My Reincarnation as a Chicken

Chapter 112 The Elder Clans: The Tiger, The Bear And The Eagle

New Empire, Taira Clan Mansion

A man with silky blonde hair and a robust physique covered up by loose robes sat on a lap, being fanned by women all in night gowns. There were easily over ten women surrounding him, attending to him in some way. Some fed him the grapes he loved more than anything, some were giving him massages all around, others played harps in perfect harmony, some danced around for his pleasure and one of them just kept on whispering into his ears. However there was one woman who sat at the far end, looking at the man with a bored expression.

The woman… teenager wore a very soft linen cloth, and was covered in all sorts of jewelries around her neck and with a tiny tiara on her head.

"Don't you ever get bored of this, father?"

The silver haired girl asked with a bored glare.

"Bored of what?"

He asked right before taking a grape from one of the women.

"Making me sit here and watching you play around with your concubines?"

"Eh? T-this is father-daughter bonding time."

"More like Daughter-watching-father-be-a-male-prostitute time."

"Eeek! K-Kana chan, that isn't what this is."

"You sure? Cause that that's what it looks like."

"If I wasn't, why would I know that your favorite color is black?"


"Erhm, you first crush was that boy fro-"

"Never had a crush."

"Your best friend is-"

"I don't have friends."

"Isn't that bad?"

"Says the one who didn't let me out of the house till I was thirteen. And that was to go to an academy. For three years, with body guards all around me, scaring off every single person!"

"Protection is important… Let's see, your favorite food is grapes."

"No that's yours. Look, do you even know my birthday?"

"O-of course I do. I-It's the same day as mine."

"No, it's the day after yours. You just make us celebrate it on yours, completely forgetting about my existence on that day."

"Ugh… Kana-chan."

"Hmm, what is it?"

"How old are you?"

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"What!? H-how don't you know this!?"

"S-sorry, it's just."

"Ugh! You're the worst."

The doors leading to the room burst open and a man came running through. He was bare chested and wore only a simple loin cloth around his waist. His abrupt appearance caused the music to stop playing and the dancers to stop. Even the father-daughter pair stopped their bickering to look at him.

The dancers cleared the way, paving a path for the man who ran straight towards the huge father, then went down on one knee and bowed.

"Clan Head! Clan Head!"

"Hmm? What is it? I'm quite busy at the moment."

The man said as one of his concubines fed him a grape.

"Come on father. You know why he is calling you."

Kana said, then laid back on her cushion.

"Hmm? And why would that be?"

He asked, pretending to be oblivious to the matter at hand.

"Obviously because it is time."

She responded excitedly, jumping off the cushion, with a bright grin. Her bands jungled as she landed on the ground.

"Time? For what?"

"This year's 'Elder Clans Meeting'! The one time of the year I don't have to see your stupid face for a few days!"

"Oh? It's already that time of year? I don't feel like going though. Hey! That also hurts my feelings."

He slumped back, then kept on eaten the grapes he was being fed, while flirting with the concubines.

"You don't really have a choice though."

The girl said.

"Eh? Why not?"

"Because of that woman!"

He let out a sigh.

"True. Ever since that woman became the head, the other clans haven't been able to do whatever we wished to. I guess I really don't have a choice."

"Oh? I've never seen you being so submissive to a person, father."

"Shut it. It's only because you haven't faced her before that you can talk so freely… Hey, Kana chan, why don't you come with me?"

"Eh? Why would I?"

"Because I asked."

"Tch, no."

"Great, so you are coming then."

"I said no."

It was too late. He had already decided for her. The giant of a man sat up then faced the smaller man.

"Hey errand boy."


The man quivered under the father's excited electric blue gaze.

"Tell the Emperor's dogs that, the Taira Clan of the Five Elder Clans shall be attending the meeting! Participants, Akihiko Taira and Kana Taira. I haven't thought of the last person yet. I might not bring anyone else."

"V-very well sir."

The man ran off immediately.

"You're the worse, father."

"Don't worry. You'll be able to make some friends there, I think."


"Yes. That woman has a daughter about your age I think."

"Hmm, ok then! But no guards around me."

"Sure thing."

"Hey! What about that guy. The one you've been training."

"Eh? Silas?"

"Yea, yea, that guy. Won't he becoming with us?"

"Hmmm, being one of the Heroes, I'm not sure. Maybe."


In a dark room, two people sat on a tiny island underneath a cherry blossom, drinking under the beautiful moonlight.

One was a large man with dark hair and a goatee in a simple yukata and the other was a woman in her night gown, with her turquoise blue hair tied up into a bun. The sounds of their laughter echoed throughout the practically empty room.


"Makes me remember our days in the academy."

"Ha! Those days. I never expected you to become such a drunkard. You used to be so diligent and stuff. Ibuki on the other hand. She was a klutz. I guess we all grew up in some way after the incident."

"Eh? Mori… sh-shut upp… I… I havn't changed. I-I'm still diligent, you know?"

"You call your current state diligent?"

"What? You want to fight?"

"I wouldn't dream of it you monster."

The two stopped their conversation as soon as they sensed the presence of another in the room. It was one of the servant boys.

"Clan Heads! I am simple servant from the Emperor's house! I am here to inform you that you are invited to the Elder Clan Meeting! Will you be participating?"

"Huh. It's that time of the year again? What do you think Yoshi-chan? Shall we go?"

She was fast asleep which made the giant laugh.

"Hahahaha! Very well then! I, Mori Minamoto, of the Minamoto Clan shall attend this event! Let there be powerful warriors! Drinks! Women and the Taira clan! I need to see my old friend once again! It's been way too long."

"The same should be said about the Saito clan… Hic… I Yoshitatsu Saito shall attend this… Hic… I will…"

'Oi, oi, if you are going to sleep then sleep. What is this?'

"She will be attending as well."

"Y-Yes sir!"

The man said as he ran away from the area.

"Ah, Yoshitatsu, what am I supposed to do with you?"

The behemoth asked with a smile. He was about to take another cup of wine, when the woman drew a sword out of thin air, then slashed a powerful arc towards the darkness. The shockwave shattered his cup and caused the air around him ripple. The killing intent alone was more than enough to kill a normal person, but he was just saddened by the fact that his cup of wine broke.

'My wine…'

He kept on waiting for a loud boom, but it never came. When he looked in that direction, he saw a young woman approaching them. Then he looked at the drunk.

'Even drunk her senses are sharper than mine?'

The drunk dizzily looked at the approaching figure then hiccupped. As soon as she identified the stranger, she smiled and started to wave her hand. The young woman had similar features to the drunk one, although she seemed younger.

"Oi, oi! Akari-chan! Y-you're back-hic already-hic? I thought yo-hic-you'd come back tomor-hic-tomorrow."

"Why do you speak as if I don't know of your drinking tendencies mother?"

The person came over and put their hand over the woman's forehead and cheek.

"Looks like you'll need to sleep for a bit."

"Buh-buh, Akariiii-chwaannn, I hic I was having a drink with Mori-chan. Go ahead-hic Mori-chan. Tell him. Hic. Tell him."

Akari looked at Mori then bowed to show respect. The bangs covering one eye fell down.

"Minamoto Clan Head, please forgive my rudeness, but may I steal my mother for tonight?"

"Oh don't mind me Akari. Go ahead. I was even getting bored of drinking with her. Don't tell her I said that tomorrow."

"As you wish. Thank you very much."

"Uh? Mori-chan, don't do this to me!"

"Still though, it was quite bold of you to walk in on your drunk mother."

The man had already began to ignore her and focused on the younger beauty in front of him.

"Hehe, don't mind. I'm used to it."

The person said, while picking her up and carrying her on their back.

"Ha! Considering you are able to take care of her like that, why don't you attend the Elder Clan Meeting to prevent her from going too crazy?"

She was a bit stunned, but recovered her smile, then started to walk away.

"Hm, thank you for the offer, but that is up to my mother."

"Yes yes, Akari-chan. You are-hic coming. You must-hic you must come. Your friends will be there."


No response came. She was already asleep, so Akari gave up with a gentle smile then walked away towards the head's sleeping chambers.

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