My Unconventional Delivery System!

Chapter 56 - Confession?

"Are you serious?" Lucoa asked, curiosity evident in her tone. She had considered many things Kyle could've asked her as compensation, learning magic from her wasn't one of them; so her surprise and curiosity was perfectly justifiable. Her question was answered with a nod from Kyle, as he further added.

"Yes, I might already be a Minor God, but my actual strength is nowhere near one; I only know about physical type skills and magic that… well that also enhances my physical capabilities, I don't have any spells or mystical means in my arsenal, so I would like to learn them. And since you told me that I can take anything as compensation, I came to this conclusion, so… teaching me magic, falls in the criteria of 'anything' that you previously said, right?" ​​

She smiled, a bit amused, nodding, she replied in a positive note, and further specified her offer. "Of course, it definitely falls in that criteria. Since that's what you want, I'll gladly teach you everything I know about magic, but when I said anything, I really meant it, let me specify it further, even if you asked me to satisfy your carnal desires, I wouldn't mind doing that for you~."

Her bewitching words, took his breath away as he gawked at Lucoa, his jaw almost dropping on the ground. Blankly staring at her, he exclaimed out loud in disbelief. "Huhh?! Are you for real?! Aren't you taking sex too lightly?!"

"What? Regretting it now? I'm not taking sex lightly, I wouldn't just do it with anyone."

"I know that what I'm about to ask is a bit rude, but how many times have you actually done it?"

"You want me to answer honestly?"

Kyle nodded tentatively, and Lucoa getting her signal answered with a smile. "The answer is 0."

Kyle froze hearing her words, staring at her in undisguised shock and disbelief, he again looked at her attire, her slutty demeanor and allure and screamed. "No way! You don't look like someone pure!"

".... Have you realized that you're being extremely rude right now?"

"Oh, my bad! But are you serious?"

"Of course, I've been keeping my purity for countless years, I'm not an easy woman you know?~" She again reverted back to her teasing form.

"Then, if I ask you to have sex with me right now, would you agree?"

"No, I won't, dummy, I was just joking before." She smirked, clearly amused. Knowing this, Kyle was.. disappointed, his inner pride as a man hurt at Lucoa's blatant denial, but at the same time he sighed in relief, knowing that Lucoa wasn't a slut like he had thought of her to be, also the fact that he didn't have to deal with yet another girl's growing interest and maybe affection at him (lol). A bit of guilt now affected his consciousness, for thinking ill of this new friend of his, of judging her only based on outer appearance and demeanor.

"So, I'll be staying in your mansion from now on and in exchange, I'll be teaching you magic, this is the deal right? Is that okay with you?"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Of course it is! In fact, it's more than okay. You're clearly at a disadvantage here, so if you need anything from me just say it, if it's in my capabilities and means I'll definitely do it."

Quetzalcoatl nodded in acknowledgement, looking around a bit she asked Kyle a question, a smirk still formed on her lips as she did so. "I'll do that, then shall we go inside now?"

"Yes of course, let's go." He guided her towards his mansion, albeit it was completely unnecessary. Entering his home, they were greeted with the sight of Kanna, Tohru and Hina, waiting for them. It seemed like they had noticed his sudden departure. Approaching, he informed them that Quetzalcoatl would start living with them from now onwards.

Surprisingly, his aunt remained silent, only glancing at Lucoa once, then nodding as acknowledgement. Meanwhile Tohru had, from the start, expected this outcome, she knew of Kyle's kind personality fairly well by now and was already waiting for this scene to occur. Lastly, Kanna was still Kanna, she didn't care about anything, to her, more people meant more playmates so she gladly welcomed Lucoa with a hug. In the midst of this all was a confused Kyle. Staring at his aunt, he tentatively asked, to ease the unease he was feeling from her swift acceptance. "You're not going to say anything on the matter?"

"Nope, even if I did, nothing would have changed, you would've managed to make me agree, besides there are already 2 dragons living here, what's the difference with adding another one? But ugh...our food budget.." Hina touched her forehead with her palm, the rising financial problems were taking a heavy toll on her mind, she didn't know if she would be able to provide for them now that their numbers increased yet again. Luckily for her, Kyle had the perfect solution to her problems.

"Oh, yeah about that...sorry oba-san, I forgot to tell you another small detail, I'm actually loaded with cash right now, basically what I'm trying to say is that I'm actually rich, stupidly rich even."

"Huh?" His words flabbergasted his aunt, robbing her off of her speech, unluckily for her Kyle wasn't finished with his divulgence of world shattering level surprises. "To tell you the truth, I own 10% of the total stock of the Shinomiya Group."

"Huh?!!" This was the only sound that she could utter at this point. Kyle's barrage of information had overloaded her brain, making her feel dizzy with every new reveal this nonsensical nephew of hers was spouting.

"So, aunt don't worry! Even if you don't work, I can still support our food, clothes… basically everything we may need or want. So again please don't worry, okay? Don't pressure yourself."

Hina as a response used both her palms to touch her forehead, she almost passed out from the shock but somehow held herself together, she however, needed some time to digest all of the things she was informed of, so Kyle accompanied her to her bedroom, letting her rest a bit.

Later that night, Hina asked him to explain everything about the stocks he owned, she emphasized greatly for him to reveal every single detail without withholding anything else from her, so he did exactly that, except he didn't reveal the involvement of the system.

Surprisingly, the system had already made for him a legal documents and a believable scenario on how he had bought and owned stocks of Shinomiya Group, if he had known about this earlier he wouldn't have lied to her aunt about the mansion and the stocks; naturally he queried the system, his question being, why had it withheld such an important thing from him, only for him to be answered with one of the most effective cliche lines in the known omniverse, that too with an emotionless, mechanical tone, that somehow made the words more sarcastic. It was an oxymoron how an emotionless voice was able to mock him, then again it might be his own brain messing with him.

[ It's because you didn't ask. ]

He shut up after that, that line was enough for him to understand, further talks would only heighten his frustration, along with his irritation about everything.

Getting out of his aunt's room, after tucking her to sleep, he returned to the living room where Lucoa was talking with Tohru and Kanna. He approached her and guided her towards a room, which would soon belong solely to her. Entering, Quetzalcoatl immediately initiated their first magic learning session. Her enthusiasm for teaching surprised him, but he was still glad she was so enthusiastic about teaching him, greatly increasing his own commitment to learning said art.

They started with the most basic principles of magic. Expectedly, it was hard AF. Taking on a more serious note, it actually was by no means easy, if you ever thought math as a whole was hard enough, only the basic principles of magic could easily become any 10th graders nightmare. It was at least 100x as hard to say the least.

Even though she had informed him that they were learning the most basic principles of magic, there was a catch. What they were learning was the original magic, the origin source from where all magic was derived from, it was nothing like what was normally seen in Tohru's world. Lucoa explained that if she had to compare, the magic in Tohru's world would be the versions thousands of times diluted of what he was about to learn from her.

That's why Quetzalcoatl's lessons were so valuable. Many mages would kill or be killed for the opportunity Kyle was currently presented with. The basic principles he was learning were the derivatives of the 'Ancient Magic' of Tohru's world, the magic of the original Gods. It was a lost branch of magic that only age-old beings with at least a few millennia in lifespan were able to learn and perform, Quetzalcoatl being one of such individuals, naturally, also had access to this form of magic.

While thinking of such things, Kyle naturally understood that Lucoa was vastly older than any being he ever encountered, he wanted to know the exact age, but, he immediately shot that damn thought down, asking a woman for her age was a very rude and dangerous gamble. Most women were very sensitive about it and to him Lucoa was the same. So, he buried such thoughts and continued with his lessons. Some time later, Kyle had a sudden realization, it was already morning! He was astonished, to him, only something like an hour had passed, that's what he felt, but it seems that his senses had gone haywire.

Quetzalcoatl noticed his astonishment and worry, she smiled and assured him that nothing was wrong with him. "This is actually a normal thing, magicians often lose their sense of time as they study magic. Some magicians spend almost a week studying magic without them even realizing it. About you though, in all honestly I'm surprised, I didn't even start teaching you for a single day and you were still able to enter in a state of enlightenment, as far as I remember only those veteran human mages are capable of such feat, tell me, how many spells were you able learn in that little enlightenment of yours?"

"Uhmmm..a few?"

"A few you say? I was just casually asking, but, even those veteran mages I spoke of, might not even be able to learn one spell overnight, much less a few spells like you."

Kyle was astonished at Lucoa's words, he queried her in excitement. "Then, am I a genius in magic!?"

"If we're talking about a human's standards then yes, you are one, not only that you're a prodigy amongst prodigies, in my knowledge, I have only seen a handful of humans who were able to pull off a feat such as yours!" Lucoa was praising Kyle, that was clear, only, it didn't give Kyle any joy, even his excitement dimmed as he had noticed one particular detail in her reveal about his talent.

"I heard you say 'a human's standard' what about the dragons and gods? How would I fare if I'm pitted against them... in terms of talent of course?"

Quetzalcoatl smiled widely, extremely happy that Kyle was able to pinpoint exactly what she had wanted him to be aware of. "So you noticed, as expected, you're quite sharp aren't you Kyle? Now.. if we're talking about the standards of the draconians then, you're basically trash, and as for the Gods' standards, it actually varies since some races are at the pinnacle, better than even us dragons in terms of talent and power, while others are so-so. But overall you could be said to be average or a bit above average at best. Do you understand what I'm meaning here Kyle?"

Kyle smiled bitterly, it was good that, he was a humble fellow, not a cocky bitch who jumped over their superiority, not knowing the bigger picture; if he had acted haughtily, he would've gotten a really good face slap from Lucoa when she would've, eventually, revealed that information, also he may have disappointed the goddess in front of him in the process. "Then what about you?"

"Me? It took me an entire day."

"It took you an entire day to learn a few spells? Wait so I'm faster than you?"

"Of course not, I mastered all of the existing spells within only one day." Kyle still had his face slapped in the end. Sometimes, he really questioned his mental capabilities. She had just stated that he was trash in Draconian standards and he had to go on and ask such a question to someone, he was 100% sure, was one of the greatest prodigies of their race. It was very foolish of him to compare himself to Quetzalcoatl, he couldn't help but self-mockingly think. 'Are all dragons in her world are as talented as she is? Heh, why am I even comparing myself to these monsters?'

Lucoa, as if being able to read his mind, abruptly spoke, breaking him out of his, slightly dark monologue. "Not every dragon is as talented as me, only a few, maybe 3-4 at best could be on par with my talent and guess what? Tohru is one of them, to be honest that girl might even surpass me in talent."

"....Is that so?" Only now was Kyle, finally able to gauze the deep unfathomable well that was Tohru's talent. She was simply amazing, much much more than what he initially estimated. His confidence and resolve of confessing to Tohru dwindled somewhat because of this, self deprecating thoughts were eating away at them, but, even so! He reigned all the negativity in, he knew he was unworthy, but he didn't want to be a scared pussy all his life, he wanted to confess to Tohru, wanted to tell her that he dearly loved her. He didn't care about the aftermath anymore, whatever the result was he would gladly accept it.

His determination grew, he had already made up his mind, he was going to confess his feelings to Tohru, and now felt like as good a time as any. Suddenly, Lucoa's voice entered Kyle's ears making him look at her as she uttered. "Oh? It seems like you made up your mind about something."

"Indeed, are you perhaps a telepath??"

"No, I'm just good at reading things from someone's expressions."

"Right, I have to do something so uhm..may I leave... m-master?" The last part he had to muscle through to speak. It was extremely awkward for him to speak of those words, especially since the one he was speaking to happen to be his friend.

"Fufu~ you don't need to call me that, just call me Lucoa, like you always do."

"Alright." He stood up from his seat, where he was receiving his lessons about magic, and immediately went on his way to the kitchen to find Tohru; the neutral goddess, seeing his back view fully showcasing his determined exterior, smiled, curiosity embedded in that smile of hers.

"That boy, I wonder what he will do after showing such a determined expression? I look forward to it."


At the kitchen, Tohru was cooking a new dish, it was something she had learned on their date, she wanted to see if she could perfectly blend her tail meat into the dish or not, her attempts at other dishes had failed, but she was hopeful with this one.

Her cooking continued, but she had to stop as she had just sensed Kyle arriving near her. She gazed at Kyle, who was already behind her, all of her attention lay on him as she conversed with him with a sweet smile being plastered on her cute face. "I'm almost done making breakfast, just wait a bit, okay?"

She thought that he had come here for breakfast, as he always did every morning, she however was terribly wrong today, because Kyle's purpose for being here was a decision, a decision that would change both of their lives forever.

"Tohru, I'm not here for that." He stared at her eyes as he responded, his eyes were firm and serious, determination and resolution leaking out of them.

"You're not? So umm..w-what is it?" Looking at his expression, she visibly tensed, turning around she gazed back at his eyes, his serious expression frightened her somewhat, making her avert her eyes not daring to look at him, she was scared, she was internally questioning if she had done something wrong again, she was scared, was Kyle going to scold her? She was scared, she was changing, she was trying to change for him, had her stupid self done something selfishly wrong to him again? Was she going to get hated again? Dark thoughts one after another manifested in her mind making her suffocate. Ever since that incident such dark thoughts had become her everyday companion, no matter what she did, they wouldn't go away.

Kyle, seeing her meek self, felt that he had scared her, which he did, his eyes mellowed as he let out the breath he had no idea that he was holding. Stretching out his palm he held Tohru's cute cheek, making her jolt in surprise. He made her look up at him, at his eyes that were filled with love for her as he gently rested his forehead on hers. Their noses touching lips only inches apart.

Tohru's face flushed deep red, her eyes darting around everywhere as she had never expected Kyle to do something like this so suddenly, her dark thoughts were broken away and replaced with flustering happy thoughts, her heart pounding so hard they both were able to hear it. Meekly looking at his eyes, focusing, she wanted to speak, only to hear his deep tone, something he didn't normally use, whispering to her words... that froze her in her spot.

"Tohru... I love you… will you please.. be my girlfriend!??"


( `END` )

E/N :- I have been contracted with COVID, so do forgive me for the drop in editing quality.

A/N :- Dear readers please pray for him to get well, and don't start a drama because this is real, I hope you can at least help him spiritually because I really don't know what to do right now, as a friend I'm worried.

Support me on Pa.treon/charlottes143

You can read chapters in Advance!


E/N:- If you like my editing, come and support me at pa.treon with donating some money from 5$ onwards and help me out a bit.

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