My Multisystem In Isekai

Chapter 133 Morale

Logically, the dagger should have fallen somewhere in front of him since he had been attacked from behind with the throwing dagger.

Zavier heard a familiar whistling sound and turned around just in time to see that dagger heading towards him once again. Just as he dodged the incoming dagger, something even more shocking happened. The dagger also turned towards him mid air and whistled towards him again.

Zavier had finally found a troublesome enemy who was capable of threatening him. The force behind the dagger was enough to pierce his blood mist. He had to prepare a strong defense like he was currently using. But the price for that was the loss of offensive capability. Otherwise there would have been too many holes in his defense that the hidden enemy could take advantage of.

Zavier kept an eye on the dagger that was more like a precision guided missile that was going in for a surgical strike to take down the enemy. Unfortunately, Zavier was the ultimate target of the stalking missile.

Zavier inferred that there had to be someone who was manipulating the dagger and was supplying the magical energy to the dagger as it continued to haunt him. There was no other way that the attacker could have manipulated the dagger.

Following that Zavier used his perception skills to the extreme. The gears in his mind turned so fast that they began to heat up as he slowly but surely saw a world that he had previously been unfamiliar with.

He started to see a colorful mist surrounding everything around him. All the skills that were being cast on him were basically made from that rainbow hue. All the students had a cluster of it in their bodies. Even the atmosphere was full of it.

But that wasn't what he needed to see. He was looking for something else.

He followed the trajectory of the dagger and was finally able to sense what he wanted. There was a thin almost invisible thread connected to the back of the dagger. This was similar to the rope dart from his previous life. A rope was connected to the end of the dagger to increase the range of the dagger and to make it even more flexible in both defense and offense.

The principle behind the missile like dagger was the same except that instead of a rope, the thread was made up of mana entirely. The attacker had managed to compress mana so well that he was able to connect it to the dagger to control as he liked.

This way, the attacker was able to manipulate the weapons from a distance like a skilled puppeteer manipulating the mannequins with strings.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

For sure, this was the most troublesome skill that Zavier had come across during this battle. Since he was busy fighting others, the constant attacks and sneak attempts annoyed him to the end.

But the skill itself had a weakness that only some of the skilled mages were able to figure out. Even Zavier hadn't thought of it before and had only figured out when he noticed the thread attached to the end of the dagger. The thread could be followed back to the individual who was manipulating the weapon. Taking down that attacker would definitely allow Zavier to finally take a breather from the constant pursuit.

His eyes hungrily followed the thread that had the attacker at the other end. Soon he was able to uncover the identity of his silent assailant.

Zavier was surprised to find that the attacker was someone he knew quite well. It was none other than Kacie, his cousin.

He had spent so much time with their family but he had still known nothing about the abilities of his aunt Valerie and his cousins Kacie and Nadia. That was the reason that he was being taken by surprise during this competition as well. He had previously been worried about the well being of Nadia, his naughty cousin but then he had come to know of the terrifying ability that she had been hiding behind that innocent facade. The terrible lightning that was obliterating her enemies had left a deep impression on him.

Same was the case with Kacie at this moment. It was too unexpected and too powerful. Adam family's genes really were top notch.

Now that he had determined the identity of the weapon manipulator, Zavier was reluctant to take care of the attacker since it was his own cousin. He couldn't hurt her no matter how much she attacked him.

Faced with a lack of options, Zavier kept backing away from her in an attempt to avoid the barrage of attacks that Kacie launched at him every now and then.

As he started to back away, he kept an eye on Kacie the whole time; in reality he was trying to determine the range in which Kacie could successfully control her weapons. He could save himself by staying away from the control region.

It wasn't very long before Kacie started to move in order to carry out her attacks. Zavier proceeded to maintain the same distance from Kacie which neutralized her attack techniques thoroughly. Since he couldn't deal with her properly, he just stayed away from her.

Meanwhile, the students had organized themselves and were working together to target Zavier and his clones. Zavier could not have that while fighting with such a huge disadvantage in terms of number.

Zavier knew that he had to do something if he wanted to continue mowing down his enemies with ease otherwise it would not have been long before he would be taken down by the combined offensive of his peers.

He rushed up to a small hill that was suspiciously erect in the middle of the clearing. He put his hands on his hips and looked down at the masses with an arrogant demeanor as if he was the king looking down at his subjects. Of course, instead of the king, Zavier was the villain in the story.

Since no one was able to look at his expressions or face due to his mask, his arrogant posture was enough to tell the people of his attitude towards them. He was openly mocking their efforts that had been rendered futile by his overwhelming strength and combat potential.

"Listen up...Ants. Don't go thinking that you can take down a giant just because you are more in number. A single stomp is enough to crush you bugs back to oblivion. Seeing you try so hard to chase after your puny little fantasies makes me want to laugh out loud. Scum should know their place well. Nobody likes a peasant who pretends to be rich by wearing clothing of the nobles because it looks unnatural and out of place. You trying so hard looks very similar to that in my eyes. All your techniques, your magic skills and all your killer moves are child's play in my eyes. Don't embarrass yourselves by harboring thoughts about defeating us with your little strength. You are unqualified. Not to mention the few hundred of you, even if there were a few thousands of you, it still wouldn't make a difference. You want to know why?"

Zavier's voice was echoing around the forest. Zavier was using magic to amplify the sound of his voice and to enhance its range.

Silence took over the battlefield in response to his words.

Nobody had expected that his tongue would be even more venomous compared to his actions, when he started to spew out discouragement for the entire alliance of students. This was a direct attack on their morale and their will to fight.

Zavier didn't care about these individuals any way. It wasn't like the students could actually figure out their identity as long as they didn't get defeated.

Since there was no answer to his question earlier, Zavier proceeded to give them the answer himself.

"Because, you are no different from ants. No matter how many of you weaklings gather together or how much effort each one of you puts in, you won't be able to push back a giant."

This sent most of the tender hearted students into depression and made them feel as if all their efforts were truly futile. This was a planned psychological strike that was targeted at their will to fight and their will to overcome hardships.

Zavier had wanted them to feel helpless in front of the terrifying strength of his team. The result was as he had expected as well.

The drawn weapons fell on to the ground with a clang and some of the students began to run away thinking that it was the best option if they wanted to survive.

Zavier didn't do anything and let these individuals run. He wanted to thin out their numbers any way. The degree of fear that he had planted in their hearts was enough to make sure that not one of them would return to fight against him again.

Even those who were fighting against him despite the picture that he had painted for them were close to succumbing to the pressure of his words.

In times like these good leadership is the only thing that can boost the morale of the group. Zavier was happy that none of the many leaders of the alliance had stood up to take the mantle.

He happily chopped away at his enemies and beat the crap out of many of them easily. With their morale having suffered a blow, their attacks had not been as sharp as before so it was as easy as snatching candy from a little kid.

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