My Reincarnation as a Chicken

Chapter 114 Transcendent NEET

I ran away from the room and ended up teleporting into the bee hive. When I got there, I got a nasty reminder why I didn't like that place. Stupid spiders threw their mana threads at me. They got blocked by the fire shields I constantly had up, then I stepped in some random acid. It was a horrible experience I didn't want to go through again. But I had caused enough disturbance in the bee hive to grab the spider's attention.

"Oi! Chicken! Some of us are very busy most of the time, you know?"

I heard Yokino scream from behind me. I turned around to see her in a different Yukata other than the one she made earlier on. And her hair had started to turn blue, her skin was a bit paler than before. She had tied her hair into one bun and chocked it with… an ant leg? Her spider legs looked smaller, but were slumped and she all round looked drained.

'I see you are still as grumpy as ever.’

“Grumpy? Me? Never."

I looked at her and she seemed tuckered out. She even had eye bags under all eight eyes.

‘What have you been doing?’

"Stuff. What about you?"

She handed me a weird fruit. It looked like a peach, but green with a yellow line right through the middle. I took a bite out of it then followed after her. It was kind of sweet.


"Eh? What did you do?"

She suddenly got up into my face, causing me to flinch.

‘W-what are you talking about?’

I couldn’t help myself as she sniffed the air about me.

"Oh migosh, you got laid."

For a second she sounded like some excited teenager.


"Hihi, you are no longer a virgin."


"I always thought you'd lose it to me though, out of my pity of course. Figured you never had the balls."


"Ooouu, which one of the girls did you screw around with? The tyrant? She's been giving off those 'I-want-you-to-myself' vibe, but you are too dense for that. Hmm, then there's the vampire loli… No, both of you are in your sibling phase and I doubt you would be so disgusting to actually engage in pedophilia. The new members. The pink giant. She seems neutral towards you so I wouldn't really know. The ogress too, she is too shy to do something like that. Is there someone I'm missing? Hmmm, nope. There's no way you would have screwed around with the slime… right? So in conclusion, which one of these did you lose your virginity to?"


She clapped her hands together and brought her face an inch away from mine again, her eight eyes staring at mine and her hair falling all over me.

"Did you lose it to all of them!?"

‘Yokino, what the actual fu-‘

"Good. Good. Give me the details. The styles. How exactly you did it."

‘Tch, I hadn't noticed earlier, but you are a pervert.’

"Why of course, my dear lunch. I used to be the president of the doujin club back in high school."

‘Weren't you an assassin?’

"Are you trying to say assassins couldn't have formal education before turning to a life of crime?"

‘Fair point. Your school had a doujin club? And you were the president?’

"Well, I was the president of the manga club. The doujin club was more like a private something."

‘Oh really? How many members?’

"One. Me."

‘Eh? That reminds me of Akane from back in school. She used to be the president of the manga club, but was a huge pervert on the inside, constantly sending me doujins in my mail.’

"… What a weird coincidence."


"Did you like this Akane?"

‘No way. She was very annoying, too much of a pervert and a major tease. Every boy's bane. But she wasn't always like that. She used to be bright and stuff as a kid but regressed weirdly as we grew up.’

"Maybe it was because of you?"

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‘Huh? No, no. Definitely not. I couldn't have ever influenced Akane. She was too hard-headed.’

"Who knows? Maybe she could have liked you."

‘No way. We may have been childhood friends and anime geeks but Akane was still way more popular than I was and smarter than me and stuff. There were tons of boys who kept going after her, but she turned them down saying she wasn't looking for a relationship.’

'I even confessed once because I thought she liked me, but she turned me down.'

"Maybe she kept on turning them down because she wanted you to tell her that you liked her, but you were too stupid to realise her feelings for you and kept on chasing after the other girl who wasn't even thinking about you."

At this moment Yokino sounded pissed off, but she wasn't showing any form of physical reaction, probably because she was too exhausted and I was boring her with my crap.

‘… Riiiight. Anyhow I just came to check on you. I haven't seen you ever since we left the city.’

She let out a sigh.

"Oh that's right. Inu is a really delicate creature so I have to be tending to her a lot. She even just evolved."

‘She evolved?’

"Yep. Want to see?"

‘Um, sure.’

When we got there, we saw an ant the size of Yokino's mother. It had a red exoskeleton with black stripes around and wings on its back. It was producing eggs while we looked at it, and how I didn't just puke was probably because of the things I had read before.

"This is your subordinate?"

"Yep. Inu the ant queen. After evolving she became as strong as a king, well at least in terms of magic power. She isn't strong physically, but is crazy durable. What do you think?"

‘Hmmm. She’s impressive, I guess. Anyway, didn't you say you've got like some other subordinates?’

"Yes. About 10 of them."


"Yep. They should be all around Larm by now."

‘Wow, they travel fast.’

"Not really, considering it took them two months and a half to do so."

‘Hmm, cool. Anyway, what are you doing right now?’

"Something important, now shoo shoo. Leave me be."

She waved me off like I was some sort of unsightly trash, but I had one last request.

‘Before I leave can you take my measurements?’

“Your measurements? What for?”

‘I want clothes!’

“Take this and get out!”

She threw a few clothes at me and I just scoffed while teleporting away. When I came to, I was in the store room. I let out a sigh as I rose the clothes she threw at me to my eye view. It was a grey yukata with undergarments. She really was from another world.

‘I really suck at this teleportation thing without the agent's help.’

"Oh- He-Hi… Hello. G'morning- um…"

I looked down and found myself sitting on somebody's chest. It was the kid from earlier. He had dirty brown hair, with black eyes, a child-like face with some crazy eyebrows.

"O-Wha-Um-Miss- W-"

He kept on waving his hand frantically.

‘Dude. Relax. Erwin, right?’

"Um, yes Erwin Dolus."

‘What are you doing here?’

"I-I just came for cleaning supplies?"

‘Cleaning supplies? Why?’

"I-I was just trying to help out around."

'Hmm, are all the remaining slaves like this? Even if they were all cleaning, I figured they would have done it already. Did something happen?’

"Um, someone spilled some food and told me to come clean it up."

‘Someone? Who?’

"A- um…"

'He doesn't want to snitch, huh? I want to ignore this, but I can't also overlook disrespect amongst subordinates when there's not even a hierarchy in place.'

‘Tell me who it was.’

I said, using a skill I hadn't tested out before. [Absolute Command]. It was like [Overlord], but only worked on my subordinates.

"A goblin named Baka."

'… T-that idiot. Sorry about that. You look tired, go take a break or something.’


‘What? Just go take a break. You look like you've been working a lot.’

"Sorry if this sounds out of place, but, um, you don't look so good either."

‘What? What do you mean?’

"You have eye bags and your skin is a bit pale."

‘You're very rude, aren't you?’

"Does it have something to do with last night?"

He ignored my question completely, but what he said caught my attention.

‘Last night?’

"Yes, with all the moaning and screaming and stuff."

‘Oi. You heard all that?’


‘How loud was it?’

"Um,… not very."

‘How many?’


‘How many heard?’

"O-Oh, um all your captains and everyone who was present in the mansion. You were the talk of the house all night and this morning."

'Ah… so it's already that bad, huh? Everyone heard… mother, father, I am a slut unlike how you raised me. Maya, forgive this slut for he has cheated on you! Is this what they call true enlightenment?’


‘Don't you see it? Ah yes. You are still stuck in the pitiful domain that is virginity, whereas I have taken a step forward. I have transcended from mere mortality. I am now a man… woman? Whatever, I am simply no shut-in virgin NEET anymore. I am a shut-in laid NEET now! Hahaha! Everything is so bright and beautiful! You hear me Kazuya? I beat you! I didn't lose to you and your explosion loli!’

I roared as I ran out of the storeroom, leaving the boy to his means.


I decided to go to the dungeons, remembering that I had received the title [Dungeon Master] after defeating the dungeon boss, but on my way there I was caught by the bunny girl Nukeme introduced me to the day before.


‘Huh? Why are you calling me that?’

“The weak goblin said I should call you that.”

I was surprised that she could talk all of a sudden. I found it to be odd, but I realized she might have been brainwashed or something of that sort earlier. So it would seem that barely 3 days was enough for her to recover. Interesting.

‘Stupid Nukeme. Ah well, what’s up?’

"What's up?"

'Ah… I'm guessing modern day language wouldn't get to her.'

‘How are you?’

"Oh, I am very fine."

‘That's great. Where are you coming from?’

"I just finished helping with cleaning the kitchen."

‘Ah, I never asked, but who cooks, again?’

"The white furred kobold who leaves her fur in the food all the time."

‘… I see. That's nice to know.’

There was an awkward silence as the girl kept walking right behind me, holding the ends of my yukata like I were her guardian or something.

‘Say… you, why are you following me?’

"Am I not allowed to follow you?"

‘Erhm, no. You can follow me. I was just curious, is all.’


‘What’s your name?’


‘Ah… even beast men don’t get names? But those two I met in the city earlier on. What were their names again? Ugh, whatever. They don’t matter.’

I crouched in front of her and smiled.

‘I’ll give you a name. Are you ok with that?’

She nodded her head after I asked that question.

'She kind of reminds me of Ulva. What's she doing right now?'

Having received the go-ahead, I thought up a name for her.

‘How about… Amethyst?’

“Amethyst? Why?”

‘Why? Because there’s one on your forehead.’

I pointed to the amethyst sticking out of her forehead and she touched it.

“That’s the reason you call me Amethyst? I refuse. I want a different name.”

‘Ah… kiddo, you’ve got quite the pair, don’t you?’

“Yes, my ears are beautiful, aren’t they? Now give me a name befitting of me.”

‘Ah… you’ve got quite the attitude you little brat. Nope. Nothing like Ulva. Ok, gimme a moment… Um, how about Arisu?’

“Arisu? Why that name?”

‘Cause you’re one hell of a cocky brat?’


She tilted her head, confused by my weird phrases. I actually thought “Cocky:” was a common term around here. Maybe because she was still a kid she hadn’t heard of it?

‘Um, yeah. Brave. There once was a little girl called Arisu who got trapped in a land of wonder. Riches and advent-‘


She cut me mid-sentence.


“So this name means riches?”

‘Huh? No… I think the name means noble or something like that.’

“Noble? Like noblemen? Those weaklings have riches, right?”

‘Ah… yes. Why do you ask?’

“I accept this name. Hurry up and name me.”

‘You’re quite the brat.’

I grabbed her forehead and patted her as I stood up.

‘Whatever. I name you Arisu.’


[Will you donate 500MP to name this creature?]


I ended up falling on my butt.

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