a greenhand who had been in the pit for a day and a half, his scope of comprehension was pretty much non-existent.

Here, not only were there numerous players, but occasionally he would also spot various types of soldiers.

There were bulging muscular fellows, like the big-brother-like Big Goblins.

The one Mu Yuan had encountered in the game world was barely a little brother compared to this one – the feeling of being oppressed was just too different.

However, within the Association, the Big Goblin was just a common species, and it was even shivering a bit.

Because a graceful figure was passing by not far away.

Tall, shapely, elegant, with a delicate complexion, pointed ears, and long green hair that cascaded down like a waterfall.

“Is that… a Natural Elf of the Rare Three-Star Level?!”

Old Brother Mai Wa exclaimed, his eyes full of envy.

Who wouldn’t like a strong, XP-compatible Miss Cool?

Mu Yuan also took a few more glances, don’t get it wrong though, mainly because this was also his first time seeing a live soldier in reality.

He had to observe more and expand his horizons.

“Will we… ever be able to recruit soldiers of this calibre?”

Hearing Old Brother Mai Wa’s words, the receptionist displayed an embarrassed yet polite smile.

She thought for a moment and said, “The Lord who commands this Natural Elf is a big shot in our Baijiang Association.”

The underlying meaning was: Ordinary players also want to recruit Natural Elves? Dream on!

However, Old Brother Mai Wa didn’t grasp this implication, he stroked his chin and said: “So what you’re saying is, as long as we can pass the trial and become Lords, there will be more opportunities to recruit this kind of rare soldiers?”

The guide replied, “Well, that’s not entirely wrong, Lord players do have more resources and opportunities compared to Ranger players, and as time goes on, the gap between these two types of players will only get bigger.”

“However, being a Lord player is not that easy, as players, you should be very aware of the dangers of the Eternal Continent, players not only need to maintain their territory for a month, but also need to pass extremely dangerous trials.”

“The Association hopes that more players can pass the trials and establish territories, but we also advise all players to act according to their abilities.”

The guide was not a player, but she was a professionally trained staff member, equipped with a wealth of ‘newbie knowledge’.

So, Mu Yuan got a lot of information here for free.

At least questions about the details of the Lord’s trial that Old Yang answered evasively, the guidance lady could answer clearly. Indeed, Old Yang was not up to the mark.

Mu Yuan was summarising the information:

‘During the Lord’s trial, a red mist will cover the land, monsters will become frenetic and bloodthirsty and more challenging to deal with than usual. Hence, surviving the Lord’s Trial requires not only a strong players’ territory but also certain tactics.’

‘Players need to kill as many surrounding monsters as possible before the trial arrives.’

‘But with only the limited power of the players, it is impossible to get rid of all the monsters, therefore, players need to set up a real defensive line in front of their own territory, targeted at the types of monsters around.’

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Previously, Old Yang had mentioned that the officials would provide support to outstanding novices to help them pass the Lord’s trial.

Official support included two-three star soldiers who are adept at defending cities, trap blueprints, defensive buildings, and the like.

Mu Yuan was drooling at the sight, let alone Old Brother Mai Wa and Liver Emperor.

Liver Emperor, who seemed on the verge of dying, revived and began to dig for information.

The lady guide explained, “There are two stages to the resource assessment, the written test and the combat test. The written test assesses players’ operational command level, the combat test assesses players’ fighting powers and on-the-spot performance.”

“Because the purpose of the resource assessment is to test whether players have potential, and the possibility of passing the Lord’s trial, the test is set six days later, which is the first Sunday after players get their game qualifications.”

“This not only tests the players’ level but also leaves enough time for players to make full use of these resources.”

“However…” The lady guide shook her head, “The competition for this resource assessment is very intense, it’s not easy, or rather very difficult to secure a place, because Lord players are only a minority among the player community, only a few can make it through the trial and firmly establish themselves on the vast Eternal Continent.”

Hearing the guide’s words, Old Brother Mai Wa and San Ying couldn’t hide their disappointment.

“So we need at least three or four three-star soldiers, and train our main soldiers to level 4 or 5 to stand a chance of obtaining a spot? Isn’t that too hard? No, it’s absolutely impossible for us ordinary players!”

As expected, official support benefits are not that easy to get!

Old Brother Mai Wa widened his eyes.

Mu Yuan pondered, he already had three three-star skeleton soldiers, and if he put in some effort, by the time of the test he would have more than three rare soldiers.

At that time, should he put out a rare soldier or ten three-star soldiers?

That’s a tough decision.

Really tough.

Pondering, Mu Yuan sighed along with the other players, “Yeah, it’s really too hard, there’s simply no way out for average people like us.”

Old Brother Mai Wa patted his shoulder, trying to comfort him, “Don’t be disheartened, bro. After all, we’re fortunate enough to be players, which already puts us ahead of many others.”

Didn’t expect this old brother Mai Wa to be quite amiable. But he had already set his mind on being one of the hoarders.

Under the guidance of the young lady tutor, they quickly completed the identity registration.

The process wasn’t too complex.

The officials didn’t require players to fill in their territories’ info, the type of troops they have. Of course, players have the option to do so, some of them wrote detailed information just like resumes, aiming to join official organizations.

After finishing the identity registration, the forum features were officially open to players.

At this point, Liver Emperor wished to excuse himself, planning to go back home and continue his grinding in the Supernatural Game.

Mu Yuan also wanted to go back and grind, but since he was already here, he thought he might as well take a tour and gather some intel to aid his adventuring.

And, furthermore,

“Is that a trade market ahead?”

“Yes, with the influx of newbies, many old players flock here too, so the market has been livelier than usual these days.”

So they headed towards the market.

Mu Yuan had the idea of swapping out some of his Remnant Souls. Seeing the market stimulated him. It was the other new players’ first time seeing all these, it piqued their curiosity.

A trade market… Would they get to see veteran players trading, even the legendary auction scene?

The thought tickled their excitement.

However, upon entering the market, the new players became silent when they saw the various stalls.

“A must-have suit for new player’s first camping, come to check out the discount!”

“Huge sale on Remnant Souls for a bargain, accepting Soul Sand or Xuan Country Coin for payments.”

“Deal of the day for new players, cheap Little Skeleton Remnant Soul! Don’t miss out!”

Mu Yuan: “…”

The ambiance is a bit off.

In his mind, the scene should be old players bringing out their treasures with great solemnity, for identification and trade, with exorbitant sums being tossed around. So why do nine out of ten stalls cater to new players? Are old players normally this friendly?


When Mu Yuan reached Booth No.9, his eyes lightened immediately. It was the Little Skeleton Remnant Soul he had been wishing for!

Seeing his buying intention, the boss immediately became more enthusiastic and kept calling him over.

“Come over, young man, let me introduce you to this Little Skeleton Soldier.”

“Many see the Little Skeleton as a weak type of soldier, but that’s a grave misconception. Yes, the Little Skeleton isn’t strong, but it is, after all, a one-star soldier. To me, the Little Skeleton is definitely the top-tier within the one-star soldiers. And why is that? Let uncle here explain to you.”

“The Little Skeleton does not need to consume food, does not need to rest, it can follow a lord’s command to do any tough task… and these advantages are precisely what newbies need the most. Think about it, as newbies, you don’t have many troops, if the troops also need to rotate shifts, wouldn’t you be desperately short-handed?”

This seems to make sense?

Some newcomers were intrigued, showing signs of being moved.

The tutor lady was about to speak but in the end, held her tongue.

The veteran players at the surrounding stalls, on the other hand, snorted disdainfully. Yes, everything that old Zhang said were indeed the advantages of a Little Skeleton, but he didn’t mention any of its faults, as Little Skeletons are characterized by rigid fighting style, slow movement speed and they bear poor compatibility when teamed up with other types of soldiers.

Why else would there be an expression comparing the Little Skeletons and Goblins to the crouching dragon and sleeping phoenixes?

They wouldn’t point it out. Just like old Zhang, they are trying to make a quick buck off the new players.

No need to worry about the newbies not having money. Yes, they can’t produce Soul Sand or treasures, but there’s always Xuan Country Coin.

Even old players need to make a living, right now is the best opportunity for them to clear out their unsold inventory.

Seeing Mu Yuan had a serious buying intention, Boss Zhang said, “I know you newbies are short on Soul Sand, and can’t produce anything else right now, so how about this. I’ll lose out a bit and accept Xuan Country Coin.”

But buying Supernatural treasures with Xuan Country Coin, even the most common ones, always meant you had to pay a hefty premium.

It’s not something an ordinary family could afford.

Old Brother Mai Wa glared at Mu Yuan: You promised to be a poor guy with me, but now you turn out to be a Whale? I misjudged you!

“Er…” Mu Yuan paused, then cautiously asked, “You only accept Xuan Country Coin? Can’t I trade anything else, like a Remnant Soul?”

Boss Zhang: “???”

Eh? Hold on, you actually have more Remnant Souls (°ο°)?

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