My Necromancer Class

Chapter 138 Moving In

[275 exp]

Jay opened another notification as he casually strolled to the adventurer association.

It was a pleasant, sunny morning outside so Jay was simply taking in the view as he began walking up the hill.

The coldness of winter had mostly gone, and it seemed like the forest was coming back to life again as it woke up from its winter slumber.

“Not many days left to hunt those glade deer” he thought as he gazed at the evergreens.

“Well… unless you’re me anyway.” he grinned.

The glade deer’s, which had infra-red vision, would not be able to see his skeletons coming since they didn’t give off any body heat – in fact, most of the forest creatures never saw Jay’s skeletons coming, only realising they were there after a skeletal knife-hand was already implanted into their throats with precision; this rogue medical operation was a success nearly every time.

Most of the time, they couldn’t even warn other animals as the only sounds they made were covered up by a gargling red froth.

Jay’s face turned sour as he soon came to a stop at the edge of the road, noticing the place where he slid down the side of the hill on that fateful day – and then remembering everything that went along with it.

“Bastard… little smirking prick” he thought as he remembered when Matheson passed by in the carriage; Jay was still wanting revenge.

The anger had died down a little in Jay’s heart by now, so he couldn’t be bothered to go out and actually seek revenge – but he would probably still take it if given the opportunity; unfortunately, the more he thought about it, the more he wanted it.

The thought of revenge was like a fire being kindled, it would only want more and more fuel as it blazed wildly – eventually consuming its maker..

Jay had a bitter expression as he continued walking, and for quite some time too; it was like the pleasant, sunny day around him no longer existed.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Thankfully it passed, and soon enough he snapped out of it.

“At least I have started to enjoy dungeons… they couldn’t take that from me.” he nodded with a small half-smile.

“And I’m basically the strongest novice adventurer in Losla, maybe I should be thanking the smug prick” he chuckled.

Jay entered the floating mana-stone gate with a gentle smile, satisfied with how far he had come as he looked for Anya.

Of course, other adventurers immediately started chatting as soon as they saw the local celebrity.

“Hey, it’s him. Looks like he slept in?” one adventurer said off to the side.

“Nah, he probably just got back from a dungeon. Most people his level start slaying before the sun even comes up…”

“Yikes… I barely even get up before lunch time, heh” he shrugged.

Jay ignored their chatter as he went past, heading towards the association – though he didn’t walk too far before he noticed Anya, shooting targets at the archery range.

Jay had a sly smile as he tried to sneak up on her. Other adventurers’ eyes bulged as they saw this – who tries to sneak up on the guild master’s daughter?

Many gave disapproving looks as they watched him, shaking their fingers and their heads – but none said anything.

Jay was getting closer and closer, taking a deep breath as he prepared to screech at her – similar to how the dihexapede squealed.

“Closer… closer…” Jay thought, his mischievous smile getting bigger and bigger.

Until finally he was ready to pounce…

“Hi, Jay.” Anya said casually.

She didn’t even turn around as she released another bolt, hitting a moving target like it was nothing.

Jay immediately stopped crouching, and scratched his head with a slight daze of wonder.

“Hi. Ready to go?”

Anya turned to Jay with a knowing smile, and was now reloading her crossbow.

“Aren’t you gonna talk to Viladore?” she put a bolt in before picking up her crossbow.

“Oh yeah… Uh, just give me a sec. He didn’t say it was training so it will probably be quick.” he shrugged.

Jay quickly headed into the association and greeted Margaret with a smile.

“Good morning,” he smiled.

“Morning dear, how can I help?” she returned his smile.

“Viladore wanted to see me.”

“Sure, take a seat honey.” She went into the room behind her with a wave.


It didn’t take long till she came back out again.

“He won’t be lon-” she looked down the hallway as she heard some steps, “Oh, here he is now.”

“That was quick” she glanced at Viladore as he arrived.

“Oh. Yes.” Viladore shrugged, “Good morning Jay, come with me.”

“Sure, and good morning.” Jay hopped up.

Viladore quickly led Jay to his office, opening the door for him with a smile as he quickly ushered him in. It seemed that he was in a hurry.

“Please, take a seat,” he pointed to an empty seat in front of his desk.

Jay nodded and sat down.

“Viladore seems to really be in a rush today…” he thought, trying to hide his concern with a good-enough poker face.

Viladore darted around Jay and sat behind his desk, opening his drawer and staring at something for a moment before closing it again.

“So, Jay… I have some good news – great news even. An opportunity” he grinned with the toothy smile of an old wizard.

“Oh?” Jay tilted his head.

“I have decided to take you under my wing as my star pupil. Isn’t that great? I’ve arranged a room for you here at the guild, and I’ll be able to give you lessons whenever you would like them.” he smiled, as he put his elbows on his desk and interlaced his fingers.

“Oh…” Jay was still wearing his poker face, not showing any emotion at all.

Viladore lightly exhaled, wondering why Jay wasn’t praising his name right now. Jay really didn’t react how Viladore thought he would.

“Well, I guess staying here won’t be so bad. Is the room free?” Jay questioned.

Viladore had to stop his eyes from bulging at Jay, why wasn’t Jay jumping at the opportunity? Many would perhaps even kill for this.

“It’s 30 gold per night.” Viladore said as his fingers seemed to tighten on his hands.

“Ah, well,” Jay leaned back in the chair, “It’s too bad…” he pursed his lips. Jay really was going to reject the offer – why would he stay there when he could sleep at home for free?

Viladore quickly added as a cold sweat came across him, “B- but for you it’s free, obviously!” he laughed – perhaps a little too loudly.

“Hmm, well ok then… but don’t force me to have lessons, I have lots of things to do.” Jay shrugged.

“What the fuck… what the absolute fuck…” Viladore thought, but continued to smile. Jay was the first adventurer to treat Viladore like a disposable object; he didn’t know how to feel.

After a slight pause, Viladore was ready to speak again.

“Sure,” he said with a shit-eating grin, “just speak to Margaret and she’ll bring you to your room.”

“Awesome. Thanks.” Jay got up with a smile, “Getting to dungeons near here will be way quicker now.”

“You’re not supposed to…. Never mind.” Viladore shook his head, “Welcome.” he nodded while pursing his lips, and politely gestured for Jay to leave.

Viladore was oddly clenching his jaw, but Jay didn’t put too much thought into it as he left.

“What the fuck… I wonder if he was hit on the head as a child? Dammit… now I have to pay for two rooms.” Viladore wore a defeated smile across his face as he opened his drawer once more, staring at his growing black cube.

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