My Ten Wives and Ten Rings in the Apocalypse

Chapter 157 Meeting The Royals

Bang! Bang!

A group of people were fighting with their life on the life while they were trying to escape the hordes of beast.

The empty field which had turn to frost land was covered in fresh blood of both human and beast. Various human and beast part littered the ground as far the eyes could see.

Nevertheless, both the beast and man were on dead lock, not wanting to give up.

The group of human had been on the run for the past two days with the beast on their tail. They tried everything to lose the beast but it was futile.


A giant car was sent flying by a powerful sword attack from a young man as he panted. He used his long sword for support and watched the brutal battle.

'Why are they chasing after us?' He cried as a deadly sharp scar was on his left face. This scare gave him an intimidating and savage presence while it also makes him looked older.

His gaze flickered as he watch his friend battle desperately not fall in the hands of the beast.

On his left, an handsome young man flickered back with two short spear as he tried help those that were dangerous situation. Unfortunately, he didn't see a sneak attack and he sent flying.


The sound of bones breaking echoed in the frosty weather as he blood splattered from his mouth. He gasped as his face paled. He tried to stand but the cracking of his bone made him fell to the ground. But the unwilling in his eyes burn fiercely as he fixed his gaze on a particular direction.

A beautiful lady dressed in a long overflowing blue robe with a fan in her hand danced skillfully among the hordes. Every swing of her fan deal a deadly attack on the beast.

This was Isla while the other two young men were William and Robert— The three other Royals.

Surrounding the Royals were brave men and women that were fighting the beasts. A hefty man covered in scar, swings his giant ax fiercely, killing a warthog.


A miserable scream came from the distance as a young man was surrounded by beasts. The bit fiercely, killing in a couple of second and left no body.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The group looked at the cry direction and sigh for moment before they continue to killed the beasts.

"Don't fight them to the death. We only need to hold them back." Isla sweet voice echoed on the battle field.

"Form a group." She commanded.

At once, the group lesser than 50 form a group of 5 as they tried to fend of the beasts while trying to looked for an escape route.

Suddenly, a tremor came from the distance followed by the a sound. Immediately, everyone turn to the sound direction. They knew that sound. It was a train sound. Nevertheless, it made wondered how could a train be functional during this period.

The group watch as the train move forward with their eyes brightened. This is it. They all thought. Although they didn't know who was inside the train but they were all assured they were humans.

"William, go and try to stop the train." Isla said.

Before Isla could finish her command, William was already long gone. The distant between the battle and the train was a couple of meters. But it means nothing to circle existence.

While on the battle, the moral of everyone was high as their was hope to survive their current onslaught.

"Defend with your might. We going to be safe" Isla words made the blood of the people boils.

As for the train, Justin stood at the control center and watch the scene without any expression on his face. When he saw William rushing toward them, the corner of his lips curled upward.

"What should we do?" The young man controlling the train asked.

"Continue" with that, he left the control center.

Inside the meeting room, Justin saw Nika and Merab waiting for him quietly. He took his seat and motion them to seat down.

"What is the problem?" Justin asked calmly.

Hearing this, Nika and Merab looked at each other faces before she decided to speak. They knew they much choose their word wisely.

After thinking of various way to present the words. Merab found it difficult to come up a speech that won't sent her flying. While Nika looked at his friend and understand her predicament.

"N-Nothing" She said in a low voice.

Hearing this, a sigh escape from Nika as he shook his head. Their request was just unreasonable.

Meanwhile, inside the med bay, Mack stood in front of Susan and asked.

"Are you not going to do anything?"

Without any expression on her face, she asked. "What do you expect me to do?"

Everyone on Genesis and discovered the serious battle going on in the distant and the people were clamming for answer. Since they were human, they need to be save.

While Mack rush to Susan to tell her the news of their friend. Since they were part of the The Royals. It would be a good thing if everyone of them gathered in place. Previously, he thought he would never see his friend again but they appeared in front of them.

How could let go of the chance to join his friend once again. But the excitement and anticipation that he expected from Susan was nowhere to be seen.

"What do you mean?" he asked as he couldn't understand why Susan would show this kind of attitude. He knew she was cold but not that cold to her friends.

"I just recover from my injury. Leave me" she said and avert her gaze.

"Are you going to allow them to die because of your fear." His voice raise an octave. "Do you fear him to that extent that you can't even fight for your friends." Veins protruded from his forehead as he gnashed his teeth.

"When do you become like this. Did all this years of friendship means nothing to you?" his anger boils vehemently.

Susan didn't utter a word as she sat on the bed without any expression on her face.

"I'm disappointed in you." With that, Mack storm outs of the room.

'Are you ok?' Justin voice echoed in Susan's head.

Hearing Justin voice in her head, she was a bit surprised as she had forgotten about their connection.

'I'm good.' She responded coldly.

'Can you come to the meeting room?'


Susan stood up calmly and left the med bay. Her emotion was in tumor as she didn't know what to do? She understand the crux of the situation. It wasn't a matter of saving her friend but what would happen after.

Also, with the little time she spent with Justin. She knew a thing or two about his behavior. And for Mack outburst, she didn't think about it.

Meanwhile, William waves to the train to stop but the train continue to move further. Seeing this, fear grip his heart as he began to shout.

By the window, he saw people looking at him with pity but no body came out. Furthermore, those fighting the beast were stupefied as they began to panic. This was their last hope. If they can't bode the train….

All the executive sat in the conference as they looked at Justin. Although Justin had the power to decide everything. He never did that. He wanted to hear their opinion.

"What do you think?" Justin asked.

Everyone held their breath and lower their head. This was tricky question and no one wanted to speak first. If Mack were to part of the executive. He would have jump to speak. But now, everyone had tacit understanding of their king.

Kira looked at Justin and them to Susan. Chloe had brief her on what was happening. And looked at Susan with a light smile.

'Little sister are you not going to speak' Kira voice echoed in her head.

Hearing this, Susan raised her head and looked at Kira with grievance.

'I told you not to call me little sister!' She shouted.

'What can you do? Little sister' She teased.

'I will beat you until you stop calling me that'

'Really! I'm scare of little sister. Please don't beat me. I will tell big brother' She giggled.

'Are you like 12' Susan was having headache dealing Kira playfulness.

'Hmm. Hmm. Why you you are 8' She responded before her voice turn solemn. 'What are you going to do? You should understand this decision depend on you.'

'I know… I want them on Genesis but…' She paused.

'But what?'

'I'm scared they would course problem on the ark. This is a delicate time and I don't want anything that could course misunderstanding or disunity.' She said with a sigh.

She understood the behavior of her friend better than anyone else. They won't take it lying when they discover when they realized they need to bow their head to Justin or anyone else. This was the arrogant that ingrain into their bones since they were kid.

'You need to make a decision. You are either with them or not. I don't say you should neglect your friends but you must realized things aren't what it use to be. But I will advise you, support them now, and any problem that follows after, they bare the burnt' Kira said with a solemn voice.

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