My System: An Evolved Computer I Made With My Unique Ability—

Chapter 122 Second Round— Inter-High III

For the first time in Satoshi's life, he finally felt the thrill of fighting against superheroes. Compared to the other superheroes he fought before, the Great White Shark Academy Candidates are quite formidable. He could tell that Hiroshi and the others were head to head against the other candidates which just goes to show how much training they've put into their superpowers. The more Satoshi fought with them, the more he realized that they really did deserve first place during the first round.

Suddenly, a grin appeared on Satoshi's face as he raised his hands. "I have a proposition!" He exclaimed.

A couple of invisible hammers rained down on Satoshi but he cleanly dodged them with a few somersaults. He then approached Mound Pound and gave him a nice chop on the neck, rendering him unconscious in an instant. All this time, Primal and the others couldn't react at all. Even though Satoshi moved slowly, he moved with great precision. They could tell that he also put in the hard work in his physical self rather than his superpower. 'How could a summoner with a great superpower rely too much on his physical strength?' They couldn't help but wonder. Still, they admired the feat nonetheless. After all, they were the same, superpowers are just an extension of the body. When it comes down to it, physical strength is the only thing you can rely on and it would never betray you.

"Let's hear it then," Primal said, raising his hands and telling his group to stop attacking.  Since every candidate trusted their leaders too much, both sides stopped attacking at once. Satoshi even allowed Primal's group to heal Mound Pound, the guy that fell unconscious due to his attack. That way, everything will be fair once the proposition was heard and the middle ground was agreed upon.

Of course, that gesture was more than enough to attract the audience and the commentators, causing them to focus on their group instead of the other two groups who were fighting as well. As mentioned before, all the fights were simultaneously done in different stages, that's why one wouldn't be able to watch all the fights, they could only focus on one. But then again, the stages were  side by side with each other so it's not like one will miss out when he or she wasn't looking at the other fights.

Right now, however, everyone's focus was on the USA versus Great White Shark fight because, for some odd reason, both sides stopped attacking each other.

"IT SEEMS LIKE SOMETHING INTERESTING IS ABOUT TO COME DOWN ON THE THIRD STAGE!" The commentator screamed, pointing his index finger at the third stage so everyone's attention would be focused there.

Satoshi's group stayed behind him and Primal's group did the same as they walked forward. "What do you propose, Satoshi?" Primal asked with a satisfied grin, fully expecting Satoshi to challenge him in a one-on-one fight. Aside from winning the second round, beating Satoshi to a pulp would greatly boost the Great White Shark Academy's standing since Satoshi was considered to be one of the most powerful high schoolers at the moment. 'You just don't know how much I've waited for this moment.'  Primal inwardly said. He decided that as soon as Satoshi announces the challenge, he would attack him before he could even react. Right now, he's warmed up enough that his superpower is activated to its maximum potential.

"This is taking too long and I've got places to be," Satoshi announced as one of Cyborg's drones approached him while Cyborg hacked the screen that showed the highlights of the fight. On there, Satoshi and Primal were shown in full view with their conversation being broadcasted on all the live streams worldwide. Satoshi didn't stop Cyborg from streaming it since there was nothing he could do in the first place. It would just needlessly agitate Cyborg if he were to slap the drone to oblivion.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


"Why don't you all come at me, all at once, so we can end this second round?" Satoshi proposed.

"Wha— Satoshi! What are you saying?" Midori screamed. "You've seen how powerful they were! Are you forfeiting this match?"

"No, just listen," Hiroshi interrupted. Although he felt a bit annoyed at Satoshi's proposition, he knew that there was more to it than that.

Primal's expression seemed to shift as soon as he heard what Satoshi had to say. With a chuckle, he turned around and slightly clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Did I hear you right? Are you telling me that you can take on all of us with just you? Are you kidding yourself right now? Do you hear this, guys?" He said, turning around and addressing his teammates.

In an instant, Primal released all of his bloodlust and exceeded the maximum limit of his transformation. With a swift swinging motion, Primal aimed right at Satoshi's neck in an attempt to cut him down. Of course, that would probably disqualify him but at least he would injure Satoshi to the verge of death. And of course, with both of them out of the picture, it's only a matter of time before his team wins.

However, Satoshi didn't move an inch despite the strong gust of wind Primal's attack caused. He just smirked and let Ghast take over. Once again, Primal's attack didn't connect—

— no, in fact, it did connect, not in a way he expected though.

Due to Ghast's portal superpower, Satoshi directed Primal's attack on Cyborg, who was thrown a couple of meters from where he was standing. He didn't even see where the attack came from but it sure packed a punch.

"What was that just now?!" Siril asked in a whisper. Up until now, he still hasn't said anything nor had he done something throughout the entire second round. He just couldn't find a window of opportunity to transform into his dragon form so he just stayed on the sidelines while cheering everyone on. But then again, everyone joined him on the sidelines after Satoshi's announcement.

Primal didn't waste any time unleashing another attack, thinking that what Satoshi did was just a fluke. Up until now, he still couldn't see how his attack was redirected. As Satoshi stepped backward, Primal twisted his body and flung himself towards Satoshi, hands outstretched and claws extended.

Satoshi tilted to his left and bent backward, avoiding the attack by a hair's breadth before shooting a couple of nails towards Primal's eyes. He managed to avoid them by jumping backward a couple of times and then crouching down low before springing towards Satoshi once again. This time he roared out of frustration.

But before he could reach Satoshi, he felt the fur on his back stand up and realized that he was about to get attacked from behind. He turned around and saw that one of  Satoshi's familiars was there— Lighter. Tightening his core, he twisted and tried to kick the Lighter.

However, Lighter is just a ball of fire so his attack just went through.

And while all those were happening, Primal didn't notice that the Windfan was directly on top of him. As it blasted him with air, he was pinned to the ground.

Cyborg and the others couldn't take the one-sided beating anymore. Without further ado, he propelled himself towards Satoshi, carrying Viper on his back. Mound Pound started distracting Satoshi with his invisible hammers but Satoshi just redirected their attacks using Ghast. With Ghast's portal  superpower and a few elemental superpowers on his side, Satoshi was unstoppable. Because of that, everyone's attention was directed to the Third Stage. Even the live stream now focused on the Satoshi versus Great White Shark Academy fight since it was the most engrossing out of all the fights. Satoshi was already comparable to a pro superhero with how he fought.

"Viper, you know what to do," Cyborg said.

Viper nodded.

Midori and the others just watched as Satoshi single-handedly dealt with everyone. It wasn't typical for Satoshi to step up and put himself in the spotlight like that so they were a bit worried but seeing that he can easily defeat the entire group without their help made them feel relieved and useless at the same time.

However, one of Satoshi's statements a moment ago made Shidou a bit suspicious. After all, Satoshi said that he's got places to be. "Something happened last night, I knew it," Shidou said to himself, worriedly staring at Satoshi who weaved himself safely through the flurry of attacks he received.

"Should we go help him?" Midori asked.

"You do know that we'll just get in the way if we did, right?" Sassu said, taking over Cherry's body once again. "Let's wait for now. Let's not make it harder than it already is for Satoshi."

Meanwhile, Cyborg has finally gotten close to Satoshi and before Satoshi could react, Cyborg hurled Viper right at him. Of course, Satoshi couldn't help but let out a gasp upon seeing the hideous fangs inside Viper's mouth...

... and that response was more than enough for Viper to turn him into a stone.

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