My System: An Evolved Computer I Made With My Unique Ability—

Chapter 115 All Hail The Eye-Goddess

[Satoshi, you're powers are growing stronger,]

[You have to be careful]

Somehow, what Dex told Satoshi as soon as he used his superpowers on Clerica's staff made him wonder if Dex was teasing him or not. A moment ago, he barked orders at it and it was somehow offended by the way he talked. So maybe this time, he was trying to mess with him. 'Why did I have to be careful? And if my powers are growing stronger, then isn't that a good thing?' Satoshi said to himself while anticipating what sort of creature would come out of the staff. He kind of expected a newer version of the staff but to his surprise, something else came out— something life-like, something mobile.

"Wuu~" A soft voice came from the new familiar that Satoshi got. For some reason, the new familiar looked like a teru teru bozu (those cute white dolls that the Japanese hang up when it's a rainy day) except it had a halo. It was the cutest thing that Satoshi ever saw in his life. In an instant, he felt like it would be his favorite familiar. And somehow, he felt a pang of jealousy from the other familiars as soon as he thought about that.

"I'm just kiddi— "

[Petmaster support has been activated]

[Please name your new familiar, Satoshi]

"Sera," Satoshi didn't even think twice about the name of the familiar because it seemed cute and angelic at the same time. He doesn't know why the staff transformed like that though. Unbeknownst to him, Clerica's staff is actually alien technology from the invasion a few years back. It cost Clerica a fortune to get such a staff and Satoshi just got it for himself. But then again, it's not like Clerica can do anything about it since she was unconscious.

[Sera's support has been activated]

[Sera's support rank is set to C]

[Sera's stats has been boosted up]

"What's going on?" Satoshi called up but he had no time to find out what Dex meant in his head. As soon as he asked the question, a few tentacles came at him and he summoned his familiar 'Nailgun' and rode on it once again. He barely dodged the oncoming vines and some of them bruised him a bit.

However, as soon as he got those bruises, it disappeared in an instant as if he was never bruised in the first place. It's as if what happened was just a temporary illusion.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Suddenly, the entire atmosphere was covered with yellow glowing light as three halos appeared on Sera's head. Satoshi would know soon enough that those halos represent the multiplier of its healing abilities. As of right now, Sera can only produce three halos and that's the current limit of her ability.

However, her abilities were more than capable enough to heal everyone in the group and debuff the Monster Rose at the same time. In a split second, Crank Tank and Clerica woke up and they felt more rejuvenated than ever. Even Resonance, who was experiencing a sore throat, felt like she could shout a thousand times over at the enemy.

"What... just... happened?" Clerica asked, staring at Resonance. However, Resonance was as speechless as her.

"Sorry about that Satoshi. I can't use my portals that much anymore. We still need to go to the other Gate right?"

"YES! I'll take care of this. Just make sure you have enough energy to get us there." Satoshi bit his lips. Why is he trusting a girl he just met? It's not like she's proven herself to be trustworthy enough.

As soon as Emma spoke, she felt unknown energy welling up within her as if someone was powering her up. And then she realized that some sort of figure was floating in the middle of the battlefield. That figure seemed like a white doll with three halos on its head. And somehow, the doll was clasping both its hands as if it were praying.

When the yellow glow reached the Monster Rose it began screeching in pain as if the sun was directly burning it with its rays. It shriveled, and then its size was reduced to half of its former glory.

"So this is the power of... " Satoshi mumbled, making a mental note that he had to thank Clerica for the staff that became an invaluable ally on his team. Had he checked the information about his new familiar, he would've realized that it was the first S-Grade Familiar he got.

"Thanks, whatever you are!" Emma screamed at Sera who was floating at the top of the battlefield.

Because of everything falling into place, everyone knew that they had a fighting chance at defeating the unbeatable Monster Rose. With another shout, Crank Tank taunted the Monster Rose so all its attention will be directed at him, leaving the damaged dealers to attack it from its blind spots. Knifetongue and Black Bullet regained their energy as well and they took that opportunity to continuously attack the Monster Rose as if there was no tomorrow. Satoshi followed their pace as well, utilizing White Lion, Lighter, and Nailgun as they continued their assault.

"We got this!" Crank Tank said.

"Wait, where's my— WHERE'S MY STAFF?!" The color on Clerica's face vanished in an instant as soon as she realized that her staff was nowhere to be found. She rummaged through her bag and even looked around the surroundings. She even dug a few feet of sand around her but to no avail. Somehow, her staff just disappeared from her hands.

"Um... about that... " Resonance nervously gulped as she pointed at Satoshi. She knew it would be hard for her to explain if she pointed at the Familiar that continuously healed them. All for good reason though since there would be much confusion if Resonance explained it without thinking too much about it. "Satoshi got your staff... and then he summoned some sort of Familiar through your staff."


After saying that, Resonance then pointed at the familiar that floated directly on top of the Monster Rose. "That familiar," Resonance continued.


Clerica couldn't believe it!

That staff— The Staff of Brynhildr— is one of her most prized possessions. It comes close second to her life when it comes to importance. It was the most expensive thing she bought in an auction and until now, she's still paying for it. It didn't really bother her since she earns quite a lot... but now it would leave a bad aftertaste in her mouth every time she pays for it because it's basically gone.

After thinking about it though, it's not like she can blame Satoshi for doing something underhanded. A few moments ago, they were at the end of their rope, only awaiting their inevitable deaths. Had Emma and Satoshi not come to their rescue, they would've died right then and there. As aforementioned, Clerica still held her life as her top priority, that's why she partly accepted the loss of her staff in exchange for obtaining the blessing to live another day.

"That kid... he's Satoshi, right? That powerful superhero from Japan?" Clerica said. "I guess that's fine then. I'll just look for another staff." She continued even though she felt bad about it.

As they continued their onslaught, the Monster Rose's hp steadily went down. There was nothing it could do. Just an additional familiar on the enemy's side was enough to tip the favors against the Monster Rose. With Resonance's last 'die', the Monster Rose let out a weak moan before it fell on the sand, causing sand to spray everywhere.

They've defeated the Monster Rose.

Emma excitedly ran towards the Monster Rose and grabbed something from there. Only Satoshi was the one who noticed what she did so he didn't say a word about it. Right now, his topmost priority is to get Emma to use her portal once again and transport him to where his parents are. It wouldn't do him any good if he confronted Emma about her suspicious activity so he kept quiet.

"Let's go," Satoshi continued.


After getting all his familiars back and putting them into Orb Oboros once again, Emma made another portal that was big enough to fit the two of them. She was full of energy right now so opening a portal was as effortless as breathing.

"Wait!" Crank Tank called out but Emma and Satoshi already stepped into the portal.


"We didn't even get to say thank you, huh," Knifetongue said with a sigh. "They did save our lives after all. Clerica, I'm sorry about your Staff of Brynhildr but it had to be done. That kid risked his life to save us and he almost died a couple of times back there."

"I can't believe we just survived that. I thought I was already a goner when I lost consciousness." Crank Tank muttered. We'd better bring that kid to our agency no matter what."

"Yes, all hail the Eye-Goddess." Black Bullet agreed.

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