My System: An Evolved Computer I Made With My Unique Ability—

Chapter 105 Emergency Summons

While the Inter-High Tournament was taking place, specifically while everyone was having a good time at the mini-festival right by the edges of the Inter-High Stadium, the SAO sent out a phone call to every available superhero in Japan.

This phone call was an emergency summons. And to say the least, an emergency summons is quite rare when it comes to the SAO. With the abundance of strong superheroes currently, they don't really need to sound the emergency summons unless absolutely necessary. Petty crimes such as robberies or snatchers are all dealt with by the police or a low-ranking superhero.

"What do you think?" Tatsuki asked just when he closed the door behind him. It was a normal afternoon with fair weather so the last thing they were expecting was the summons from SAO.

Usually, the emergency summons would happen at least once a year if an alien invasion or a formidable group of villains appear. The emergency summons was also issued if there was a huge disaster in Japan, for example, the magnitude eight earthquake that happened two years ago.

To think that the emergency summons would happen twice this year is more or less very nerve-wracking. The first one was when the Slime Aliens attacked and they were successfully pushed back. So what would it be this time around?

Questions whirled around the Midoriyama Duo's head as they sped off towards the SAO Headquarters, when they got there, a lot of heroes were already there, awaiting orders. In total, there were at least two dozen superheroes in the room including the Midoriyama Duo and for some miracle, all the top ten SAO superheroes were there.

Usually, the third-ranking superhero, Death Angel, doesn't usually participate in the emergency summons. In fact, he doesn't want to be in the limelight at all, that's why he never rose in his rankings. If he were to do a couple of missions, it wouldn't be long before he both surpassed the Midoriyama Duo. He was that formidable.

That's why the SAO rankings are fair. You don't get a rank based on your superpowers alone, but your contributions to society are heavily scrutinized as well. After that, you're given hero points and those hero points reflect your rank in SAO rankings. Death Angel has only ever appeared thrice on TV and those times he was the MVP. That's why he still has a lot of points despite not doing anything for the past couple of years.

"Oh, Archus Strongs and Sirius Strongs, both of you are here." Midoriyama Tatsuki greeted with a bit of nervousness and uncertainty in his voice. Archus and Sirius both came from a family of elite superheroes who has a big name in America and that's why they were held with high regard even in Japan. Also, their superhero names, Death Angel and Life Angel are pretty popular around the world.

Seeing them in one room at the same time made Tatsuki and Ayumu feel a little concerned as to what the emergency was all about. If it were a small-scale invasion or a group of superpowerful villains, then it's more than enough to get the top fifty superheroes. Even the Midoriyama Duo need not be here.

And yet, for some odd reason, the top ten superheroes were summoned. Either a large-scale invasion is happening, or a massive catastrophe is about to go down.

"Yeah, I was told to go to this emergency summons by mum and dad from America. I wouldn't usually involve myself in such dangerous things since I'm already quite settled, but something big's going down. Mum and dad wouldn't say anything about it if it were manageable just like the Slime Alien invasion a couple of days back." Death Angel said, ruffling his stark black hair before rubbing his shoulders. The room was getting chilly and he wasn't used to the cold.

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"I thought I was the only one. Glad to have you here big brother. Hopefully, this is not as catastrophic as it sounds."

"It's the Midoriyama Duo! Kyaaa~~~ I'm a big fan! I've always wanted to meet you in person but I couldn't do it because of work and my agency is having a tough time lately with all the major incidents from back then. I'm Takenaka Miki— "

"— the Fulfiller, right?" Ayumu interrupted, grabbing the Fulfiller's hands and gently shaking them. "No, it is an absolute honor to meet such a great hero as you. Your power could easily be number one if the support hero rankings are separated. No wonder you're ranked ten in the SAO rankings."

"No way, the honor is all mine! I've always looked up to you ever since I was a teenager! Receiving such great praise from you, I couldn't be more blessed!" Fulfiller said, bowing at a ninety-degree angle.

"Come on, y-you don't have to bow. Every superhero here owes you one or two because of that superpower, you should be more confident." Ayumu continued.

"Yeah, remember the Grimm Villain Incident? You used your support power on me and my brother and that's what enabled us to defeat the entire ring by ourselves. If it weren't for you, we would've died. That villain called the Candy Witch is pretty terrifying." Life Angel said with a grin.

"We owe you our lives back then. And our rankings? It is a mere reflection of you extending a hand towards your fellow superheroes." Death Angel acquiesced. He is a man of few words but he gives credit when credit is due.

"No way, this is— don't focus on me too much, this is embarrassing hehe~~~ " Fulfiller responded while covering her face, reddening in embarrassment.

"I wonder... " Tatsuki said. "Does your superpower work on complicated superpowers as well? For example, can you connect me and my wife?"

It should be mentioned that Fulfiller's superpower is one of the top support superpowers there is. It doesn't include buffs of any kind, nor does it include fast regeneration or healing. In fact, her superpower leans more on the psychic archetype than anything else.

Psychic Link.

It doesn't just work on people with superpowers, but it also works on ordinary humans as well. Basically, she can connect the minds of two people, allowing them to exchange information as if they have two selves. If used on two people with superpowers, they'll be able to use the other superpower as if it were his or herself.

Of course, the only limit is that she can only provide two links. If she were to exceed that, her mind wouldn't be able to take it and she'll be out of commission for a month. The first time she tried that, she thought that her superpowers were gone for good but after a month, she was able to link people again.

Needless to say, it's a pretty overpowered superpower.

"Yes, I can link pretty much anyone. But if their superpower is passive, for example. Someone with four arms as part of his superpower would be able to link with another person but they won't be able to share their superpower. If it's a physical trait for a superpower, then it won't work. Some superpowers work like that as well. For example, the Eye-Goddes's superpower is a bona fide superpower, it's not a physical trait at all. But when I tried linking her with someone else before, it didn't work. She was able to use the superpower of the other hero but the other hero couldn't use hers."

"I see, so it's pretty much a fifty-fifty chance or something, I guess."  Tatsuki continued.

"In any case, should we try it?" Fulfiller asked, she was more excited than anyone else.

Everyone who heard her perked their ears as they realized that something amazing was about to go down. If it was successful, then another piece of history would've been written. For the first time, the top two superheroes were about to attempt to receive the greatest buff there is.

"Link." Miki then said.

In an instant, Tatsuki and Ayumu felt something change in their minds, it was as if it expanded by two and the amount of information they know was starting to get muddled. But after a few seconds, those thoughts cleared up and they were able to exchange information with each other even without talking.

"I see, so even if you can't link our superpowers, this is still pretty useful. You can strategize instantaneously just by thinking of something." Tatsuki continued.

"It's as if you have an extension of your body. It feels rather weird yet powerful at the same time." Ayumu continued.

"Now let's try it." Tatsuki continued. "Try using the flame superpower I plundered, Ayumu,"

Ayumu nodded and to everyone's surprise, her arm released an incredible amount of flames. She had to stop using it otherwise she might burn the whole building.

"Next is super speed," Tatsuki said next.

Just like the results of the first one, Ayumu managed to use superspeed without difficulty.

"Next, we move on to the next phase, try using Plunder on Death Angel. Death Angel, would that be okay?"

"Sure, go ahead," Death Angel agreed.

Ayumu nodded. "All, right. Here we go."

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