My Multisystem In Isekai

170 Chapter 170

Just thinking about it again made Zavier want to boil over in rage. He remembered the smug boy who had championed this anti Zavier campaign in the cafeteria that evening. Zavier recalled everything with such clarity that he wished he would run into the boy that night so they could finish what they had started. He would be glad to melt the boy's brains in his skull while he made him apologize for his misdemeanor. Zavier was about to go into the pit of dark thoughts.

But he remembered what Shiranui had told him as he escorted her and Nadia back to their respective dorms; she told Zavier that they weren't worth his time, that they were all just bitter. She also said that he didn't owe anyone any explanation, he was his own man, and that was more than enough. More than ever, Zavier ruminated on these words as he tried to calm down. And soon enough, slowly but surely, he began to ease into a more positively objective state of mind.

Shiranui's words took deep root in his mind and began to bring forth fruits. And before he knew it, the light of the truth began to flood through his entire being. His mood hand now progressed from that of agitation to that of self-deprecation. This shift in dynamic came with a fresh mood. Before now, Zavier could see clearly that he had been like a monkey performing in the front of an audience.

He recalled how he had been trying to explain himself to a bunch of people who clearly didn't value him or take him seriously. Zavier chided himself. Why had he been trying so hard to win their approval anyway? Wasn't that a typical monkey behavior? He might have as well put on a top hat, grabbed a stick and danced around, hoping that they would give him a banana. Zavier shook the morbid analogy out of his mind, and stood up.

Hands behind his back, he began to pace up and down as he delved deeper and deeper into his situation at hand. One thing was very evident from all of this; people doubted his true abilities. And his own foolish reaction had been to try and do something to prove that he wasn't what they said he was. Zavier rebuked himself for his foolishness. Now that he was in a much clearer state of mind, he could see that his judgment had been really flawed.

He saw just how stupid it was of him to allow himself to be dragged down to their level and give in to their pressure. Zavier was quick to recognize his weakness in that regard. That was why Shiranui had been watching him closely the whole time. She knew who Zavier was and what he could do. She knew that all the mockers were way below not just her, but Zavier as well. And yet, he had felt the need to gain their approval. What foolishness!

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Based on his reaction to this adversity, if one day, perhaps people doubted his ability to go ahead and consume a whole kilogram of human excreta, would he then go along with the dare and actually do it? All because he was dared to? That was an unforgivable weakness that he couldn't afford to hold on to any longer. This particular unfavorable character trait, if not clipped now, would definitely prove detrimental to his future.

"Come on Zavier!" He encouraged himself as he thought aloud; "You know your own abilities! You alone know how far you've come!"

Since this was an academic world in a capitalist society where individuals were judged by their past records, most definitely, his poor resume would be an issue. And without reasonable doubt, it would be a long standing issue that would probably trail him for a very long time. He would be sure to meet and endless stream of douchebags who would seek to undermine his worth simply because of his past.

Would he handle all of them by punching his way through the whole lot? It was very impractical! And notwithstanding, extremely crazy! Just going through the whole thing in his head made him feel he would definitely be bored if he chose that path. There was also the possibility that he would garner for himself a terrible reputation of not just being a loser, but being a hot-headed one as at that. He would be branded for life. And that was something no one ever came out of just like that.

Rebuilding a reputation from the ashes of the former would be an exhausting procedure. There was simply no telling how long that would take. In fact, it was best not to even consider a future like that.

Zavier stopped pacing up and down and sat down on his bed. His heart was racing from all that walking about and thinking about what his future might be if he continued down that path. He laid down on his bad and crossed his palms on his chest. He separated himself from all the negative thoughts and self-rebuke. He went back to the genesis, where it had all began.

The fact was that he had been reborn here again to enjoy his life. He had been given a second shot at life- a chance that not too many people were fortunate enough to get. This time, he couldn't afford to get into any kind of trouble again. He of all people knew that life was way too short to be worried about what anyone else had to say.

So, from that moment henceforth, Zavier decided he was done explaining himself to anyone else again. He would focus instead on the things that mattered- the people he cared about and his ambitions. Zavier leaned back in his bed and smiled. In a way, he was grateful for this particular setback. It was the kick he needed to get back to the drawing board to review the things that mattered the most. Indeed, this situation with his reputation had put things in perspective for him.

After attaining the clarity of mind, Zavier's fatigue finally sent him into a doze. As was Calista's original plan for all her students, Zavier had a sound rest that night.

The next morning greeted Zavier with a fresh sense of purpose and renewed zeal. He went about his morning routine with an extra spring in his step. Zavier was all but skipping on his toes like a young buck. As he bounded down the staircase of his dorm, on his way to the venue of the day's competition, he encountered the first hurdle of the day.

Right at the bottom of the stairwell, reclining on the wall at the base was a male student clutching his school bag. As soon as his eyes fell on Zavier, he adjusted himself and called out to him;

"Great, here comes the loser extraordinaire! I guess you didn't lose much sleep knowing you cheated the system. Pathetic!"

The boy might have been waiting since forever just to find Zavier and spit these words in this face. Zavier didn't blame him, after his weak display yesterday evening, he knew this was only the tip of what was to come. So, instead of explaining himself or trying to be aggressive, he choose a more assertive route and decided to embrace his reputation as his own. Doing so would take away the power of those who thought he would cower.

"I see you were one of those clowns from last night…" Zavier wasn't sure he was there, but there was a very high possibility that he had been at the cafeteria. And Zavier was banking on that possibility.

"So, let me make myself clear; the lead invigilator, Mabel, has a very special relationship with the Adam family- MY FAMILY." He laid as much emphasis on the last part, and then continued in a threatening but calm tone;

"Therefore, if you as much as think of touching a single hair on my head, I will personally make sure you aren't only disqualified, but that you never get into Caesar University for life!"

Zavier watched with delight as the boy's face turned white in shock, he opened his mouth to speak but no words came. Not only had Zavier taken away his weapon of fear, he had also manage to turn it back against him, and make him a prey! It was delightful having to watch the boy squirm. All Zavier had to do now was drive the final nail into the coffin.

"Now get out of my way before you annoy me any further!"

The boy shuffled on his feet a little, and backed away in silent awe. That wasn't the Zavier he had been wanting to take a piece of. He wasn't completely sure what had happened yet, but one thing he knew was that he definitely wasn't going to mess with this obviously well-connected boy! What had he been thinking anyway?! This was the Adam family for heaven's sake! Whatever would happen in the future, he sure as hell wasn't going anywhere near Zavier.

Zavier was exhilarated. He saw now that life wasn't necessarily supposed to be difficult. The key was applying a different tactic to the problem in question. And it had worked beautifully! Zavier was brimming with the euphoric feeling of standing his ground and owning up to his place, it was a gratifying feeling. And he was determined not to allow anything steal his joy or dampen his spirit. He had come into the person he was supposed to be. His inner man had been rejuvenated, and he wasn't going to allow anything tamper with that.

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