My Power is Upgrading Everything (Rewrite)

Chapter 342: Time Remnant, Amatsuki Toki

Chapter 342: Time Remnant, Amatsuki Toki

I've added this fanfic to my P4treon Page, support me to read advanced chapter there and motivate me to write more chapters for you /NineClouds69

--- Chapter 339 ---

Huo Yuhao finished his food and washed it with white wine. It wasn't an incredibly delicious meal, but enough to fill his stomach for a few hours. 

In the first place, Huo Yuhao wasn't picky with his food after experiencing life as a tiger. His palate has recovered, but he can't say the same for some habits.

At the back of Huo Yuhao's head, he focused his divine sense on the green eyes that observed him from afar. 

It was a woman shrouded with a time aura. 

Huo Yuhao's lips curled slightly, "Let's split up after this." 

"However, to be safe, you will form a team of two." 

"Robin and Qiu'er." 

"Kuina and Raikou." 

"Eh?" Kuina didn't like this arrangement at all. 

Meanwhile, Raikou loves it because she can be close to Kuina and nurture her. 

Huo Yuhao smiled at Kuina, "I'm pairing you with Raikou for a reason. She has controlled Divine Energy earlier than Qiu'er and Robin, which makes her a master at it." 

"She could help with your training." 

Raikou smiled and said calmly, "Well, comparing Divine Power from my homeworld and Douluo Dalu is a bit awkward. But yeah, we can make it work." 

"They are essentially similar." 

"Not figuratively, though." 

"Okay..." Kuina doesn't have a choice but to accept it.

After that, they split up from the restaurant and explored Logue Town. 

Raikou and Kuina explored the area outside Logue Town and looked for clues about Phantom. They'd also train outside because doing it here catches too much attention.

On the other hand, Huang Qiu'er and Robin stayed in Logue Town. They are waiting for the legendary Pirate King Gold D. Roger to appear. 

Of course, Robin also looked out for the World Government's agents as they were annoying flies in this scenario.

Lastly, Huo Yuhao is strolling on the Logue Town's dock. He walked down a stair casually as if the tense atmosphere from approaching execution didn't affect him.

'Hmm, I still couldn't sense Liu Mei, Valerie, and Rossweisse's aura.' Huo Yuhao thought to himself. 'But they should be fine because I didn't sense any ominous feeling like when I did sense Robin's presence.' 

'So far, I have encountered three Phantom Lords.' 

'The first one is an island-sized turtle, then a moon, and recently a body-possessing demon.' 

'Each of them is unique.' 

'Like a series of codes...' He leaned on a nearby wooden pole.

"Hey, you. You're not from around here, aren't you?" A voice greeted Huo Yuhao. 

Huo Yuhao found this line familiar because someone asked him about it earlier in the restaurant. He glanced to the right and saw a skinny man in cowboy-like attire. 

"You don't look like someone from around here, either." Huo Yuhao said with a faint smile behind his mask.

 "Well, I'm not a folk here, but I visited this place often." The cowboy returned with a grin. "The name is Tony Steel. Nice to meet you." 

Huo Yuhao stared at the extended hand and took it, "Yu Long. Not your typical guy.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Haha, you're humorous." The cowboy laughed in amusement. He shook Huo Yuhao's hand tight before releasing it, making the latter raise an eyebrow slightly. 

"Be careful of your steps, kid." 

"This place won't be safe anytime soon." 

"You, too." Huo Yuhao watched the cowboy walking into the distance.

He looked down at his hand and mumbled, "Such a grip. He shouldn't be an ordinary mortal." 

"Still, that gun in his hip is more interesting." 

According to Huo Yuhao's acute sense, the revolver in the cowboy's holster is a spiritual weapon. 

Well, a half-step spiritual weapon, to be exact.

It lacks spiritual energy. 

There is also one more intriguing quality about Tony Steel. 

He has soon-to-be-expired luck.

In other words, Tony's luck will run out soon. 

"Hmm, what an interesting fellow." Huo Yuhao waited on the wooden pole and closed his eyes. 

An hour later, a green wisp of energy flashed by.

At the same time, the world's time seems to stop by its appearance.

Huo Yuhao didn't move a muscle or open his eyes, letting the invisible energy scan him from top to bottom. 

"Another one..." A feminine voice brushed Huo Yuhao's ears. 

"There is another irregular appearing in this timeline." 

"This is weird." 

"Not to mention, I can't see his face." 

The voice owner brushed Huo Yuhao's blue hair and touched his mask, wanting to peek slightly. 


A crisp sound comes from the mask, and Huo Yuhao's face is 'naturally' revealed.

Sharp gasps escaped the figure's mouth. 

"S-So handsome." 

"How can someone be this handsome? Even in other timelines and my homeland, I've never seen someone this handsome..." 

Huo Yuhao suddenly opened his eyes and spooked her, "Thank you for the praise."

"Kyaaa~!" The woman squealed and comically fell to the ground. 

Huo Yuhao smirked and looked down amusingly. "I see... Now that makes sense." 



[Name: Amatsuki Toki/Tokino(True)]

[Race: Time Remnant/Ostera Race's Royalty]

[Age: Timeless (mentally 28)]

[Concept: Time]

[Cultivation: Approximately Level 32/Soul Elder]

[Battle Prowess: Potentially Level 51/Soul King]

[Potential: SSS+]

[Recommended Path: None, Have yet to join the Dragon Nest]

[Description: A Time Remnant from Ostera Race's Royalty, who decided to experience hardship and temper herself in the lower realm, reincarnating herself as Amatsuki Toki] 

A tall woman entered Huo Yuhao's vision. She has long light-green hair that flows down her back except for two strands in front of her fair yet valiant face. She wore a short pink kimono with crescent moons and a flower ornament with a chain of pearls on the right side of her hair.

Huo Yuhao recognized her immediately, "You're indeed the only one with a strong Power of Time." 

"Nice to meet you, Amatsuki Toki-san." 

Toki stared at Huo Yuhao in disbelief. She stuttered, "H-How did you-!"

Huo Yuhao chuckled, "How did I do what?" 

"How did I move in this frozen time? Or how did I know about your identity?" 

"Well, not your real identity, but you get the gist." 

Toki's expression turned dark quickly when Huo Yuhao mentioned her real identity because it was sensitive to her. 

"Who are you? Why are you in the Tiny World?" Toki stared at Huo Yuhao warily.

Huo Yuhao raised his index finger, shaking it playfully, "No, we aren't playing that game here." 

"If the Ostera Race could use Tiny World as a garden, who said others can't do the same? I'm just a visitor from another world." 

"That's impossible!" Toki's eyes widened. 

"The passage into Tiny World is 'tightly' sealed by my family, and there shouldn't be more passages besides the guarded one." 

"Not even those from Light Heaven Realm and Beast Blood Realm could enter that passage." 

'Just who are you?' Toki thought solemnly.

Huo Yuhao shook his finger again, "Everything is easy when the will of the world is on your side. Also, who said my world is at the same level as your homeworld." 

"Well, that's not good. You're looking down on me too much." 

After hearing Huo Yuhao's blatant expose, Toki choked on her air because she didn't think of that possibility. 

And this terrified her extremely. 

Myriad Heaven Realm is one of the high-ranking planes in the Sacred Gift Cosmos, and the handsome said his world is above her homeworld. 

She only heard the theory about it.

To think, she would encounter a being from a higher realm in Tiny World out of all places.

How ironic. 

"I surrender!" Toki decided to submit, kneeling before Huo Yuhao.

Huo Yuhao was surprised, "I thought you'd put up a fight.

Toki bitterly sighed, "I'm only a Time Remnant formed by the Concept of Time. The 'real' me has lost her memory of being Ostera Race's Royalty and become one with Tiny World. She even married and had kids with Tiny World's native..." 

"My fate is sealed. I expected my gardeners to notice me, but they betrayed me instead."

"You're betrayed?" Huo Yuhao was genuinely surprised.

Toki nodded, "Yes, if not, my situation wouldn't be this miserable." 

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