My Necromancer Class

Chapter 96 Vanishing 1

The golden bow was finally stretched all the way back.

*THROOSH~* The arrow released with a deep boom sound from the bow, creating an echo in the room.

A golden arrow of light was released, flying across the room at such a high speed that it almost had no arch.

Strangely, it stopped glowing as it passed through the darkness, though it was flying so fast that it seemed to make the arrow flash.

Finally, it was about to hit the spearman statue in front of Jay.

“Let’s see how powerful this thing is…” Jay thought as this was all happening.

The statue was still in the darkness, and the arrow stopped glowing as it was about to hit the statue.


The arrow suddenly reappeared with its intense glow right before Jay, making a humming noise as it flowed with energy.

Jay instinctively side-stepped and raised his shield.

He did manage to move to the side but it seemed like the arrow was somehow magnetised towards him, changing its course in mid air.

“F~” he couldn’t even finish the thought as it hit his shield.



“ARGH!” he gritted his teeth as the force of the hit sent him flying backwards. He almost lost balance as he fell to his knees.

“Shit.” he almost didn’t have time to raise his shield..

It did three damage to Jay after much of the damage was negated by his shield – though the shield was not looking very healthy at this moment. All the green veins that coursed across it were gone and there were no traces of green necromancer mana flowing through it anymore.

“Dammit, it might break after the next attack” Jay thought, seeing the sorry state of his shield.

Since the skeletons had circled around, they were now fighting the statues in the darkness from either side.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Red and Sweeper were fighting the statue on the left, while Blue and Lamp worked on the right one, leaving the middle one for Jay.

“Why didn’t the arrow hit the statue?” he wondered as he was forced to get back into the fight and keep the statue busy.


Jay got some hits in with the hammer, but the archer statue was already pulling back another shot.



Jay got another hit in, but it would be bad to be fighting while another arrow was coming towards him, so he backed off and prepared.

*THROOSH~* Another arrow released.

Again, the blazing golden arrow flew across the room, flashing as it went in and out of the shadows.

Jay placed himself between a statue and the arrow again, but backed up much further into the light circle.

“This time, I will see what happens…”

The arrow was blazing with light as it passed through the circle behind the statue, then suddenly it entered the shadow and stopped glowing again.

Jay was sure it was on a perfect trajectory towards the statue, but nothing happened.

*VRRrrr~* it began glowing again as it left the shadow and entered Jay’s circle, coming straight towards him.

“Asklin!” Jay activated his boots as he ducked sideways, dashing to the right. This time he was well out of the way of the arrow so he dodged it.

“Damn, it’s too hard to see in the dark when it enters the shadows, my eyes don’t adjust quickly enough…”

“Why does it stop glowing anyway?” he raised a brow.

It didn’t make too much sense to Jay, realising it should have also hit the statues.

“It should have hit the soldiers though… is it simply disappearing? Or completely becoming intangible?”

There was no more time for thinking. Already the statue was pulling the golden bow back again, priming another attack.

Jay connected the dots after the first two attacks and dashed out of the light circle into the shadows on the right.

The middle spearman statue went to fight Blue and Lamp because Jay disengaged; now there was a 2 versus 2, a 2 versus 1, along with the archer statue firing at Jay.

The spearman statue Jay had been fighting wasn’t the only one to act differently.

“Hmm?” Jay gazed at the archer statue in the back. It was no longer pulling an arrow back.

Suddenly, its golden bow disappeared after bursting into particles of light.

The statue stood for a moment, staring at Jay. It somehow seemed like it was annoyed.

Nevertheless, it began to move again. The golden bow was gone – now replaced by a sickly dark-red one.

“Hmm… I think I can guess what will happen next.” Jay decided to let the archer statue fire while he waited.


The dark red arrow crackled with energy as it sped across the room, only reappearing in the shadows now and disappearing in the light.

Jay suddenly jumped into the light with a mischievous grin, he seemed like a kid playing a childrens game.

The statue had already knocked another red arrow, but paused while pulling back on the second arrow of dark-red light. Jay was in the light again.

The red arrow dispersed and the statue seemed dissatisfied. Jay thought he saw its shoulders slouch a little, which only made him grin more devilishly.

The red bow disappeared next, and out came the golden one once more.

Jay smiled seeing this, almost chuckling. He realised that the golden bow would only shoot arrows that would disappear in the darkness, while the red bow would shoot red arrows that would disappear in the light.

“Seems like I’ve found your weakness.” he cunningly glared at the statue which was no longer a threat.

The archer statue had a massive advantage before Jay figured it out, but now it was like child’s play.

The archer statue was as good as defeated, it could only wait patiently for its death – though of course it still fired arrows anyway.

Now the fight would be easy, all Jay had to do was stand in and out of the light to screw with the archer statue while his minions killed the spearmen. It was as easy as a walk in the park.

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Red and Sweeper had finished off their statue, joining Blue and Lamp in the fight against the two remaining spearmen.

The skeletons could easily damage them now that it was 4 on 2, and the statues were destroyed in no time.

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Meanwhile the archer statue was still trying to fire at Jay, albeit unsuccessfully.

There were still two more light circles to cross before Jay would get to the throne circle, along with two more sets of three spearmen statues.

Only 6 statues stood before him and the archer.

Jay stepped into the light and back into the shadow again, stopping the archer statue from successfully firing as he looked across the room.

“Dammit, I will have to cross another light circle. If I run, it will probably only be able to shoot one arrow”.

He made sure his boots had enough time to cool down before attempting the dash across the field. The boots would allow him to dodge at least one arrow, though they had a cooldown period before Jay could activate them again.

“Well, no point in wasting time.” Jay shrugged, he was confident he could reach the darkness on the other side of the circle without getting hit.

He would have just walked around, stepping in and out of the light to mess with the archer’s rhythm, but he noticed there were walls on each side of the circles after the first one. He simply had no choice but to walk across the large light area.

Jay waited in the shadows for the archer to draw another red arrow.

Just as it was about to fire, he dashed across the circle in a mad sprint.

Seeing him enter the circle, the archer had its chance, and it knew it; it wouldn’t let such an opportunity go.

It quickly dispersed the red bow and reformed the golden one, drawing back an arrow of an intense gold light.

It was clear that it put more energy into this arrow, it wanted to make it really count.

*THROOOSHH~~* The huge arrow was released, the noise alone created a small shockwave that caused dust to fly into the air around the archer statue.

Its eyes gleamed with ferocity as it watched the massive arrow leave, heading straight towards Jay.

Surely this would end Jay in one hit?

Of course, Jay immediately dropped to the side.

“Asklin!” he boots propelled him far to the right, and the powerful arrow couldn’t change its trajectory enough to stay locked onto him – though it did swerve slightly.


The arrows were already the size of ballista spears, but this arrow was more like a tree trunk. As it passed, it caused a primal fear, a sense of death to creep up Jay’s spine.

*SSSS~* Jay was about a meter away from the arrow, but the intensity of the power behind it caused his shield and coat to make a sizzling noise. Any moisture on them instantly evaporated.

Jay gulped seeing this, his eyes bulging a little “Isn’t this a little too strong for a level 3 dungeon?”

There was one other thing that Jay noticed seeing the arrow travel past. The light coming from the arrow dispelled the darkness.

It no longer disappeared when it passed through the shadows, it was simply too powerful; creating its own light.

“Dammit, things just got complicated…”

Jay felt like he was out of options, and may have to retreat, though he was still running towards the next patch of shadows with three more spearmen statues waiting.

He was over half-way across the light and his boots were on cooldown.

A feeling of uneasiness crept upon his mind as he ran towards the spearmen; his skeletons alongside him.

Since the arrow didn’t vanish, the whole fight was changed back around; the archer was a massive threat again.

If he turned back now, he would probably end up taking a few arrows to the back; he had no choice but to keep running forward, and in the heat of the moment he didn’t let himself hesitate.

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