My Nascent Soul Ran Away Again

Chapter 93 - 93: Ancestor of the Blood Sea’s Tragic Dog Life

Chapter 93: Ancestor of the Blood Sea’s Tragic Dog Life

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

In the Demon Emperor City.

“Bark woof! Bark!”

A dark shadow plummeted from the sky, crashing onto the ground.

The Ancestor of the Blood Sea, now inhabiting the body of a stray dog, had never expected to experience free fall after so many years of cultivation. After possessing the dog, he had rushed into the Imperial City at top speed,

Expecting to find orderly buildings or independent cave dwellings inside.

To his surprise, he found himself in a primitive forest instead.

The next moment, the Ancestor of the Blood Sea plunged headfirst into the forest.

Fortunately, the trees were tall and leafy, providing considerable cushioning as he fell.

Unfortunately, due to the speed of the fall, one of his dog legs hit a thick branch and broke.

Whimpering in pain, the Ancestor of the Blood Sea had only enough power to possess a stray dog.

He could not even use his magic to fly.

However, even in a dog’s body, the Ancestor had a wealth of cultivation experience.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

He did not act rashly but lay still.

While circulating his qi and blood, the old demon healed the injured leg with minimal effort.

Correspondingly, the dog’s vitality weakened significantly.

This made the Ancestor feel somewhat hungry, instinctively licking his mouth.


“Gag… ”

An animal! I have been reduced to a mere animal!

The Ancestor of the Blood Sea roared in his mind, feeling utterly humiliated.

He, a mighty Transcendent Stage being, was now relegated to a dog’s body, even licking what it had just eaten…

This is all because of that man named Lu Xuan… Once I seize the opportunity of this Imperial City and return to my peak… I will tear you to pieces!

Hatred filled the Ancestor’s heart.

When he fell from the sky, the Ancestor noticed that in a certain direction outside the forest, there was a group of buildings akin to immortal palaces.

With ethereal mist, spreading clouds, and dazzling golden light.

He speculated that the real Demon Emperor City might be there, and his current location was probably the outskirts of the Demon City.

But first, he needed to find something to eat to fill his stomach.

A stream meandered through the forest, and the Ancestor, hearing the sound of water, knew the stream was nearby.

He ran towards it, crouching at the edge, dipping his head to rinse his mouth.

The water was swift, and the stones were mossy. The Ancestor cautiously squatted there, hoping to spot fish in the water.

Just then, a cold wind swept over from behind.

The Ancestor, startled, instinctively leaped aside, narrowly avoiding the attack.

Looking back at where he had originally stood, a massive black snake coiled menacingly, its head raised and tongue flickering, exuding a fierce aura.

The Ancestor of the Blood Sea did not hesitate and turned to run.

Lu Xuan’s sword strike had rendered him utterly incapacitated; the current Ancestor of the Blood Sea was extremely weak.

In the past, he did not even need to make a move; just the overwhelming pressure of his powerful aura was enough to subdue lower realm cultivators.

But now, with his physical body destroyed, and only a single drop of true blood remaining, his soul was like a flickering candle in the wind, at risk of extinguishing at any moment.

Facing a mere black snake, which couldn’t even be considered a “spiritual beast,” he had to weigh the risks of engaging.

Any injury would require even more of his diminished vital essence to recover.

However, the Ancestor’s desire to flee was thwarted by the black snake’s refusal to give up.

The snake slithered swiftly, relentlessly pursuing the Ancestor.

The Ancestor, limbs flailing, scrambled over slippery stones, desperately running.

The snake was close on his heels, the foul stench almost tangible.

In his panic at the water’s edge, the Ancestor slipped, tumbling into the stream and becoming a drenched, struggling dog.

Gulping water, he managed to float in a doggy paddle, half-submerged.

Fortunately, upon entering the water, the black snake ceased its pursuit, providing some relief to the Ancestor.

But then, something began to move in the water.

A palm-sized green fish, with a disproportionately large head, bit onto the Ancestor’s dog leg.


The Ancestor yelped in pain, losing balance and swallowing more water.

These green fish were peculiar, covered in thick scales with mouths nearly as large as their bodies, filled with razor-sharp teeth.

The Ancestor kicked the green fish away, but more latched on, drawn by the spreading blood, triggering their predatory instincts.

The stream was narrow and deep. In just a few breaths, hundreds of green fish converged and swarmed towards him.

Realizing the danger, the Ancestor swam frantically to the shore. The number of green fish was overwhelming, far beyond his capability to handle.

After a struggle that felt like half a teapot’s time, the Ancestor finally crawled onto the bank, paying a heavy price—

Half of his tail was gone, two legs were mangled, and his rear end was badly bitten, causing excruciating pain.

The Ancestor found a safe spot on the bank, lying down to recover, using up more vital essence to heal.

After his wounds had healed, hunger pangs reminded him of the need to eat.

A frog hopped over, obliviously.

Exhausted and dizzy with hunger, the Ancestor had no choice but to consider it as potential nourishment..

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