My Super Farming System

Chapter 26

C26 – Qin Family!

In the end, Ma Yabei relented and agreed to tell Xueman a story.

After all, what child doesn’t love fairy tales?

Aren’t we all children at heart?

Zhao Yuegu was visibly delighted when Ma Yabei consented.

“I don’t have much to offer you, but please help yourself to some watermelon.”

Ma Yabei’s eyes sparkled with excitement.

“Can I really have as much as I want?”


Upon seeing Zhao Yuegu bring out a black skin watermelon, she touched her round belly and burst into tears.

“Why did I have to eat so much?”

Yet, despite her fullness, she clung to half a watermelon, eating away until the wee hours of the night.

That night, her belly was so bloated that she didn’t fall asleep until the early morning.

Still, the days filled with black skin watermelon were blissful.

Zhao Yuegu had already discovered that he could do whatever he pleased with the produce he grew; the system imposed no constraints.

But selling them was a different story—if the price didn’t meet the demand, it was a no-go.

With plenty of watermelons still in the cellar and at risk of spoiling, it was better to eat them up, which worked out well for Ma Yabei.

Zhao Xueman had heard from the grandmothers that it’s better to be plump when having babies.

So, these past days, he had been devising ways to help Ma Yabei gain weight.

As for the specifics of childbirth, that was beyond her knowledge.

On the second day, Zhao Yuegu had Xueman distribute the gifts he had brought back to the villagers.

He also borrowed the village chief’s ox cart once more.

It was a necessity!

The supplies were too numerous; carrying them by hand would take an eternity.

Once they were out of the mountains, Zhao Yuegu promptly called Sun Ying. The sleepy beauty quickly became Zhao Yuegu’s personal driver.

But she wasn’t keen on being just a driver forever.

Who doesn’t aspire for more?


Naturally, Sun Ying kept these thoughts to herself.

She found Zhao Yuegu both attractive and wealthy, exceeding her criteria for a boyfriend by a long shot.

Over the next two days, they worked tirelessly, moving most of the supplies into the mountains.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The villagers received their share and were ecstatic, feeling their affection in their younger years was well rewarded.

“How much money did Zhao spend?” they wondered.

“We’re practically knocking on heaven’s door. You’d be better off saving your money for a wife instead of spending it like this.”

“Try not to be so wasteful in the future.”

As the villagers savored the practicality of the gifts, they gently chided Zhao Yuegu for his careless spending.

It was clear they all had his best interests at heart.

Zhao Yuegu had no family of his own, yet these villagers, they were his kin.

He could recall the distinct flavors of each household’s cooking.

Granny Liu’s dishes were on the salty side, Grandpa Five had a penchant for fish, and the village chief’s meat was always the most succulent.

It was only upon his visits that he discovered the truth.

Granny Liu only added extra salt for him, a luxury they seldom afforded themselves.

Grandpa Five would only prepare fish when he came around!

And meat was served at the village chief’s only in his presence.

After the tragedy that claimed the lives of the village’s younger generation, he had become their beacon of hope.

He wasn’t always the sole focus, but as time passed, more events unfolded.

Through her repeated visits, Sun Ying grew to know the village well.

It was then she pieced it together.

“You’re the viral Mr. Watermelon from the internet!”

“How did I not see it before?”

“How on earth are you so wealthy?”

Sun Ying was utterly baffled.

Truth be told,

Zhao Yuegu had always been an enigma to her, fueling her curiosity.

She was eager to uncover the real Zhao Yuegu!

She was dying to strip away the mystery and see him for who he truly was.

“Don’t ask questions you shouldn’t,” came the warning.

Sun Ying’s heart skipped a beat.

Could it be…

He had come into his fortune through some dubious means?

Was he some sort of mountain overlord?

But that made no sense – where would he even rob money from in these barren hills?

And besides…

The local bank probably didn’t see as much cash flow as Zhao Yuegu had in his account!

“No wonder his watermelons were priced so high.”

“It turns out he really didn’t care about the cost.”

“If a billionaire personally grew watermelons, selling them for five thousand would indeed be a steal.”

Sun Ying couldn’t wrap her head around it.

But when she finally tasted the black skin watermelon, her eyes sparkled with delight.

“How can it taste this amazing!”

“Goodness! I’ve never had anything like it.”

“May I take two back with me?”

Zhao Yuegu would never say no.

“Of course, but you’ll have to pay.”

In the end, Sun Ying realized she hadn’t received her paycheck for driving Zhao Yuegu around. Instead, she’d dipped into her own funds to buy that watermelon.

And she’d been nothing short of a workhorse these past few days…

“But getting to savor such a tasty watermelon makes it all worthwhile,” she reassured herself.

She was also eager for her parents to try the black-skinned watermelon.

The Sun family held fast to old traditions, favoring sons over daughters.

Her brother, despite his lack of ambition, was still the apple of their parents’ eyes.

Sun Ying wasn’t hurting for money, but she knew she’d never have a stake in the family business.

Otherwise, she wouldn’t have bothered getting a taste of life at the car dealership.

It was evening by the time her parents got home. She proudly presented the sliced black-skinned watermelon.

“Dad, Mom, you have to try this—it’s incredibly delicious!”

Her father, Sun, adjusted his glasses and examined the fruit.

“It smells great, but why is the rind black?”

“It’s a unique variety,” Sun Ying said with a playful stick of her tongue.

Her father nodded, taking a bite to humor her. He didn’t want to disappoint his daughter.

Watermelon was a cooling food, after all, and shouldn’t be consumed in excess.

But as the sweet, chilly juice burst in his mouth, his eyes lit up.


The day’s weariness seemed to melt away with the taste of this delightful treat.


Sun Ying’s jaw dropped as she watched her father polish off the entire watermelon.

“Dad, aren’t you worried about eating such a large watermelon? It might not sit well…”

Her father paused, a look of surprise on his face.

How did I manage to eat so much?

I just couldn’t resist!

It’s a cooling food…

He opened his mouth to speak but instead let out a satisfied belch.

“Don’t wait up for me at dinner.”

“And is there any way to get more of these watermelons? I’d like to give one as a gift.”

He believed that a memorable watermelon like this was the perfect present.

It would surely leave a lasting impression on his business associates.


Sun Ying blinked in surprise.

“I picked it up in the countryside. They’re available, but quite pricey—5,000 each.”

Sun’s father was clearly taken aback.

Did he really just spend 5,000?

“Yeah, it’s not too pricey.”

“Get some more, then.”

“But Dad, even if I could buy them, I couldn’t bring them back!”

“Why not drive over?”

“Our car can’t make it there!”

“And I wouldn’t dare drive into the mountains.”

It was then that Sun’s father grasped the issue, his expression turning grave.

“I’ve been told by your brother that you’ve been seen with some wealthy heir lately?”

Sun Ying instantly covered her face.

How could he be so oblivious?

Yet, he was her father, after all.

“He’s an exceptional person, but I don’t think he’s from a wealthy family.”

“Hmm, bring him home sometime. As long as he’s decent, your mother and I won’t oppose your association.”

Sun Ying felt utterly embarrassed.

“Please, Dad, let’s not talk about this.”

She was at a loss for words.

It’s not like that at all!

There’s nothing going on between us!

Then, as if struck by a sudden thought, Sun’s father added,

“Oh, by the way, the Bureau of Commodity Price is investigating that outrageous watermelon price. Tell your brother to accompany you tomorrow and network with the visiting officials.”

Sun Ying was on the verge of tears.

“Dad, that overpriced watermelon you’re talking about? You just ate it.”


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