My Mother-in-Law is Reborn [Seventies]

Chapter 76

Chapter 76

The potential of a person is limitless.

Zhuang Zhixi felt that even when he was a child and secretly followed his older brother and sister, he had never run this fast. But thinking that ahead lay pig trotters, he felt that he could still manage to push himself a bit more, or even twice more. After all, those were rare pig trotters, something they couldn't usually buy.

The two of them were panting heavily, though in reality, it was just Zhuang Zhixi who was panting. Ming Mei's breathing was steady and strong.

Working in the medical office, Zhuang Zhixi was more of a slacker compared to Ming Mei, who spent her days selling tickets on buses, constantly walking up and down. However, this didn't dampen his enthusiasm. He quickly followed his wife, and the two of them finally reached their destination.

It was undeniable that their speed had played a significant role.

When they arrived, no animals had shown up yet. Of course, it might also be because there were no fierce animals like tigers or wolves on this mountain. Zhuang Zhixi quickly picked up the four pig trotters and the pig tail, placing them in the basket. He was so excited that he almost wanted to dance: "Oh, look at our luck! Did we just score a jackpot?"

Ming Mei couldn't help but laugh. "Of course."

This time, they had truly encountered something good—something that was hard to come by. It was rare to hear of anyone being so lucky as to score such a great find. The joy of scoring a jackpot was beyond imagination.

Zhuang Zhixi looked around and remarked, "They must have been here specifically to hunt this wild boar."

Ming Mei: "How do you know?"

Zhuang Zhixi: "Look at the surroundings. It's perfect for ambushing, and those kids brought such dangerous things up the mountain. They must have been well-prepared."

Ming Mei observed and nodded in agreement with Zhuang Zhixi's words. She sighed, "I think..."

Zhuang Zhixi: "Hmm?"

Ming Mei: "They were probably here to kill the wild boar, and it has nothing to do with us. It's best that the wild boar was taken down. Otherwise, such a fierce creature could easily injure people. Mother often goes up the mountain, and if she encountered it, it would be bad. Fortunately, it's been taken care of."

Zhuang Zhixi: "Exactly."

The two of them relaxed. At that moment, Zhuang Zhixi's eyes suddenly wandered. He said, "Wife, do you think they can carry it?"

Ming Mei: "I doubt it."

This wasn't about looking down on them. Although today they encountered five young boys, they all looked quite young. Even if they took turns carrying the wild boar, it wasn't some small pig. Even Ming Mei could tell that the wild boar must weigh over 200 pounds.

Carrying it for a while might be fine, but getting it into the city would be quite challenging.

Ming Mei hesitated and said, "What are you thinking?"

Truly, a wife knows her husband best.

She stared at Zhuang Zhixi: "You're not thinking of continuing to score another jackpot, are you?"

Zhuang Zhixi: "Why not?"

He rubbed his hands together: "I think they'll get tired and probably cut off the pig's head. Even though it's not cut now, I think they'll give up on the head sooner or later."

Ming Mei: "But what if we get seen by them?"

Young people have a lot of energy, and if a conflict arises, it wouldn't be good.

She wasn't afraid of fighting, but beating up bad people was one thing; picking on kids was another.

Zhuang Zhixi: "We'll quietly follow behind. After they cut off the head, there's nothing else to cut. We'll pick up the head and leave."

Ming Mei made the decision: "Let's do it."

The two quickly followed the footsteps. These boys were heading directly down the mountain, but they weren't taking the same path up the mountain as Ming Mei and Zhuang Zhixi. Instead, they were taking another route. Zhuang Zhixi and Ming Mei followed closely. Ming Mei: "Hey, look."

She pointed and saw a clump of wood ear mushrooms.

Ming Mei: "These are delicious. Let's pick them on the way back."


The two continued to follow. Zhuang Zhixi: "If we go down this way, it's a bit farther from the city."

Ming Mei: "Maybe they're not kids from the city?"

Zhuang Zhixi wasn't sure. He said, "Who knows? Looking at their clothes, they should be. But never mind, let's not worry about them. We... hey, look, the pig's head!"

Their prediction was correct. By the halfway point on the mountain, the pig's head had already been cut off. It seemed they had taken a long time to do it, as the marks were still fresh. The two decisively scored another jackpot.

Ming Mei was thoroughly satisfied. Although they hadn't hunted the wild boar themselves, being able to pick up so many good things without doing anything was quite a joy.

Zhuang Zhixi: "If we could meet kids like this every time we go up the mountain, I think we could live a good life without doing anything."

Ming Mei teased: "You're dreaming."

Of ​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​​​‌​‌‌​​​​‌​​‌‌​​​‌​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​​‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌​​​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌‌‌​​​​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌​​​​‍course, he was dreaming.

Such good fortune only comes once in a blue moon.

This was because the boys were young. If they had been hunters or villagers, they wouldn't have had a chance to score such a find.

"Let's go. We'll head back."

Swish, swish, swish.

A sound came from nearby. Ming Mei immediately said, "There's movement."

A wild chicken appeared. Ming Mei's hand was faster than her mind. The kitchen knife in her hand flew out and hit the wild chicken, which fell to the ground, instantly dead.

Ming Mei: "Wow, I'm so amazing."

Zhuang Zhixi: "Clap, clap!"

Ming Mei chuckled. The two quickly picked up the wild chicken. Ming Mei said, "See, I told you there were fierce animals around, which is why the smaller animals ran away. Now that the wild boar is dead, the wild chicken came out."

Zhuang Zhixi was puzzled: "Wild boars don't eat wild chickens, do they?"

The two city-bred kids were deeply pondering the question of whether wild boars eat wild chickens.

However, there's nothing that can't be solved by giving up.

It wasn't a big deal, so they quickly stopped thinking about it.

"Let's go back and pick the wood ear mushrooms."

The two quickly headed back.

"It really is true that you can live off the land. Do you think the villages at the foot of the mountain know there are so many good things here?" Ming Mei sighed. Zhuang Zhixi glanced at his wife and said, "Of course they know."

Zhuang Zhixi thought more clearly than his mother on this matter. He said, "There are no villages directly next to this mountain. The closest ones are a bit of a distance away, but not too far. Even so, it doesn't stop them from coming up the mountain. It's a bit far for us city folks, but for them, it's not too bad. They definitely know. Otherwise, where did all the mountain goods sold at the old pigeon market come from? But now, with stricter regulations, everyone is more careful."

Ming Mei agreed with this view, but she also said, "But if they all come up the mountain, why are there still so many good things here?"

Zhuang Zhixi: "This mountain isn't very high, but if only one or two villages come to pick, it shouldn't be completely stripped bare, right?"

Ming Mei: "That's true."

Zhuang Zhixi added, "I even think that the pond our mother found might be known by others. But like us, they don't dare to catch too much. They don't have the conditions. After all, it's not easy to find the right balance."

Catching too much could be accused of overharvesting.

If you try to hide it completely, it's not easy. If you try to sell it on the black market, it's risky. So if others have also found this pond but are taking it slow, that wouldn't be surprising.

Ming Mei: "Well done, Zhuang Zhixi. I think you have a good way of looking at things."

Zhuang Zhixi laughed and said, "That's right. You should know who I am. I'm quite capable."

This man was boasting again, not at all shy. He was quite calm, saying, "I think that although I may not be as strong as you physically, when it comes to using my brain, I'm not lacking at all."

After saying this, he even clapped for himself, laughing, "Hey, aren't we a perfect match—one strong, one smart?"

Ming Mei: "Pfft."

She poked Zhuang Zhixi's shoulder and said, "Stop it, don't be so full of yourself."

"How am I being cheeky? Everything I said is true."

Zhuang Zhixi and Ming Mei finished packing up the last of the wood ears and said, "Let's head back. We've walked quite far, so let's start making our way back."

The distance they had covered was indeed considerable. While they hadn't felt it much during their run and chase, now that they had stopped, the vast distance became apparent. Ming Mei exclaimed, "What a wonderful day!"

She jokingly said, "Do you think if we encountered a venomous snake like last time, we'd strike it rich?"

Zhuang Zhixi: "Don't scare me like that."

He pretended to be frightened, saying, "I'm not as brave as you. Sure, making money would be great, but I prefer a bit more stability. If this kind of thing happened a few more times, I'd be scared to death."

Ming Mei giggled, and Zhuang Zhixi pouted, "Are you laughing at me?"

Ming Mei replied cheerfully, "Not at all."

Whether she was telling the truth or not, only she knew. However, her eyes, brimming with laughter, gave her away. It was clear she was teasing him.

Zhuang Zhixi said "menacingly," "Just you wait. I'll deal with you tonight."

Ming Mei: "Hmph, I'm not scared of you."

Zhuang Zhixi teased, "Then don't beg for mercy."

Ming Mei's cheeks flushed slightly as she said, "When have I ever begged for mercy? I won't stoop to your level."

Zhuang Zhixi: "Hehe."

Ming Mei: "Hmph."

She pouted, "What do you mean by that? You're 'hehe'-ing at me."

This laugh sounded quite annoying.

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Zhuang Zhixi: "Wife, aren't you being a bit too bossy? I can't even 'hehe' without you getting upset."

He pulled Ming Mei closer and said, "Given your bad behavior, I've decided to teach you a lesson twice tonight."

Ming Mei slapped Zhuang Zhixi's hand, and he pretended to cry out in pain, "You're bullying me like this? Waaah, I knew you were a bad person. Tonight, I'm going to teach you a lesson three times..."

Ming Mei: "..."

This man was truly shameless.

She decided not to engage with him and quickly took a few steps forward.

Zhuang Zhixi laughed, "Why are you walking so fast? Wait for me, wife."

The more he said, the faster Ming Mei walked.

Zhuang Zhixi: "My lovely wife, if you keep this up, I'll have to do it four times..."

Ming Mei was speechless. She stopped and challenged him, "Four times? Are you sure? Are you sure you have the stamina?"

She mockingly looked him up and down and snorted, "You're bragging."

Zhuang Zhixi: "!!!"

He stared at his wife in shock. Had he just been mocked?

Well, he couldn't let this stand. He declared firmly, "Tonight, I'll show you!"

With a fierce expression.

Ming Mei: "Hehe."

She let out a cold laugh.

Zhuang Zhixi: "Hey, you can doubt my laziness or my stamina, but you can't doubt my abilities."

Ming Mei: "Heh."

Her laugh was incredibly mocking.

Zhuang Zhixi: ...He couldn't stand this. As a man, you could say whatever you wanted about him, but you couldn't say he wasn't capable. He was definitely capable, as he had proven himself before. He felt very wronged and wanted to prove himself again.

"When we get home..."

He couldn't prove himself right now, so he could only make empty threats.

Ming Mei: "Comrade Zhuang Zhixi, as a... oh, forget it~"

Suddenly, Ming Mei darted past Zhuang Zhixi and shot off like a rocket. Her movements were incredibly fast, like a rabbit on the run. Ming Mei dashed forward, and Zhuang Zhixi quickly followed. In a few quick steps, Ming Mei had captured their prey—a wild goat.

Ming Mei held the goat down and called, "Quick, come help!"

The wild goat wasn't as quick or agile as a wild chicken or rabbit. It hadn't managed to escape much when Ming Mei pounced on it. She quickly grabbed some willow branches and tied it up.

There were plenty of willow trees on the mountain, which was quite convenient. At least when encountering a prey, they had something to use.

Zhuang Zhixi quickly helped his wife tie up the goat. Both of them were a bit disheveled, but the joy of their catch was overwhelming. Ming Mei shook Zhuang Zhixi's arm and exclaimed, "We're rich, we're rich!"

Zhuang Zhixi nodded, fully agreeing. He muttered, "Our luck is really good, isn't it?"

Ming Mei pointed to her nose and said, "It's my luck."

Zhuang Zhixi agreed with this. His mother had been to the mountain many times, and even his sister-in-law had gone with her, but they had never had such a big catch. However, every time Ming Mei went to the mountain, she had great luck.

Moreover, it seemed that this luck was exclusively Ming Mei's. For example, if it were him, his mother, or his brother... they probably wouldn't have been as quick or skilled as Ming Mei in capturing a venomous snake or a wild goat.

They might not even have been able to spot a wild boar's hoofprint, let alone catch one.

Their estimation of the location and the actual spot could be vastly different.

But with Ming Mei around, everything was different.

Ming Mei had an impeccable sense of direction and could navigate the mountain paths easily. Her high combat skills also made her a reliable partner. Zhuang Zhixi, who was less skilled in this area, felt very safe and secure by his wife's side.

"Wife, you're amazing."

Ming Mei: "Of course I am."

She was so proud she could hardly contain herself. "I didn't expect my luck to be this good. Who knew this silly goat would just pop out like that?"

Although the wild goat had only briefly shown itself, Ming Mei had spotted it instantly. Her eyes were like magnifying glasses, always sharp and accurate.

Ming Mei chuckled and said, "Let's go. Today, we're going to have a great feast and decide how to handle this goat. Should we kill it or keep it alive?"

Zhuang Zhixi: "We have to kill it. There's no place to keep it, and if you try to raise it in the yard, you can bet someone will report you."

He was quite clear about this.

It wasn't that people were inherently malicious, but everyone was like this.

Where did this goat come from? How did it end up here? People were very suspicious.

Ming Mei frowned, "But if we kill it, with this hot weather, it won't keep well."

Zhuang Zhixi: "Let's leave it to Comrade Zhao Guihua when we get back. I wonder if providing such a big wild goat will exempt us from paying our living expenses for a few months. Didn't we agree that small game like wild chickens and rabbits would be shared, but bigger catches like this would belong to the individual?"

Ming Mei laughed, teasing, "Oh, look at you. Once you got married, your loyalty shifted."

Zhuang Zhixi: "How is that shifting loyalty? Isn't my sister-in-law looking out for herself too?"

He spread his hands, "I'm married now, so of course, I have to think about my own family."

Ming Mei chuckled softly, "You're... something else."

She scratched her head as they walked, "Do you think your mom will think I've corrupted you?"

Zhuang Zhixi stood tall and confidently said, "That's impossible. My mom knows what kind of person I am. If anything, it's me who's corrupting you, not the other way around. To be honest, in other families, they might blame the daughter-in-law, but you can rest assured with my family. My mom might have a bad temper, but in this regard, you can trust her completely. She knows me better than anyone."

Ming Mei: "You're quite proud of yourself."

Zhuang Zhixi: "Why shouldn't I be? I'm not doing anything wrong."

Ming Mei: "That's true."

Everyone looked out for their own family.

They were doing fine now, but once they had kids, everything would cost money.

Ming Mei scratched her head, recalling her mother-in-law's words—children were money-sucking monsters.

Ming Mei didn't fully understand, but she was greatly impressed.

This was the reality of raising children—it was expensive.

As Ming Mei and Zhuang Zhixi walked back along the path, Ming Mei spoke softly. Don't let her strong combat skills fool you; she still had a bit of her mother's gentle nature. She spoke in a soft, sweet voice that made her seem easy to take advantage of, but anyone who knew her even a little bit understood the truth.n/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

In these times, there were no truly weak people.

Ming Mei: "Do you think they'll have any luck?"

Zhuang Zhixi was quite reasonable: "My dad will definitely catch something. He has a knack for fishing, and there are plenty of fish in this pond. He won't come back empty-handed. As for the others... I'm not so sure. My older brother and sister-in-law have been to the mountains many times, but they've always followed my mom's lead. If they're on their own, I can't predict how well they'll do."

He spoke frankly: "Wild rabbits and chickens are hard to catch. My mom managed to catch some before because she used a strategy. You caught yours because of your speed and precision. But my older brother and sister-in-law... to be honest, I don't have much hope for them. They'll probably just pick some wild fruit. Look, they're taking advantage of me again. I may complain a lot, but I'm the one who always ends up losing out. Can't a person who loses out complain?"

Ming Mei chuckled softly.

Zhuang Zhixi: "I used to take advantage of him when I was a kid, and now I've paid him back in full."

He sounded quite resentful.

Ming Mei looked at Zhuang Zhixi in surprise and said, "What did you do when you were a kid? Come on, tell me so I can laugh."

Zhuang Zhixi: "..."

Ming Mei: "Tell me, tell me."

She really wanted to know about Zhuang Zhixi's childhood.

Zhuang Zhixi: "When I was a kid..."

He drew out the words, and Ming Mei urged, "Go on."

Zhuang Zhixi laughed and then said, "I was actually a good kid."

No one believed that.

"I really was a good kid. I didn't cause much trouble, but I was pretty clingy with my older brother and sister. They were older, so they didn't like having me as a tagalong, but I always managed to keep up. They couldn't shake me off no matter what. Back then, our family was poor, and there wasn't much to eat. My brother and sister would often find ways to get food outside. Come to think of it, Hutou is a bit like my older sister. She would eat anything, even wild vegetables, and once almost got food poisoning. Luckily, it was just a scare and she was fine. They would pick fruit, catch sparrows, or get a small fish from the river, and they never ate alone... not that they didn't want to. Those two always tried to sneak a bite, but they could never escape my sharp eyes. I was always sticking to them, so I usually got most of the share. If they didn't give it to me, I would cry. They ended up splitting a small portion between them, and I got the larger share. If I didn't get my way, I would cry, and my older brother and sister would get scolded because of me."

Ming Mei: "..."

This kid really seemed a bit annoying.

"When I was little, my mom would divide the food equally among us. Every time she did, I would quickly stuff my share into my mouth and then look pitifully at my older brother and sister, with tears in my eyes. I would act as miserable as possible. My older sister saw through my tricks after a few times and started stuffing her food quickly too. But my older brother... every time, he would give me half of his share. Later, when he got older and could find food on his own, I ended up taking even more advantage of him. Hehe."

He sighed, "My older brother was really good to me before he got married."

Ming Mei: "So you don't like your sister-in-law because you're jealous. You're jealous that she took your brother away from you."

Zhuang Zhixi pouted: "I'm not like that."

Ming Mei: "You totally are."

Zhuang Zhixi chuckled: "I'm really not. I may be a bit petty, but you can't say that about me. It's hurtful."

Ming Mei grinned: "Are you sure?"

Zhuang Zhixi spoke firmly: "Of course not. The main reason is that she has no boundaries when it comes to helping her family and even tried to scheme against me. Otherwise, I wouldn't care. Honey, you can't misunderstand me."

Ming Mei: "I didn't."

As they walked and talked, the journey didn't seem long at all.

Ming Mei and Zhuang Zhixi had a fruitful day, and Zhuang Zhiyuan's prediction turned out to be spot on. Zhuang Zhiyuan and Liang Meifen didn't catch any game, but they still had a decent harvest. Besides picking a lot of wild cherries, they also found a large patch of mushrooms, though they were just the common kind.

Still, it was quite good. After all, as long as they weren't poisonous, they could eat them.

Mushrooms were a great find. In the winter, fresh vegetables were scarce and mostly limited to cabbage and radishes. They had learned how to make pickled cabbage from Auntie Wang, which added another dish to their menu.

But mushrooms would be a nice addition. They could be stewed in the winter, offering a change of taste.

The couple picked for a long time and then, under the sun, headed back. Zhuang Zhiyuan was in high spirits: "I bet our harvest is even better than Zhixi's."

He was unusually chatty: "Last time they caught a wild chicken and rabbit, he bragged about it to me at least ten times. I don't believe they'll always be so lucky. This time, it's our turn to brag."

His smile was radiant, but Liang Meifen wasn't as optimistic. She whispered, "I think Sister-in-law Ming Mei is quite capable."

Zhuang Zhiyuan: "Yeah, I know that, but they have to come across the animals first. I don't think there are that many wild rabbits on the mountain. We haven't seen a single one all morning."

Liang Meifen: "Uh..."

She timidly said, "I saw one. It dashed by so fast, it was gone in a flash."

"Hmm? Did you?"

Zhuang Zhiyuan hadn't seen it, but Liang Meifen had. The rabbit had moved like a sprinter, vanishing in an instant. Before she could react to chase it, it was already out of sight.

She was quite frustrated.

"Yes, it was too fast. We didn't even have time to react before it was gone."

"See? It's not easy to catch."

Liang Meifen: "..."

But, but, for Ming Mei, wasn't it easy to catch?

Liang Meifen wanted to argue, but seeing her husband so cheerful, she swallowed her words.

She was conflicted. On one hand, she hoped Ming Mei and Zhuang Zhixi had a big harvest so they could benefit from it. But on the other hand, she didn't want them to have a big harvest because... she glanced at her husband. He would be disappointed, wouldn't he?

Seeing him so happy now, she really didn't know what to hope for.

Zhuang Zhiyuan and Liang Meifen walked back together. Compared to Zhuang Zhixi and Ming Mei, who chatted all the way, they were much quieter. This was the difference between an old married couple and a newlywed one. As for Zhao Guihua and Old Man Zhuang, who were even older, they were quite harmonious.

They had their tasks divided, and after a morning's work, both Zhuang Zhiyuan's and Zhuang Zhixi's families had good harvests, and their side was no exception.

Old Man Zhuang caught quite a few fish, and Zhao Guihua roasted some, giving each child one. The fish had many bones, so Zhao Guihua carefully watched the two kids eat. After they finished, she didn't give them more. However, for the kids, getting a fish as a snack for picking up some firewood and wild vegetables was quite a treat.

Hutou asked cheerfully, "Granny, what should we do with the fish we caught at home?"

Zhao Guihua: "We'll roast one each for lunch today, and the rest we'll take home to make dried salted fish."

Hutou nodded happily: "Salted fish is good too."

Zhao Guihua looked at Hutou and thought how easy it was to please kids these days. As long as there was food, everything was fine. Hutou got married quite late. When his child was born, she was already quite old and couldn't take care of the baby. By the time the child could run, jump, and eat on their own, it was already the 1990s.

She couldn't take care of the child, but she lived with Hutou, and his wife hired a nanny because she couldn't manage alone.

Even with several people taking care of the child, mealtime was always a struggle.

The child wouldn't eat this, wouldn't eat that.

Just for eating, little Hutou got scolded a lot.

It was a struggle to get kids to eat these days. Life had gotten better, and it seemed like kids had started to become picky eaters. Now that times were tough, kids would eat anything. Zhao Guihua barely noticed in the corner of her eye that Xiao Yanzi was up to something and shouted, "Xiao Yanzi!"

Xiao Yanzi, who had been about to pop some wild greens into her mouth, dropped them instantly to the ground.

Zhao Guihua sighed and tapped her forehead. "What are you doing eating that?"

Xiao Yanzi's eyes sparkled. "I just wanted to taste it."

"Eating it raw like that will upset your stomach. You need to blanch it and dip it in sauce at home." Zhao Guihua was exasperated. She couldn't take her eyes off these kids for a second before they started shoving things into their mouths. "Don't you remember what happened to your brother when he ate those wild berries by the road? He ended up in the hospital. If you don't listen, you'll end up there too, taking the nastiest medicine and getting the most painful shots."

Xiao Yanzi's face turned serious immediately. "Xiao Yanzi will be good. Xiao Yanzi won't eat random things."

Zhao Guihua continued, "If you get sick, you'll get shots."

Xiao Yanzi instantly became well-behaved. No kid liked taking medicine or getting shots.

"Besides, if you fill up on this now, what will you do when there's meat for lunch?" Zhao Guihua had a bit of blind faith in Ming Mei. "Maybe they'll come back with a wild chicken or rabbit. Do you like meat or grass better?"

Xiao Yanzi was decisive. "Meat!"

She wasn't a little rabbit; why would she like grass?

She loved meat, especially rabbit meat.

The little girl's mouth watered as she swallowed hard, and Hutou also started to daydream.

They hadn't been idle this morning. They had helped dig wild greens, gather firewood for lunch, and done many other things. If it weren't for the grilled fish they had eaten halfway through, he would be starving by now.

Hutou patted his stomach and said, "Grandma, when are we having lunch? I'm hungry."

"Xiao Yanzi is hungry too."

Zhao Guihua replied, "Wait a bit. They haven't come back yet. Those guys have been out for quite a while."

"Mom, we're back!" Zhuang Zhiyuan and the others arrived first. Seeing Zhao Guihua, they excitedly showed off their haul. "Mom, look at our good catch! We got a lot of mountain cherries and mushrooms. If we dry these mushrooms, they'll be perfect for stewing with chicken."

Zhao Guihua exclaimed, "Oh, that's great!"

Hutou asked, "Dad, where's the chicken? Chicken, chicken?"

Zhuang Zhiyuan: "..."

Who would have thought that his own son would be the one to call him out? What a disappointment.

"The chicken... we'll get it later."

Hutou looked suspiciously at his dad. He wasn't a four or five-year-old easily fooled child anymore.

Zhuang Zhiyuan coughed awkwardly. "What are you looking at? Do you have a problem? There are no wild chickens in the mountains. Even if there were, do you know how hard it is to catch them? They're not like domestic chickens; wild chickens are tough. They don't just run; they can fly. It's incredibly difficult to catch them. It's not that we didn't try; there just aren't any."

"What's not there?" Zhuang Zhixi's voice came from behind, and they returned almost at the same time as Zhuang Zhiyuan, though from a different direction.

"Uncle, my dad said there are no wild chickens in the mountains. I... huh?"

Hutou's voice trailed off.

Everyone's gaze froze.

It was Zhao Guihua who reacted first, exclaiming in surprise, "Where did you get a goat from?"

She was utterly shocked.

There were goats in these mountains?

She remembered hearing in her previous life that there wasn't much in these mountains.

Where did this rumor come from?

She stared in disbelief at her youngest son and daughter-in-law, her gaze finally settling on Ming Mei. "Where did you catch it?"

Not "you," but "you."

As a mother, she knew her son well.

It couldn't have been Zhuang Zhixi; it must have been Ming Mei's doing.

Ming Mei replied, "In the mountains, of course. We went quite far, hehe."

Zhao Guihua couldn't help but give her a thumbs up. "You're really something."

Hutou and Xiao Yanzi looked at each other, murmuring, "Are we going to have goat to eat?"

Zhao Guihua nodded. "Yes, we'll have goat. Isn't your auntie amazing?"

Hutou and Xiao Yanzi nodded quickly, gazing at their auntie with admiration, thinking she was the most amazing person in the world. No one else could compare—not their mom, dad, or even grandpa.

Well... Grandma could be amazing too, but she didn't catch the goat, so Auntie was still the best.

Hutou asked, "Auntie, are you a fairy?"

Ming Mei grinned proudly, lifting her chin. "If you want to say that, I won't object."

Her smug expression made everyone laugh. Zhao Guihua sighed, "This goat is really something."

She was rummaging through the baskets when she suddenly saw a big pig's head. This startled Zhao Guihua.

Zhuang Zhiyuan peeked over. "What the...!"

Even a gentleman couldn't help but swear.

"Where did this come from?"

Zhuang Zhixi perked up, immediately launching into the story of how they found the wild boar, got scared, and were about to leave when they heard a loud noise. He was a great storyteller, turning a simple event into a thrilling tale that had everyone wide-eyed.

Zhao Guihua asked, "So, did a few guys with guns take it down?"

Zhuang Zhiyuan added, "They couldn't carry it, so they chopped off the limbs and head and left it?"

Liang Meifen exclaimed, "What a waste! Such good stuff!"

Old Man Zhuang, who had stopped fishing, genuinely marveled, "You guys sure have great luck."

The two kids didn't understand much, but they knew that someone had left this behind. Their big, confused heads wondered why anyone would leave such delicious meat behind. Could it be that there were people in the world who didn't like meat?


Everyone was shocked, each with their own thoughts.

But Zhao Guihua thought even more.

Based on the description, it sounded a lot like the group of young men from the big compound who, in her previous life, had discovered a fishpond and caught a lot of fish, then proudly marched into the city.

It wasn't just a guess; there was solid evidence. First, the timing was about right—it was around the same time in her previous life. Second, these kids were quite boastful, just like the ones from her past. Most people would keep such good fortune to themselves, but these guys loved to show off, proudly taking the bus and telling anyone who asked about their luck. This had led to the area being quickly depleted.

If just one or two, or even ten or eight people came to catch fish, it wouldn't have much impact. Like Zhao Guihua and her family, who came every day near the end of the year, catching fish for almost a month and selling them, it didn't dry up the area.

It was only when large numbers of people came—city folk, rural folk—that the fish were all caught, even the small fry, turning the pond into a dry basin.

This time, if they returned so proudly and were seen, more people would likely come into the mountains.

Even if they didn't show off, if others saw the pond and knew there were fish... it might end up the same as her previous life.

Regardless, Zhao Guihua was determined. "We have to catch as many fish as we can today. Old Man Zhuang, from tomorrow on, you and I will come here to fish. If necessary, we'll set nets. We have to catch as many fish as possible."

Liang Meifen didn't quite understand but nodded obediently.

As for her husband Zhuang Zhiyuan, he was the type who didn't understand but still had to ask: "Mom, why are you in such a hurry? It's not good to bring back too much. It's better to take it slow."

Zhao Guihua retorted: "Do you think I don't want to take it slow? If more people start going up the mountain, what's the point of taking it slow? Maybe it'll all end up in someone else's hands."

"More people going up the mountain?"

Zhao Guihua rubbed her forehead. This eldest son of hers, though he looked smart, was actually quite clueless. He always spouted big theories, but when it came to these little details, he just couldn't figure them out. She was speechless, but still explained: "Do you think those few guys carrying a wild boar into the city won't be seen? Once everyone knows there are wild boars on this mountain, there will always be those who are daring. Do you think this pond will stay hidden forever? Now that no one knows, but once more people find out, will this still be ours?"

"Uh, you're right."

Zhao Guihua: "Alright, let's not talk about this anymore. I'll prepare lunch. I brought some flatbreads, let's roast them. Oh... wait, what's this? A wild chicken?"

Ming Mei: "I caught it."

She looked innocent: "One slash, and it was dead."

As soon as she said that, everyone turned to look at Zhuang Zhiyuan.

Little Hutou's expression was the most subtle. He said, "Dad, weren't you saying wild chickens are hard to catch?"

Zhuang Zhiyuan: "..."

Xiao Yanzi chimed in: "Dad lied!"

Oh, child, why are you exposing your own father?

That's your dad!

Zhuang Zhiyuan's face turned bright red.

Major embarrassment.

Zhao Guihua: "Let's roast the wild chicken."

The worst thing about this weather is that anything spoils quickly. But there are also good points. When the sun is strong, if you dry fish, by midday and into the afternoon, you can get them about three-quarters dry.

After four or five days, they'll be completely dry. That's much better than in cold weather.

"Eldest daughter-in-law, you pluck the chicken's feathers; Old Man Zhuang, you help the eldest and third sons slaughter this goat. We'll handle it here and then take it back to the city."

She continued: "I'll handle a few fish, third daughter-in-law, you help me."


Everyone immediately got to work.

Ming Mei also felt a bit uneasy and asked, "Mom, slaughtering the goat here, won't the smell of blood attract any animals?"

Zhao Guihua hesitated for a moment, then looked at the two children and said, "You two, don't just stand there. See that? Some dried mugwort over there, go and pick some."

The two children hurried off. Watching them leave, Zhao Guihua said, "I'll light some mugwort to mask the smell. Plus, this is near a pond, so the smell should dissipate more easily."

Ming Mei: "Mm-hmm."

Zhao Guihua glanced at Ming Mei and said directly, "This goat, by rights, should belong to you and your husband."

She then looked at the eldest son and his wife: "Didn't I tell you this before? If we come across something big, it's yours. Small things like rabbits and chickens go to the family."

Zhao Guihua had mentioned this before, so Zhuang Zhiyuan wasn't surprised. He nodded: "I know. This wild goat was caught by my sister-in-law, we won't take it."

Liang Meifen felt a bit awkward and secretly pinched Zhuang Zhiyuan, but he seemed impervious to pain. Liang Meifen herself didn't dare to object.

Zhao Guihua continued: "But selling it would be a pity. I think we should keep it for ourselves. It might be a bit extravagant, but it's good for our health. Before Zhixi got married, we saved on everything, but now that you're all married, I don't need to be so strict. This goat, your father and I will buy it."

Ming Mei: "Ah?"

Ming Mei quickly shook her head: "How can I take your money? That wouldn't make sense."

Zhao Guihua: "What's the big deal? One thing is one thing. I'm not that kind of biased old lady."

Zhuang Zhiyuan then spoke up: "Mom, we really can't let you pay. If you buy it, it's still for the whole family to eat. How can we shamelessly take advantage of our elders? I think this way: you tell us how much the goat is worth."

Zhao Guihua: "What are you planning?"

Zhuang Zhiyuan: "I'll buy it. As the older brother, I can't keep taking advantage of my younger brother. Normally, we pay the same living expenses, and with two more kids, we're already at an advantage."

Liang Meifen couldn't believe Zhuang Zhiyuan's suggestion and silently pinched him again, but Zhuang Zhiyuan ignored her.

Zhao Guihua looked deeply at her eldest son and felt a mix of emotions. In her previous life, she had tried hard to keep the family harmonious, refusing to split the family, but the brothers ended up with their own grievances and grew further apart. Now that they were technically split, they were actually more peaceful with each other.

It was clear they had no issues with each other. Completely different from her previous life.

Zhao Guihua didn't know what to say. In her previous life, she did a lot and was resented, but in this life, she did less and everyone thought she was fair...

She was a bit speechless but still said, "Since you insist, I'll be fair..."

She looked at the eldest son and decisively said, "Ming Mei, cut a leg off the goat and take it to your family. After all, you caught it."

Ming Mei nodded: "Okay."

Liang Meifen felt bitter inside. She really didn't hold back.

Zhao Guihua: "The rest of the goat, let's price it at fifty yuan. Goat meat is a bit more expensive than pork, usually around one or one-point-two yuan. Plus, you need coupons for it. This goat isn't very big, minus the bones and a leg, the remaining meat should be about forty or fifty pounds. It probably won't reach fifty, but with the bones for soup and the innards, we'll just count it as fifty yuan. This way, it's like we all bought it together. You don't have to feel like you're being filial to me, we have our own money too. But since you're being filial, we'll pay a smaller share, and you pay the bigger share."

She was determined to calculate clearly: "If it's fifty yuan, you each pay twenty, and I'll pay ten. Any problems?"

The two sons and their wives were all stunned, nodding blankly.

"Then Zhixi deducts his twenty, and the eldest, you give twenty to your brother, and I'll give him ten."

Everyone continued to nod blankly.

Zhao Guihua: "So this goat is considered bought together by the whole family. No one is taking advantage of anyone. Zhixi, your older brother isn't taking advantage of you. You're not taking advantage of your older brother."

Zhuang Zhixi: "..."

His mom was still the most cunning. How did she come up with this?

He hadn't even thought of this operation.

Zhao Guihua: "As for the wild chicken, pig trotters, pig head, and pig tail, these small things we won't count."

She said: "You don't have to feel like you're at a disadvantage because you have more game than your older brother. Normally, when I go up the mountain, your sister-in-law helps, and she doesn't complain. But we can't calculate everything to the last detail, or else what's the point of being a family? It would be too cold."

Zhuang Zhixi: "I understand."

Zhuang Zhiyuan: "Mom, we get it."

Zhao Guihua glared: "What do you get? I know you, old woman that I am. Everyone says 'yes, yes, yes,' but in your hearts, you all have your own little plans. I'm just saying this in advance, so you brothers don't secretly curse each other behind each other's backs, calling each other stupid or idiots!"

Zhuang Zhixi and Zhuang Zhiyuan felt greatly wronged.

They didn't do that!

The two looked at each other. Honestly, between them, there were no grudges at all.

This mom of theirs, was she overthinking things?

Too much imagination.

Zhuang Zhixi defended himself: "Mom, I wouldn't think that about my older brother. Besides, when have you ever heard me call someone an idiot?"

That's not even something he would say.

He was truly wronged!

Zhuang Zhiyuan also felt this wasn't right. He wouldn't hold grudges in his heart. His mom must have been watching too many dramas, she was just imagining things. What was she thinking, treating them like that? Poor brothers, they were clean and honest, yet their mom was making them out to be something else.

It was really... so bitter!

“Mom, we really aren’t like that, we’re a family, I…”

“Stop stuttering with your 'I' this and 'I' that. Get to work already.” Zhao Guihua decisively settled the matter, then looked down at the fish. After a moment of hesitation, she said, “We’re not cooking this fish. Let’s just dry it! Since we’ve got this freshly slaughtered lamb, it’s so fresh—let’s have grilled lamb skewers for lunch.”


Everyone was surprised.

Zhao Guihua: “Giving you all some meat, and you’re not happy about it?”


“That’s great.”

Zhao Guihua: “Alright, start working, let’s get this party started!!”

Today is a wonderful day, hey~

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