My Multisystem In Isekai

166 Chapter 166

Like a crocodile swaggering out of the river bank, he arrogantly walked over to Zavier and stopped a couple of meters shy of Zavier. It was just another typical good guy/ bad guy showdown. And of course, with a beautiful woman in the middle of them.

Only this time, it wasn't about a woman. This time is was about something even less meaningful. The boy finally addressed Zavier in a coarse, mocking, provocative tone. Loud enough for everyone else to hear, and subdued enough to sound cool at the same time.

"You there!"he pointed at Zavier with his thick stubby forefinger, as if Zavier didn't know he was the one being addressed here. The boy just wanted to put on a show, he had the eyes of the cafeteria and he knew it.

"How come a loser like you gets to take up extra resources and space in attending this great University's preliminary exams?! Do you not have any regard for this great institution?!"

Zavier chose to remain quiet. All eyes were on him now, watching to see how he would react. What they truly wanted was a spectacle. They all wanted something dramatic from Zavier, so at least they could have something tangible to hold on when they remembered his ineptitude in this moment. So far, all they had was just stories. Being a crowd filled with youth, they were all hungry for some action. The boy knew this, and he played on it deftly.

He stepped forward in a daring manner, and with his tone rising according to the intensity of his emotions, lashed out again at Zavier;

"You know, you've got some real guts kid, I'll give you that for sure! Deep down, you know that you're an absolute loser who has no real chance of making it in the big leagues, and yet, you still weaseled your way in here with your family's resources. What did you this was gonna happen?! Huh?!"

There were some supportive cheers coming from all over the cafeteria now. He had successfully riled up the crowd, and it was only just beginning. Still riding on the wave he had garnered for himself, he continued his assault;

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"You bastard! Did you really think we wouldn't notice eh?! You think you can just stroll in here on the back of your priviledge and just somehow make it without any work?! HUH?!"

The crowd was egging him on even more now. Even those who had been on the fence before now had fully hopped on the bandwagon in the reviling of the poor Zavier. The douchebag had touched a very touchy subject, and it enraged them that they had to work hard to get here, and the privileged Zavier had gotten in based on his family's connections. He was a symbol of the system that undermined their efforts, and just the mere sight of him disgusted them.

Knowing fully well that he crowd was behind him, the student entered the next gear and began to appeal to the emotions of the crowd by making himself vulnerable with his own origin story;

"Just like most students here..." he pointed to some vague location in the crowd without looking back; "I come from a humble background. I had to work my ass off to get here! I burned the midnight candle studying and practicing!"

As he spoke, he began to pace up and down, creating the illusion that he was in fact doing the most. "Just like everyone else here, WE deserve to be HERE!! But you, because of your selfishness, you have just robbed some poor kid of the opportunity to be here. You!"

The bitterness in his voice was evident. It seemed this was no longer for a the show again. He had chosen to get personal, and it was reflecting in his tone and expression.

"This is a great injustice! Someone out there he lost his or her spot because of you! Someone out there has given up on their dream because of your selfish purpose. I absolutely do not condone this! I don't!"

Behind the student, his other mates cheered him on. They could relate to his pain. It was infuriating. They deeply hated the system that favored the privileged and looked down on the regular work of hard working citizens. So, their hatred increased when they looked at Zavier. The boy was merely amplifying their thoughts. And it wasn't in anyway favorable to Zavier at all.

The boy allowed the background noise to die down for a moment before he spoke a new line of terrible words;

"I hate you for this. You disgust me. Not even because you're a lazy, entitled brat, but because you did this evil thing and thought you could get away with it!" He spat irritatingly.

This were the words of a common man. And the common man would almost always prevail in a bout against the masses. It was just a game of numbers, and the boy was right at home with his kind. Even if there were any privileged students in the background, it was unlikely that they would speak up to identify with their kind. Zavier was bad news. And anyone who willingly tried to associate themsleves with him would get burned. That was just the way it was.

The boy would have made a fine politician if he was a bit older. For his words had incited something of a rebellion. The echo of his lamentations echoed through the crowd, instigating several contestants of this year to begin quarreling Zavier angrily. How could he do such an evil thing? Couldn't he just have accepted his destiny as a nonentity and sat this one out? Wasn't his privilege enough that he had to take away someone else's seat at the table?

They all joined hands to rebuke Zavier for his wickedness. As if they themselves were saints by virtue of their humble backgrounds. This particular subjetwas a very sore one, even for the university itself. Social injustice was a serious issue at Caesar University, and it had been for several decades. The founding fathers of the university had reserved spots there for the only the Elite of the elite in the society.

This tradition had been passed down from generation to generation, such that at some point, even women were forbidden to dare to even dream of attending this citadel of knowledge. But over time, they gradually modernized and disbanded some of this draconian traditions and cultures. Over time, they began to admit and welcome students from several walks of life. It took a while, but the stigma finally died off.

But of course the remains were still there. It was almost as if the shadow of the University's dark past was still looming over it, trailing its every achievement, and shadowing its steps to move forward from its archaic past. Hence, Caesar University and its board did everything possible to avoid being accused of social injustice. That was why every year, they paid law firms big bucks to amend their legislature to suit the times.

So, Zavier's strong case was like a blatant slap on the faces of all the regular-joes working to enter the University by merit. Nonetheless, no one, not one single one of them wasn't cut to the heart. Zavier had been silent all through his whole. Up till this point, he hadn't seen any reason to do indulge them. But he had quickly discerned that this was now a social matter.

If he decided to ignore them and storm out, he would be playing to their narrative of what a stereotyped privileged kid would do. If he also decided to do or say nothing, it was possible that they might misconstrue it as something of impudence. Like he was daring them to do their worst, even though he was clearly trying to avoid trouble at any cost.

There was also the fact that they could very well ruin his life by staging a protest at the University demanding for his head. Even though he was innocent of all the charges, the fact was that it was all about the optics of things. For Caesar University, Zavier's case represented what they weren't willing to gamble on. If at all this matter got to them, Zavier would be cut off like a cancerous tumor.

So, all things considered, Zavier knew that it was best he confront this situation head on. It was a tough crowd, and they were even tougher in spirit. But he was literally faced with no other option right now. He stepped forward, and raised up his hands signalling for peace and quiet. Everyone else saw him, and their curiosity piqued. They were anxious to know what he sounded like. From the stories that went around, it was rumored that he couldn't even speak properly.

Here was a chance for them to see first hand just how useless he was. So, all fell silent as they awaited the privileged boy's first public addresss. Hopefully, he would give them a show. Zavier spoke in a calm and clear tone.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I do not know what you have heard, but I assure you I am not here based on privileged. Not at all, much like you all, I am here because I deserve to be here. Nothing more, nothing less."

A long and awkward silence followed. It was very unsteady, almost as if they had all deliberately planned before hand to make Zavier look and feel stupid. Zavier actually hoped that maybe, just maybe, for a second, they were all reconsidering their stance towards his case. But his hopes came crumbling down with one single laughter.

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