My Reincarnation as a Chicken

Chapter 125 Lizardman Village Pt.III


The trip had been long, and she had been able to hold out for quite a while, but she really needed to ease her bowels.

“Um. Shiroi, I want to go poop.”

‘Just do it here, little one.’

She responded as if that was the most obvious thing to do. Maybe if Ulva was raised in a forest, she wouldn’t have cared either way. Unfortunately, she had been raised by human society and so she could not do this, even in front of animals.

“I-I can’t do that here! I will go ask the villagers.”

She said and ran off.

‘Be careful then.’

Shiroi left one last warning before completely ignoring Ulva.

“Hey, you. Human girl. How are you in Larm?”

A lizard man adolescent, a few inches taller than Ulva called out to her. In a bit of a hurry, she started to hop about from one leg to another. She feared that staying put would only quicken the issue.

“First of all, I am not human. Second of all, is there a girl that I can talk to?”


The lizard man fell down with their mouth wide open in shock.

“A-Are you ok? Sorry, but I really need a girl. Are there any around?”

“I’m a girl you wicked thing!”

“Really? You aren’t really pretty.”


Again, she fell to the ground, this time with tears in her eyes.

“I’m in a bit of a hurry, so can you tell me where I can ease myself?”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


She sniffed, slowly sitting back up. Ulva grabbed her by the hand quickly and brought her to face level. Show me… now!”

“E-eh? O-Ok. Follow me.”

The lizard man girl started to show her the way and Ulva followed closely behind.

“Hey, my name is Ulva. What’s yours?”

“Name? I do not have a name. Must be nice having a name.”

Ulva tilted her head in confusion.

“What is so special about having a name?”

“Surely you tease me.”

“I am being very serious. Back home everyone makes a big deal out of having a name as well. What is so special?”

The lizardman found herself staring at the weird mask wearing girl in shock. This person was chosen by a higher being? This ignorant person? Yet her race was cursed to never have any names from any higher being? How cruel was this? What did they do to deserve this? Being related to heretics? It was not their fault for their brother race’s aggressions. Why blame them?


Water suddenly erupted out of nowhere. Ulva looked at the source and there, she found a hulking frame approaching a smaller person.

“You… I’ve been too lenient with you. Maybe it’s time I killed you.”

The huge lizardman said. Ulva noticed something. The bigger lizardman was not alive. That thing lacked what normal things did. It lacked blood.

The smaller lizardman was the one that led them to the village, although he now wore some weird armor. She recognized the helmet he wore to be the monster Shiroi slayed earlier. Being honest, she did not know what to make out of the situation. The lizard man everyone called a liar or the undead lizardman that was trying to kill him. When did things escalate to this point? Was this a normal here? She needed to gather more evidence. That was what her parents taught her.

“You! Today is the final day! I shall expose you!”

The shitty explorer roared and charged at the undead. The undead swung his spear at the lizardman who easily avoided. The lizardman then jumped over the undead’s head – a height normally impossible to jump – and stabbed the undead’s eye. The undead grabbed his spear the moment it got into his eye and used it to bring the lizard man closer. With his mouth wide open, he tried to shove the lizard man’s head in.

As soon as that happened, the undead found his mouth unable to close. As if he knew this would happen, the lizardman ejected himself from his helmet and landed on the water once again.

“Proof! This is the proof!”

He roared and recovered almost immediately. He punched his chest powerful and powerful sounds came out that caused the water to act weirdly.

“The living will not be affected by this sound! The undead on the other hand…”

Upon his statement, everyone unconsciously found their eyes on the undead. His body was shaking wildly. It spat out the mossidile helmet and collapsed on its knees, shaking uncontrollably.

“As you can see, an undead reacts to the noises my breastplate makes by slowly collapsing. It is not even in pain! It’s body simply will not move!”

The villagers slowly backed up.

“N-No way! Y-You just made this up!”

The men who believed in their chief defended even with the evidence before them.

“Do not deceive yourselves. The proof is laid bare in front of you!”

“Oh gods. Is this how you punish us?”

The religious women also collapsed on their knees, tears filling up their eyes.

Ulva found her hand shaking unconsciously. She looked down and found this to be interesting. It wasn’t causing any pain to her. In fact, she realized her body was simply excited. It was being filled up with so much power her very cells couldn’t contain the excitement. She had never felt so empowered. In fact, with this excitement came this horrible hunger. She needed to quell it.

To do so, blood would suffice. Her eyes landed on the lizardman next to her. She had never had lizardman blood before. She wondered how it would taste. Raw? Exquisite? Spicy? Cold? Sickening? So many different flavors she imagined. Although, her older sister’s was still at the very top to her.


The lizardman felt a prickly sensation on her skin after Ulva hugged her.

“W-What are you doing?”

She felt something leaving her. The feeling was painful yet calming. It was a sort of feeling like she were running on fluffy clouds. Suddenly, the prickly sensation left. Ulva let go of her and backed up. This was the first time the lizardman saw the girl’s actual face.

It was cute. Giving a year or two she would become a beauty barely challenged by any. Blood red eyes with feline irises. Silky black hair that seemed to glitter.

“Blegh, that was gross.”

She said.


The lizardman fell on the floor in shock.

The disgusting blood was all it too to bring Ulva back to her senses. The shitty explorer didn’t know it, but he was simply making the undead stronger.

She glared at him as he confidently beat his chest. She didn’t want to, but her big sister seemed to like him. In that case, she would protect him.

One powerful leap and she was in front of him. One quick swirl and she was facing the monster. One destructive leap and she found herself struggling to defend. It all happened so quickly barely anyone saw. They just knew someone had saved the shitty lizardman from death.

When the water settled down, all that could be seen was a little girl barely standing against the powerful might of the chief.

‘W-What the hell?’

She thought, the pressure slowly increasing. Not wanting to be defeated, she parried the attack away. Once again, the undead brought his spear down mightily. In a similar fashion, she parried the attack with her wicked scythe. This formula repeated itself on several occasions till Ulva received a message.



‘Mass… ter~ Tis another soul weapon.’

“Soul Weapon? Like you?”


‘Give me a rundown of all methods of destroying soul weapons.’


‘Nabe… you’re my special weapon. I refuse the existence of any like you.’

Ulva ordered. No one had noticed, but ever since mastering her [Lamprey Form], Ulva had slowly been changing. Everything about her was heightened. Her growth, her learning ability, her abilities, her emotions. As such, Ulva’s selfishness was also beginning to peak. At first it started with not wanting to share her food with goblins during dinner. It then proceeded to keeping Kawaii in her room all the time. Next was not letting Hinotori out of her sight anymore. It was currently at the point of not letting anyone else other than her have a soul weapon.

Quite the unreasonable request she had, but Nabe saw no problem with it. To her, Ulva was just another master. Sure, in terms of potential she was no where near Krollos. Krollos was a being in a league of their own. Still, there was something about Ulva that reminded her about Krollos. If Ulva would ever show even the slightest bit of Krollos, Nabe would do anything for her. So right now, at Ulva’s request, she would reveal the secret to destroying a [Soul Weapon].

‘Me~ The… sec… ret… to… des… troy-ing… soul… weapons… is… me.’

‘You? How?’


The undead’s tail slammed right into Ulva, with her barely getting the chance to defend herself. She set up an ice wall as a barrier to break her fall, then jumped at the lizard man. Its spear came at her once again, but she had a plan to escape it.

That plan was completely nullified by a new entrant.


Something zoomed past, right into the lizardman and flew it off into some huts, destroying quite a few homes. Ulva, unable to stop her trajectory, braced herself for impact with the new person. From behind, scary red eyes with twilight highlights glowered at her. A red-hot sword in hand and a threatening aura that made her want to stop mid-flight. An aura that was almost too unbearable to be around. Something that would belong to a deadly beast of sorts.


Hinotori’s voice resonated in her head.

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