My Plunderer System

Chapter 77 76 - End Of The Year

After Milo returned, the group realized it was getting late, so they parted ways to go study in their rooms.

Once they arrived back in their dorm, Allana teased Krista over the new crush she seemed to be developing. Krista kept saying that there was nothing going on, but couldn't deny that she thought Zach was cute. When he was partnered with Waki, his new sidekick, he was like a different person and it reminded her a lot of Milo, he started as someone everyone considered weak but now that things were starting to change, he was acting much happier and expressed himself more, which made him much more likable and in Krista's case desirable.

Krista finally convinced Allana to put the boy talk on hold by reminding her that she needed to study for the math exam she'd be taking the next day, which was arguably her worst subject. The two finally got to studying, but Krista still couldn't focus after realizing that maybe she was starting to like Zach. He was a good guy, he was cute, and most importantly they had just met each other this year which hopefully meant that they weren't too close to make dating a weird idea. She still would consult with Milo, as he was her best friend and she wouldn't want him to think that Zach was a rebound. Along with this she wanted to make sure that it wouldn't weird him out being that they were all a part of the same friend group, but that conversation could wait until after exams ended.

After that night, the week went on like a normal exam week for the group. Chris, Mark, Allana and Krista each completed their practical exams, Chris and Mark ended up being each other's opponents, and Chris unfortunately burned himself out before he could break through Mark's defense. Krista had won her match due to her being able to react to all her opponents moves by reading their mind, and Allana put on a fierce display using her bone manipulation.

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While they all took their practical exams, Milo was taking his general exams and each of them were stressing him out like crazy, due to him grinding out his level for the practical tests he hadn't really gotten enough time to study and was cramming like crazy to make sure he knew all the information he needed to know, luckily his procrastinating in his first two years of high school proved to be the perfect training he needed for this week. Soon enough his final days of exams had arrived and all that was left was his gatecrashing 101 exam. It was quite a straightforward test and after he had finished he sat and waited as Ms. Teller informed them that there would be some information that would be being passed onto them before they were to leave.

Once everyone had finished their exams, Ms. Teller went around the room collecting their tests, before pulling up a slideshow. The first slide said something that Milo would definitely be interested in. The slideshow was titled Summer Internships.

After pulling up the slideshow, Ms. Teller began to tell the students about what the summer internships were and what they would consist of. Students would be assigned to their local branches of the GAA or to smaller guilds in the area and would be allowed to then assist in closing gates lower ranked gates as well as gain more experience in the life of a gatecrasher.

The internship would come with a list of benefits for the students, not only would they get more experience closing gates, they would also receive compensation for their work as well, this could come in many forms, payments of credits, being given equipment or even essence cores as well. Along with this, they would learn of a few other ways that gatecrashers work, those would be detailed at the internship they were assigned to. She then went on to explain that their rankings for their exams had also been officially decided.

Unlike other classes, the X ranked class during their second year would receive rankings from the best to the worst in the class. These rankings were decided based on their final practical exam their first year and the ranking would then have different things in their second year that would allow students to defend their spot, raise their rank, or lose it if they failed to meet certain requirements. If any students moved up to the X ranked class, they would start at the bottom and have to climb their way up. The rankings were then used to determine different opportunities they received in their second year, as well as was a way for guilds to scout out the students once they graduated.

Ms. Teller clicked a button on a remote, and the screen changed showing the rankings for all the X ranked students. Being used to his weak old self, Milo started from the bottom and began searching his way up the list. He luckily wasn't in last place which would've been embarrassing.

There were 19 students total in the X ranked class, and as he made his way up the list, he began to see the rankings of other students he knew, the student who had tried to hurt him at the beginning of the year was placed at 17 and Tyler the student he had defeated in his final exam was placed at 11. He then began to notice the ranks of his friends and teammates from the in field experience.

Zach placed 14 which was the lowest of the group but given that he still didn't have a fully grown beast to assist him this wasn't a bad result. Chloe was placed two above him at 12, Milo definitely considered this plausible, due to the creative way she chose to use her ability. With the Blink ability she wielded, most would consider using it as a sort of assassin type dealer that teleported around striking vital points, instead she used it with a crossbow to change and obtain desirable angles to overwhelm her opponent. Next was Luke he was placed at the number 8 position, Milo wasn't expecting him to be ranked so high, but after thinking back to his final exam he felt it was understandable, he showed a great display of swordplay and was able to weave in his Barrier ability at the perfect times. Last besides himself, was Maria who was in position 4, this didn't shock Milo, she had a very strong ability and was relentless and vicious when attacking, along with this she had a level of confidence not many others in the X ranked class did, like Milo who still felt he had a lot to improve in.

He hadn't seen his name on the list, and went back through again starting from the bottom, but missed his name again, "where the heck is my name?" he thought. Finally he looked above Maria's name, he doubted his name would be there but it wasn't anywhere else. Number 3? Nope, number 2? Nope. When looking at number one his jaw dropped. "How did I get number one?" he thought. There were plenty of strong people in the class, he knew he didn't rank among the bottom but he just did what any person would do to win, he didn't think it was anything special.

One would think Milo would finally realize how powerful he had become after all the things he had done, but he was completely unaware of how off the charts he really was. Once he finally picked his jaw up off the floor, he noticed all the looks he was getting, all of them mixed with different emotions; anger, envy, admiration, interest. All these different emotions were plastered on the faces of the other X ranked students and all these emotions were aimed at him which made him want to hide.

After finding out their ranks, Ms. Teller told them that if they were interested in a summer internship that they would have to tell her before the school closed for the summer which would be after another 14 days. The school gave these extra two weeks to allow students time to pack their things and make preparations to return home. Along with this, the school held a sort of end of year festival where people all over the Acropolis were invited to enjoy food, festivities as well as the biggest event, which was held in the academy's colosseum that the second year students could take part in.

It was called the Grand Showcase, and it had many events that pertained to gatecrashers, some of these events included a ranged event for ranged fighters as well as an overall combat tournament, along with this, there were many non combat related events as well such as a beauty pageant and an equipment show for the different artisans of the school that focused on creating accessories, armor, and weapons for gatecrashers. This was the first time Milo had heard about this event, which was fitting for Milo who tended not to stay up to date about the different events going on around him.

Ms. Teller went on to explain that many first and second year students set up their own booths at the Grand Showcase to make some credits before they went home for the summer as well. These booths were the only way that the first year students were able to get involved with the festival. After telling the students a little more info, she also mentioned that they could partner up with other students across all the different ranked classes to work together on their booth if they chose to open one.

After wrapping up her little presentation, she wished all the students a fun summer and hoped they'd stay out of trouble until school started back up next fall. Her last remark to them was a final reminder that they needed to tell her their plans for the summer internship opportunity as soon as possible, before dismissing them.

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