My System Academy

Chapter 91 Closing The Rift (3)

"Another way? What is it?", Elder Flock and the rest were baffled.

Did this man have a method to hasten the process of closing the rift?

The elder thought that it was a futile attempt on Eluard's part. If Eluard wanted to do that, an archmage would be needed and the only archmage here was...

'No, it's better to observe his actions first.'

The young brat closed his eyes.

Unbeknownst to them, Eluard took his consciousness into the divine planetary space. Floating around, he sensed the space and star resonate in similar frequency, that of which is his heartbeat.

"Ah, successor. You have returned once again.", the divine pathfinder greeted.

"Divine pathfinder, since magic roots tend to resonate with others on a given basis, is there a way I can enhance them one way or another?", Eluard cut to the chase.

"You can, dear successor.", the divine pathfinder nonchalantly replied, "Not only can you enhance their raw power itself. Due to your higher rarity, possibly even the best of all, you can also temporarily unlock the hidden potential of a resonating magic root if it permits."

"That powerful?", Eluard gasped.

"Successor, do not ever underestimate the limitless prospect that your magic root and talent contain. Things may seem a little underwhelming at the start, and there are other features you may not know of, but remember that as the direct descendant of the Primal Lord of Magic itself, you will overpower the rest once the time has come."

The divine pathfinder prompted Eluard of his bloodline. Eluard found motivation in his words and became even more determined in his actions as a result.

"What about the process then?"

"Pour your mana into your target through direct contact with any part of yours and their body. Although you could alter this later on, it is a necessity in the beginning for you to get acquainted with.", the divine pathfinder answered.

Eluard bowed, "Thank you, divine pathfinder."

His consciousness faded from the divine planetary space, returning to his original body. When he opened his eyes, he realized that he accidentally proved another theory he devised a while ago.

'Time passes differently when I go in and out of that space. It may seem like I have spent a lot of time there, but here, heh. Not even Elder Flock himself managed to track what happened.'

Eluard gestured for the old man to let go of him and walked toward Emilia.

"Have you found a new way?", Arahon impatiently asked.

"Yes, I hope that academy master Emilia would fully cooperate with my new plan.", Eluard said while knuckling his fists in preparation.

He was planning to use the remaining temporary power scroll in his inventory when the system issued a prompt.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

[ Warning: Using the Temporary Power Scroll in your current condition will impose serious injuries. ]

[ Warning: Subsequent use of Temporary Power Scrolls can damage your cultivation base. Estimated subsequent use remaining: 2 ]

Eluard halted his steps and thought for a moment before resuming.

'System, no wonder you rarely give me temporary power scrolls, eh?'

[ Temporary Power Scrolls are preventive measures for the host to get out of peculiar and/or unaccounted situations that may turn risky, or the resulting outcome is significant. They are not meant to be spent lavishly. ]

Eluard snorted, thinking that there was something wrong with his system but he could not come up with an explanation for it.

'System, just give me the damn power-up. I need to act fast for this special task of yours.'

He was conscious enough to not be selfish and act as the hero in the final moments of this incident. He was no match for Mahiista and the dragon that was about to be summoned.

Worse, he was inexperienced in fighting against the true experts of the Otherworld.

Rather than taking such chances, why not use the temporary power scroll to speed up the process of closing the rift instead? It was surely beneficial, and it may aid him in preserving the strength of Elder Flock, Harrtugg Naaw, Arahon, and High King Garron so that they could fight their adversaries with full strength later on.

Those people were the only ones capable of facing their enemies. Eluard wanted to learn from their fights and use it to understand some things first. As for his spotlight, like what the divine pathfinder had indicated earlier, his time will come and now was not that time.

Insisting otherwise was plain stupid.

After his short persuasion, a cool breeze erupted from his head and went down to his legs. This was sensed by the four ascended beings, narrowing their eyes on the brat who was standing in front of Emilia.

"Cooperate with you? About what?"

"In closing the rift, what else do you think I am talking about?", Eluard raised his eyebrows.

"Didn't you just say that it would take a long time? Why suddenly change your mind?", Emilia snorted.

"Because I can accelerate the process, academy master Emilia. Now please.", he gestured, shocking everyone with his previous words.

"Accelerate…", Elder Flock stuttered with his student in tow, "… the process? Impossible! You don't even know the basics of spatial magic, much worse closing the rift!"

"I never said I will teach you a few tricks or two, I'm only going to assist you. What are you talking about?", Eluard confusingly replied.

"But still…!"

"Academy master Emilia, just trust me on this, okay?", he assured her.

Left with no choice and time, Emilia agreed, "Fine, but I'll lead the way!"

Eluard shrugged.

The rest heard their entire conversation and were left speechless. Even Haera herself wondered how could Eluard gather up the courage to argue against Emilia who was known for her erratic behavior.

'Well... he is a bit peculiar in his way too, right?'

She was referring to that sudden surge of power from Eluard which she also sensed back when he was confronting Vulture a while ago. Haera bit her lip and wondered what was going to happen this time.

The slight interruption reached its conclusion, giving Elder Flock the floor to execute his orders.

He waved his hands to gather their attention, "The northerner army should wake up soon. Until the rift closes, we will continue to defend the area. The attacking demonic beasts may increase in number and some may get past through the outer defenses."

"I will remain here and guard the central area. High King Garron and the two dragons can position themselves on their own volition and support the areas that are badly outnumbered or those that need some help."

He turned around and looked at Haera and the other five youngsters, "As for you kids… keep a lookout for any stragglers and obliterate them if you can."

"Move out!"

Everyone else except Eluard, Emilia, and Elder Flock, left.

The young academy master was about to start her channeling when she felt a warm hand touch her back.

"Wh-what are you doing?!", she blushed and immediately backed away.

"I'm transferring my mana into you. Stand still!", Eluard replied.

"Is that what you meant by assisting me?!", Emilia was flustered.

"How else am I going to help you then?"

"By magic array formation!", she reprimanded, "Formation, I say!", repeating her words, "Or can't you use some paryus magic scrolls? Some pills or something else than this?"

What sort of man suddenly touches a woman on her back without telling her firsthand? She was extremely dissatisfied and wanted to call her master for help.

"I'm sorry but my methods do not work that way.", he saw her about to lash again and quickly added, "Look, either you let me assist you or not. Your choice."

Elder Flock saw what occurred earlier and paid it no heed.

"Emilia, just do what Mr. Kai needs."

Seeing that her master didn't confront the perverted bastard, she warned Eluard of things he shouldn't do.

"I'm reminding you…"

Eluard shrugged at her response. This girl was out of her mind if he thought he was out here to take advantage of an older woman.

He had better things to do and he wasn't in the mood to argue with her.

Emilia turned around and took a deep breath.

"I will touch you now."

Despite hearing his words and a thick wizard robe separating his hand from her naked body, she still shivered uncontrollably when his hand touched her back.

Oblivious to her feelings, Eluard closed his eyes and gathered his mana before transferring it into her body.

She felt the surge of foreign mana from him and found that her mind was a little clearer today. Her magic root was also resonating intensely more than ever.

'I could feel my comprehension improving and the power of my spatial magic too! What is this? Can he improve the cultivation of others or does it only work on specific individuals?'

Emilia drove the thought out of her mind and focused on the task at hand. The earth below her and Eluard caved in as her spatial magic forced itself outwards.

She clasped her hands together and conjured 9 transparent magic circles around her body.

"Spatial Closure!"

The spatial rift above shook. Another tremendous roar echoed, pressuring the person responsible for trying to close the rift to immediately cease what they were doing.

A minute passed and the roar stopped. What followed it, however, were numerous large scarlet beams targeted at Emilia and Eluard.

'Just as I envisioned. The Otherworld is truly a masterclass on its own when putting up precautionary measures on their plans!'

Elder Flock foresaw this and set up a defensive barrier around the two, protecting them from the Otherworld's retaliation.

As if a sentient being, the rift realized that it could not get past this old man's defenses and chose to deal with him first.

A dark column fell from the heavens before splitting into endless smaller beams and targeting Elder Flock in all directions.

He snorted and stood his ground, "Divine Serpentine Flame Guard."

The temperature around 20 meters from his position soared high as several flame-elemental snakes burst out of his body. They surrounded Elder Flock and hissed fiercely at the incoming destructive beams.

They slithered their bodies in the air and used them to defend against the attack.

Elder Flock directed some of them to confront the beams head-on, devouring them completely before shooting the beams back towards the rift above.

Sensing that the opposing party dared to send its attack back to its own, the rift trembled again. It sent eight large king-level demonic beasts directly to his position.

"You have to do better than that.", Elder Flock coldly mocked the rift's inability, "Divine Flame Implosion."

The king-level demonic beasts suddenly bloated. Steam surged out of their mouths before a blinding light flashed and a powerful explosion occurred in mid-air, showering the old man with disgusting innards and blood. His gut wasn't going to take more of it and quickly vaporized everything using his flames.

Angered, the rift trembled furiously. Then, the sky was blocked out as hundreds of thousands of demonic beasts fell.

"Quantity over quality, huh? Are you out of your mind?", Elder Flock harrumphed, "Divine Surging Flame Wave."

The flame-elemental serpents changed their form and became a wall that mimicked the sea waves in the ocean, dashing towards the demonic beasts and scorching them to their deaths as the waves passed through.

While Elder Flock was busy fighting against the rift, a small feminine grunt rang in his ears. He turned his head around and saw both Eluard and Emilia holding their mouths now full of blood.

Enraged, Elder Flock shouted.

"Damn it, Emilia, you've overestimated yourself again, didn't you?!"

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