My Reincarnation as a Chicken

Chapter 154 Clones Have Emotions Too


Amethyst shook her head briefly then looked up. She saw a wall was about to collapse on her. Its size was unbelievable. Bigger than the mansion her Master stayed in. She was about to run away, but then she noticed that her Master was stuck in a bunch of threads. She rushed over and looked around, trying to find out a way to save her master.

‘M-Master. You can’t break out?’

‘If I could, I wouldn’t be here this long, Amethyst.’

She complained. Amethyst grabbed her master with her tail and tried to pull, but there was no effect. Hinotori was glued to the ground.

‘Ok. I’ll try melting the threads!’

She thought and got over Hinotori’s body.


Hinotori tried to tell her, but it was too late. Amethyst shot a breath of purple flames at the threads, but there was no effect, other than a steaming Hinotori.

‘Ugh. Now even I can’t look at a chicken kebab the same way.’

‘M-Master. Sorry!’

Tears where in Amethyst’s eyes when she was saying this. Then she glared at the wall.

‘Stop falling you, stupid wall!’

She tried everything she believed she could.

‘Don’t worry, Amethyst. See. With my defense, I could probably survive this. I’m not sure about you, so Imma need you to move out, ok?’

Her Master expressed her concern for her. This made Amethyst feel like she was the luckiest lizard ever. She looked at Hinotori with eyes of pure admiration.

‘I will honor your final wishes, Master!’

‘I’m not dying here!’

‘My first master! What a grand being! There will never be any like you.’

‘Oi, oi, oi. Stop making it out to be my final day alive.’

Now Amethyst tried to remove her tail, but she was stuck to it as well.


She screamed, realizing the kind of situation she just got herself into.

‘Why are you still here Amethyst?’

Hinotori asked, but Amethyst was too embarrassed to speak. The lizard couldn’t even look at Hinotori’s face.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

‘I-I want to…?’

‘You’re totally stuck, aren’t you?’

‘N-No, I’m not.’

She denied it, but Hinotori had seen right through it. Hinotori wasn’t sure whether she was disappointed or shocked at the scene. She expressionlessly gazed at the nervous lizard before breaking down into bold laughter.

‘You’re totally getting smashed alongside me!’

‘I said I’m not stuck! My tail is free!’

‘That so? Lemme see your tail then.’

Amethyst realized that her tail was actually free. She raised it up and showed it to Hinotori.

The chicken was surprised then went into thought for a split second.

‘Say, Amethyst. The wall stopped moving a while ago, didn’t it?’

The lizard finally noticed that their lives were no longer in danger. She looked at the tilted wall and cocked her head in shock.

‘Tell my threads to fall off.’

‘Hmm? Sure. Fall off you, stupid threads.’

The threads fell down and Hinotori managed to stand up.

‘Huh… I just remembered that you had the skill [Overlord].’

‘Huh? What’s that?’

She asked.

‘Guess since you’re technically now Larm’s Overseer, you’ll need that skill, huh? That’s interesting.’

‘What’s that? What’s that?’

‘Amethyst, you can make anyone or anything in this forest do as you say, basically.’


Yeah, yeah. You can marvel over that later. Let’s go catch us a spider clone.’

Hinotori jumped on Amethyst’s back.

‘Master, you’re faster than me. Why are you jumping on me?’

She asked. Even though she couldn’t see it, Amethyst could feel her Master grin.

‘Ever wanted to fly, Amethyst?’


From above the skies, both Amethyst and I scoured the grounds for Yokino’s whereabouts. We couldn’t find her, so we decided to search for the clone instead. Knowing Yokino, she could literally be hiding right in front of us. Amethyst found the clone in no time. The clone was standing on a barren field and looking out towards the emptiness.

Amethyst and I descended next to it, but approached it warily.

‘Oi. Clone. We’ve found you.’

I told it. The clone didn’t even spare me a glance this time.

“So, it seems you have. What do you want?”

‘Take me to where the actual Yokino is?’

“Eh. The actual Yokino, huh?”

It said mockingly.

‘Yeah. You know, the one who’s not a clone?’

“I get it. I get it. Trust me, if I knew where she was, I’d tell you.”

‘Huh? You don’t know where she is?’

“Nope. I have no idea. I’m just following her orders.”

‘You said if you knew, you’d tell me. But earlier, you said you didn’t want to tell me.’

I pointed out.

“That’s the thing, birdbrain. I don’t know what I want.”


“I want to serve the original Yokino with all my heart, but at the same time I want to rip her to shreds for what she’s done to me. I want ignore you, but I can’t. I want to get closer to you, but the closer I get, the more I repel myself. I long for those peaceful days where all I do is sit back and watch anime, but I’m both excited and repulsed by the fact that I enjoy my new life, fighting, killing, being hurt betraying and repeating the cycle all over again. I have several emotions swirling through me right now. But there’s two that are predominant at the moment. Being there for you now that you’re in pain and killing the Original Yokino.”

It said a lot of surprising things, but the final statements completely stunned me. Where these the clone’s feelings or were these Yokino’s feelings that were reciprocated in the clone?

‘W-What do you mean, “killing the Original Yokino”? Wouldn’t that kill you?’

I asked.

“Maybe. Who knows?”

I slowly approached her and the clone was crying while looking at the field.

‘Why? Why would you do that?’

“I never asked for this. I never asked to have her feelings shoved into my heart. I never asked to be her way of sorting things out. I never asked for this weird beating in my chest and several other thoughts to be flooding my processing. W-Why did she choose to torture me?”

I was starting to feel weird, seeing the way the clone was shivering. If this was what a clone was dealing with, then what about the actual Yokino. I gulped then stood back. My instincts were telling me to run away. Something wasn’t right with this clone.

One of its spider legs stuck out from its back. Another came for me, but I avoided it. Then one by one, the others appeared and supported the clone up till it towered over me.

The clone kept twitching above me, with its hands over its face. Its hair fell out of place and I could see acidic drool falling on the ground.


Its hands fell lifelessly. Slowly, I looked up and saw a hairy spider face with mandibles and everything. It roared at me, forcing me to jump back. I transformed into my human form and grabbed my sword.

‘Amethyst. Tell her to stay there for me.’

Amethyst gave the order, but the spider clone moved regardless. I realized instantly that it was because Amethyst was weaker so I gave her a different order.

‘Tell the ground to keep her there.’

Upon delivering the orders, the ground clutched onto her legs.

I was about to charge in to slay the beast, but I heard a cry from elsewhere.

Someone jumped in from above and beheaded the spider, making its head roll off on the ground lifelessly. Confused, I lowered my guard. The person to behead the clone was none other than Yokino herself. Not a simple clone or illusion, but the actual Yokino this time.

‘Yokino? Where ya been?’

The spider looked at me with a heated expression.


I instinctively backed away.

Yokino licked her lips and slowly approached me.


She was thinking. However, when I looked at her [Status], what I saw was [Heated].

‘Heated? What's that supposed to mean? Huh? It couldn't be that, could it? Wait… don’t spiders eat the males after they finish- fuck. Amethyst! Run!’

I tried to get away, but Yokino grabbed me with her threads. I saw Amethyst try to reach me with her tail, but Yokino was lightning fast. She shrouded us in a weird mist and got me all to herself.

I could feel her breath on my cheeks as she sniffed me. Her hands frisked through my body till they settled on my chest. She pressed it, sending a tinge of pain that was also slightly exciting. Her fingers went to work, playing about, till she found my nipples.

Embarrassed, I pulled away quickly then pointed my sword at her neck. We had reappeared in a cave and I couldn’t see the way out.

‘Stop this right now, Yokino. Let me out.’

I ignited the sword for a more threatening effect, but Yokino remained cool and collected. She hit my sword away with a flick of her finger and waltzed towards me. I slowly backed away, feeling weird about the entire situation. I waved the sword at her again.

‘S-Stop, Yokino. You’re not in the right st-state.’

“Trust me, I’m fine. And you’re looking tasty.”

I walked into a wall. I looked around for any escape roots, but Yokino’s legs were there. She came in closer till she was barely an inch away from my face. Her breath tickled my lips. Slowly, her lips connected with mine and my limbs grew weak. A short kiss which she stopped almost immediately. Devilishly, she looked into my eyes and smirked. I could feel my face burning up.

‘M-My first k-k-k-kiss-‘

“Be my lunch~”

She put her hand over my face.


My sword fell down and echoed in the empty cave.

‘S-Stop this.’

I tried resisting against her.


<A/N: Uuuuhhh, Approaching dangerous levels with this chapter. Next one's a short chapter, bare with me. Please leave a comment or review to help in getting more readers! Also join the discord here: or message me on discord here: Rados47#5271 to get invited>

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