My Necromancer Class

Chapter 83 Ambush 1

Since these strange little things were doing small amounts of damage, Jay didn’t feel like this was a very dangerous situation – he doesn’t need his skeletons, and won’t risk exposing his class for something small like this.

With a nod, he equipped his ossein arming sword and stepped out from behind the tree, raising his shield to block any incoming damage.

*taka taka taka taka*

Jay analysed the turrets.

<[Instinctive Stone Turret]>



[Instinctive Activation] (Passive)

– Can activate without the presence of it’s creator

[Twin Launchers] (Passive)

– 2 damage

– This turret has an extra turret for double damage

<[Instinctive Forest Turret]>



[Instinctive Activation] (Passive).

– Can activate without the presence of it’s creator

[Natural Poison]

– 1 damage

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

– 1 damage per second for 5 seconds (Doesn’t stack)

<[Instinctive Fluid Turret]>



[Instinctive Activation] (Passive)

– Can activate without the presence of it’s creator

[Mana Form]

– 1 damage

– 1 mana burn

“Huh, interesting little things. I’m guessing the stone one is for normal enemies, the forest one for armoured enemies and the fluid one for magic enemies.”

Jay took his time to read through their stats as they continued to shoot against his shield.

“I wonder what would happen if they were made from different plants or rocks?” he thought for a moment before shrugging.

“Oh well.” he gripped his sword with a light smile and went for the rock turret first – it was doing the most damage.

*Thunk* He stabbed down on it, but to little effect.


“Hmm, good thing I have a hammer.” he quickly switched his sword out with his hammer and gave it a harder smack.


The stone turret crumbled and turned into a pile of broken rocks.

“Next,” Jay lightly smiled. This was like a walk in the park for him, and his leisurely walk through the forest wasn’t ruined.

Jay switched back to his sword before approaching the forest turret.


With a single slash the turret was sliced in half, the top fell off and it stopped firing.

“Next,” he seemed bored.

The water turret. Jay decided to have a closer look at this one. It was completely made from water, and clearly it was being maintained by mana somehow.

“Interesting…” he gazed closer, taking a few hits from the water bullets.


[Mana burn – nullified]

“Heh, must be my mana membrane skill. Well, I guess I better end you.” he turned to the turret, stabbing his sword into it.

The water turret deformed for a moment, but quickly reformed and began firing again.

“… nothing happened?”

*flup flup flup* it continued to fire its little water projectiles at Jay’s shield.

“Huh, no damage. I wonder…”

“You’re probably made from mana, so I simply need to attack your mana reserve right?” Jay looked at his shield, remembering a skill that it had.

[Mana burn – Physical contact causes manaloss to enemies]

“You’re not the only one with mana burn” he smiled.

Jay gently brought the shield closer to the turret – and upon contact, the turret deformed.

The turret, of course, tried to reform – only to touch his shield again.

“Stop hitting yourself” he chuckled.

This process repeated a few times, and it didn’t take too long before the turret turned back into a harmless puddle of water.

Jay stood up, looking around at these strange little turrets he just killed.

“Hmm. Weird. I guess it was probably some adventurer testing their skills and forgetting to de…construct them.” He almost said desummon, but realised that wasn’t exactly accurate.

Jay put his sword and back his inventory and used [Shell Restoration] on his shield as he continued to walk through the forest before he put it away again.

Continuing along the path, it curved around a thick patch of trees and bushes – this was when Jay heard a now-familiar noise: the sound of the turrets activating.

Jay ducked behind a tree just as the turrets began firing.

*taka taka taka*

*taka taka taka*

Two stone turrets, one fluid turret and one forest turret began to assault Jay – that was when he heard someone snickering at him from atop a large rock.

“This is what you get” a short man with a proud sneering smile and his hands on his hips spat, he was looking down on Jay as if he was a pig rolling around in mud.

It was Stephen, who Jay publicly insulted before entering the dungeon. Clearly, he was bitter about it – and Jay expected as much.

“Huh, I was wondering if that guy was going to try something, so these turrets must be his” Jay thought as he brandished his sword and shield.

“Guess I’ll have to put him in his place.” he pursed his lips and gripped his sword.

Jay jumped out from behind the tree, immediately running at the forest turret.

*taka taka taka*

A few barbs landed on Jay’s shield as he was running directly towards the forest turret – of course, it would be hard to miss a target running in a straight line towards you.

With a single slash, Jay sliced it in half while maintaining his speed as he continued past it.

For the other turrets, Jay’s movement was too quick, so only a few bullets hit his shield – let alone Jay.

Jay quickly stepped behind another tree before choosing his next target.

Switching to his hammer, he jumped from behind his tree to another tree – slowly getting closer to the twin-turret rocks.

Each of them were placed in front of the large boulder that Stephen was standing on.

Jay dashed at them with his hammer raised high.

*taka taka taka taka taka taka*

Jay blocked every stone spike with his shield and destroyed the first turret with a single hit.


He took a few hits but it was nothing compared to his high health.

Stephen’s eyes bulged seeing Jay end his turrets in one hit – he didn’t even expect that Jay would have a hammer. He started fidgeting as he considered running.

Jay brought his hammer down on the second stone turret, shattering it into rubble before jumping up onto the boulder.

“Wh-what about the water turret?” Stephen thought Jay would finish the turret off before coming for him, but he was obviously only used to fighting monsters.

When fighting monsters in a dungeon, Stephen would be ignored, as the monsters would attack whatever was the biggest threat to them – the turrets.

Stephen had a single dagger he was holding with two hands, pointing it at Jay.

Jay sneered “pathetic…”

And from anyone’s perspective, Stephen did look pathetic. Long gone was the smug look on his face.

Jay ignored the liquid turret, it was only doing 1 damage, while its mana burn was being completely negated.

“What? Not so high and mighty now huh?” laughed Jay. “you only wasted all your time waiting to get embarrassed even further… at least no one is around this time huh?”

Jay did a light shield-swipe with his shield, causing Stephen to fall on his ass as Jay stood over him, looking like an emotionless monster as he calmly spoke.

“You think you’re something but you’re nothing. Wake up to yourself; you’re weak, stupid and pathetic. You seriously thought this would work? Just how dumb are you?”

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