My Power is Upgrading Everything (Rewrite)

Chapter 336: Miraculous Metamorphosis

Chapter 336: Miraculous Metamorphosis

I've added this fanfic to my P4treon Page, support me to read advanced chapter there and motivate me to write more chapters for you /NineClouds69

--- Chapter 333 ---

Huo Yuhao is currently at level 99. He has yet to absorb every nutrient he gets in this siege. 

Even then, he couldn't catch a breath.

The Howling Moon Tiger King glared at him with golden-piercing eyes full of hate as if they wanted to swallow him whole.

Well, it was understandable, considering what Huo Yuhao has done.

Huo Yuhao doesn't care, though.

The Howling Moon Tiger King's subordinates are the ones to offend him first.

"Die!" The Tiger King roared, firing a golden beam at Huo Yuhao.

Huo Yuhao also roared, firing a blue energy shockwave.

Two energies clashed mid-air, but the former quickly overpowered the latter.

The golden beam pierced through the blue shockwave and hit Huo Yuhao on the shoulder, sending him flying to the valley's wall.


Huo Yuhao crashed onto the wall and groaned in pain.

"That was decent..."

"Die!" The Tiger King pounced and brandished her sharp claw on Huo Yuhao, swinging it like a reaper's scythe.

Huo Yuhao circulated his Primal Energy, "Divine Hunt - 5th Move: Beast Sovereign's Shadows."


The Tiger King's sharp claw hit the valley's wall and slashed through it, creating a deep trench over one hundred meters long. Her eyes flashed in confusion because Huo Yuhao dodged in a split second, breaking into several shadows.

"White Storm!"

All of a sudden, white smoke swept over the Tiger King and inflicted several cuts on her body.

"Using your furs like knives, you're too childish!" The Tiger King roared in annoyance. Even though the knife-like smoke cut her skin, it wasn't that deep.

Unknown to the Tiger King, this very technique would be her downfall.


The Tiger King released a fearsome golden aura and cleared the white smoke, revealing Huo Yuhao, who stood above the valley not far away.

She fired several golden beams, and Huo Yuhao hurriedly dodged them while running away.

"Blue-Eyed Demon Tiger King! You can't run away!" She chased after Huo Yuhao.

Huo Yuhao amassed energy inside his abdomen and dashed at extreme speed, leaving the Tiger King with a hundred-meter gap.

The Tiger King's eyes widened because Huo Yuhao was too fast for an adult Elite Tiger. She growled in displeasure because this was probably why her subordinates couldn't kill him and get killed instead.

Still, this fact won't stop the Tiger King from killing Huo Yuhao.

In fact, it makes Tiger King angrier.

"Howling Moon World!" The Tiger King unleashed her hidden ability and trapped Huo Yuhao within a domain of golden moonlight.

Huo Yuhao stopped in his tracks.

"A domain, huh?" He stared at the translucent golden barrier before him and thoughtfully glanced back.

Huo Yuhao licked blood on the corner of his lips and added, "This is going to be a tough battle."

"I just need a little more push, and Level 100 will be my metamorphosis stage..."

"Everything would change after that."

"Before that, I need to push myself to the limit."

While the Howling Moon Tiger King contemplated various ways to kill Huo Yuhao, the latter pondered how he could experience life-and-death situations without spending too much.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

With that in mind, both sides moved.

The Tiger King approached Huo Yuhao with confident strides, releasing a flurry of claw swipes,

Huo Yuhao skillfully dodged them, but he was clearly walking on a thin thread. If he got hit by one claw attack, he'd experience a fatal injury.


Huo Yuhao was 'narrowly' grazed by the Tiger King's claw swipes and is bleeding non-stop, making his appearance look terrible.

The Tiger King looks elated. She attacked more ferociously and caved into the ground, creating cracks all over the ground.

Thirty minutes later, Huo Yuhao's breathing finally became haggard.

Cold sweats are raining on his body, but his blue eyes are still as bright as brilliant stars.

For Tiger King, this was playing with her food. She wanted this sinner to suffer.

However, Huo Yuhao saw things differently.

He was walking in a dark world filled with hurricanes and lightning, taking one step after another to a door of opportunity.

Bleeding is nothing.

Breaking bones is nothing.

Pain is nothing.

Huo Yuhao's brain is 'extremely' active right now.


Huo Yuhao got hit by the Tiger King's golden beam and sent flying to the edge of the golden barrier, crashing and bouncing to the ground.


Something shattered.

Huo Yuhao stopped breathing, and his heart was 'utterly' crushed under the pressure of his overtaking injuries.

The Tiger King laughed, "Haha, you sinner bastard. You finally died."

Then, a monotonous voice echoed from Huo Yuhao's soul.

[Ding! You have level up!]

[You have reached Level 100]

[You have reached the limit of Wild Forest Tiger's bloodline]

[Genesis Transformation Art has experienced qualitative changes and purified the Wild Forest Tiger's bloodline]

[You have upgraded Wild Forest Tiger's bloodline]

[Ding! A Miraculous Metamorphosis Triggered!]

[The purified Wild Forest Tiger's bloodline has experienced a Miraculous Metamorphosis]

[You have obtained an Unknown Tiger's bloodline (Z)]

[You have emulated the highest Law of Metamorphosis, Reincarnation from Zero]

[Commencing True Evolution with an Unknown Tiger's bloodline as the base...]

"Huh??" The Tiger King was perplexed.

From Huo Yuhao's supposed corpse, a blue light suddenly bloomed and pierced through her domain, reaching the darkened sky.


A star constellation was 'literally' summoned, showering the area with a heaven-and-earth phenomenon.

The blue-blooded tiger's corpse slowly transformed into a cocoon and expanded rapidly like a balloon, beating with an unorganized pulse.

The Tiger King frowned because she knew the sinner would get stronger after this, but something in her blood prevented her from interrupting this process.

If even she laid her hand on the cocoon, she felt like she was attempting a 'blasphemous' act.

In the void, the Primeval Wave White Tiger has a stupified look on his face when Huo Yuhao's bloodline suddenly metamorphoses like this.

He has set Huo Yuhao's trials to the maximum difficulty, giving him the most ordinary bloodline and tiger cub filled with defects.

Huo Yuhao is literally the most miserable tiger cub.

If not for Huo Yuhao's questionable luck and rich wisdom, the tiger cub wouldn't survive for a day. Heck! He'd die in less than fifteen minutes.

Nevertheless, Huo Yuhao can turn his situation around and achieve the impossible. Words aren't enough to describe his 'lucky' comeback.

"This bloodline..." The Primeval Wave White Tiger mumbled and broke into a cold sweat.

"It might be more powerful than my bloodline."


The blue cocoon cracked, causing a brilliant blue-white light to escape slightly.


A faint roar of the beast echoed.

It was soft and majestic, filled with endless vigor and calmness like a deep sea.

The Tiger King's soul shook after hearing the roar.

Her eyes widened in doubt and dread.

"T-This is impossible!" She said hysterically.

"Since the death of Ancestor Primeval Wave, no bloodline could achieve 'that' level."

"So, how could a sinful creature like you..."

Kacha! Crack!

The cocoon cracked again like a fragile glass, slowly crumbling into a primordial mist.

The primordial mist filled everyone's vision but soon condensed into a humanoid shape.

Blue hairs stick out.

A half-naked, handsome man stood on the ground.

His chiseled facial features are fresh.

Then, his athletic build is wrapped in a white-blue tiger fur attire, creating this charm of reborn from the wild.

As the man opened his eyes, a pair of brilliant gem-like blue eyes gazed at the world. Those blue eyes are beautiful and soul-sucking, looking down on the realm like a worthless place.

Huo Yuhao breathed in and out, feeling oxygen coursing through his lungs and pumping energy all over his body.

"Heh, this is it..." He said with excitement.



Huo Yuhao laughed at the sky, shaking the Crouching Tiger Ancestor Realm. Hurricanes and lightning strikes danced around him.


[Name: Huo Yuhao]

[Title: Snake Hunter, Lizard Hunter, Predator Killer, Monarch of Beasts]

[Race: Unknown Primeval Tiger (Primeval)]

[Age: A year]

[Innate Talent: Presence Erasure, Poison Immunity, Toxic Blood, God Vajra Physique, God Guardian Physique, Godspeed, True Tiger's Fear, Dark Stone Enhancement, Wild Forest's Blessing, Blue Wave, Everwhite Spiral, Azure Light War Body]

[Cultivation: Level 100] 

[Technique: Divine Hunt (Level 10), Universal Breathing Technique (Level 10), Genesis Transformation Art (Level 15), Senjutsu (Level 20), Touki (Level 30)]

[Ailment: Ascended]

[Description: A monstrous tiger with endless potential and an unknown bloodline that could put the Ancestor of Tigers to shame]

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