My Unconventional Delivery System!

Chapter 58 - Teaching?

"Thanks?" replied Kyle, a bit unsure himself if that should be his response, he smiled wryly as he rethought about what she said. 'Was it really necessary to add the jealous part?'

Amidst all this Tohru was fidgeting, her hand that was grabbed by Kyle was now responding to him by interlocking with his, although hers was still trembling a bit.  ​​

The dragon maid was extremely happy that Kyle and admitted their relationship. This was a worry that was constantly gnawing on her conscience, that even though they were now in a relationship Kyle would opt to keep it secretive and not reveal it to the others. She would've been happy either way, just by being a couple with him, of being able to get his love, of having an official confirmation of their relationship was enough to make her enthralled, just she would've been a bit disappointed if Kyle had chosen to keep it a secret.

Even she herself didn't know why she had the thought that Kyle would not like to reveal their relationship to the others. Perhaps it was low self esteem in herself, or maybe her dark family history, or even her never receiving any form of love, either way as it was, it seemed that she was just overthinking things. Surely Kyle would never do something to make her upset. She felt like slapping herself for even thinking about that possibility.

If Kyle were to know of her thoughts, he would've been extremely angry with her, so much so that he would've berated her outright for even thinking of such a possibility.

For starters why would he even do that? There was no merit there. Having a girlfriend whose appearance could surpass most goddesses and concealing that fact was beyond idiotic to him. It would've been an disadvantage to do so, he wouldn't be able to publicly show his love and affection for her which would be a giant downside for him. 

Leaving all the drawbacks aside, just doing that to Tohru was something he could never think of. He wasn't ashamed of dating her, he was happy, because he loved her, she wasn't perfect yes, but who was? It was our imperfections which made us who we were, it defined us and Kyle was willing to accept Tohru with her entirety, her imperfection included.

Meanwhile, Tohru was daydreaming about her future with Kyle, feeling butterflies in her tummy just by picturing those thoughts, giggling to herself, Kyle, in the meantime, noticed that his aunt was making an uncharacteristic bitter expression, eerie silence permeated around her being giving her a melancholic aura, frowning he called her, concern underlying in his questioning tone. "Oba-san? Are you okay? Are you feeling sick"

"O-o?! Yeah I'm fine! Don't worry about me!" Hina smiled reassuringly to him, telling him that she was fine. Sadly, Kyle didn't buy it. He could read her like a book. In this world nobody knew Kobayashi Hina better than Kyle. He didn't live the last 10 years of his life with her for nothing! 

He almost knew her more than she knew herself… almost; today however, he decided not to force her to reveal her troubles. He had a premonition, the worst kind, that if he were to try and pry his aunt it would be like Pandora's box, unleashing endless calamities to their happy life. Still, he was worried for her but now was not the time, he decided to figure it out himself and eventually confront her, as much as he was afraid of the premonition he had, it meant shit compared to seeing his dear aunt worried and depressed.

With breakfast done, he headed for his school. At this point, he didn't really see a point to continue going to school; most would term this as him being stupidly rich now and having thoughts that even without graduating he would be able to live a happy, contended luxurious life, well they would be wrong. No matter how wealthy you became, proper education was a must; if only for the status of being educated.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The real pointless issue with his going to school was the lessons, they were being repetitive, at least to him and he was severely bored, he didn't find any meaning in attending these classes. Then again he thought carefully and found the real reason for him going to school, it was to have a fun time with his friends, classmates and more importantly to be there for his first ever disciple.

Speaking of said disciple, he was supposed to teach her starting today, so he hurried to his classroom. Opening the classroom door, he was greeted with the sight of Meru, Kyōka and surprisingly Ayane chatting near his desk.

Seeing this his first thoughts were 'Trouble...this is trouble, man this is endless trouble material.' 

However even after being aware, he didn't avoid it. Why? you may ask. There were 2 predominant reasons. 

1. The class lessons were about to start, the only way to avoid them was by skipping this class and he didn't want to miss the perfect attendance he had built up till now.

2. He didn't want to. Running away never solved anything and he wasn't cowardly enough to avoid trouble all his life. Moreover, he was sure he could handle it, it wasn't like he paid them a huge debt or something like that so he was mostly unafraid. Just annoyed and frustrated at the upcoming trouble that was sure to befall on him.

Approaching his desk, he was able to catch some of their discussions.

"Senseiryū you're telling me that you became his disciple? Are you shitting me right now, huh?!" Kyōka snarled in a tone that was oozing unrestrained jealousy, the reason, obvious for everyone to see.

"I'm not! I truly became my master's disciple. He said it himself." Ayane desperately tried to prove that she was in fact stating the absolute truth.

Meanwhile Meru was looking at the two dragons with an amused expression plastered on her childish face, especially Kyōka; she had already confirmed that the Kōgōryū had a crush on Kyle, Ayane on the other hand, she had no clue about, well no clue yet since this was the first time that she had even seen this new dragon of this academy, when she had found Ayane she was desperately looking for her beloved Kyle, claiming to be his disciple.

If she had to be blunt, she couldn't picture her beloved getting a disciple for himself, at least willingly, it would've been too much of a bother for him to do that. Hence, she was sufficiently doubtful of Ayane's claim, but she didn't voice it out, she however voiced out another question. "Hey Ayane is your name right?"

Meru's words temporarily stopped Kyōka and Ayane's bickering, placing her gaze on Meru, she politely asked. "Yes? What do you need from me?"

"Say, do you like Kyle- no your master?"

"Yes, I like master!" She answered instantaneously, no hesitation whatsoever in her reply.

Meru was astonished, Kyōka was nonplussed and Kyle, shellshocked, accidentally hit a classmate's desk and almost tumbled down and fell on the spot; he was helpless, Ayane's bold words had wreaked havoc in his psych. The sound was loud enough for all three of them to notice and shift their attention to his direction, immediately being aware of his presence.



"Kyle?! Since when did you arrive?!"

He didn't answer her, bellowing out a question to her instead in an extremely irritated tone. "What the actual fuck are you doing Meru?!"

"Um..well I can explain." Meru scratched her cheeks awkwardly, not daring to meet his gaze.

Staring at her for a few moments he just sighed deeply, shaking his head he approached Ayane, questioning her with the same irritated tone. "Why are you here so early? You should have come here at lunch time, you know I can't teach you at this hour since it's almost time for class."

"I-i understand, it's my mistake. I was too excited.."

"Also, you haven't fully recovered yet...sigh* what am I going to do with you? Whatever, I'll just teach you the basic breathing technique for now."

Hearing that he was going to teach her, she smiled brightly, exclaiming in joy. "Then I'll come back at lunchtime!"

"Tsk, so you're really his disciple....." Kyōka expressed her displeasure regarding the matter.

"Woah! Who would think that you would teach someone, much less making someone your disciple!" Meru was again surprised, mainly because she thought that Kyle was going to reach her magic or something of the supernatural kind.

"Why can't I? I have my reasons, also I'm only going to teach her physical skills, not the ones you are thinking of Meru." He knew that Meru was probably thinking he would teach Ayane magic, she was wrong, he was only going to teach her the breathing technique, well only for now, what the future had in store for them he didn't know.

"Ahaha, is that so? Then that's a relief because if you did I'd like to learn too!" Meru said with utmost seriousness, she was sufficiently earnest about this, about learning magic!

He ignored her, meanwhile Ayane and Kyōka were confused, not understanding what they were blabbering about, hence they decided to ask. First came Kyōka's quizzical tone, then came Ayane's tentative one.

"What are you guys talking about?"

"That's right… master what are you guys talking about?"

"Anyway about what you said before Ayane, do you really like me?" He hastily shifted the topic, explaining their situation was not something she was keen on doing.

Kyōka was instantly suspicious of Kyle, his shifting of the subject was caught on by her sharp senses, but she chose to be silent, she didn't want Kyle to think of her as an annoyance, hence she held back her curiosity. Little did she know that Kyle had labelled her the most annoying of the bunch due to her previous shenanigans.

Ayane's answer was the same, no hesitation whatsoever in uttering them. "Yes, I like you master!"

There wasn't even the slightest of blush creeping on her face as she said so, which was enough for Kyle to confirm his assumptions to be correct, still he spoke to reassure it. "I see, what kind of like, did you mean by that? Because there are many types of likes, is it romantically or …?"

"Romantically? No no of course not! Why would I like you romantically? I meant that I like you as a person, master!"

This girl was really too innocent; anyways with that solved a lot of problems for him, Kyōka visibly sighed as she heard the news, the lesser the competitors the better.

However...she peeked at Meru who was clicking her tongue in annoyance, just a day ago this girl suddenly asked her if she was interested in being in Kyle's harem, naturally she instantly rejected the idea, she wasn't fond of harems.

Like most girls she wanted the boy she loved all to herself, she liked Kyle, that was a fact, she didn't know when but one day she just knew that life without him became bland and only with him was she able to be in her happiest. However, she didn't like him enough to be willing to share him with other girls, that too with herself not having the same privilege, though simultaneously dating more than one boy and being with them, just the thought of it disgusted her to her core. Point was she really liked Kyle, just not enough to be willing to enter his harem. But she wasn't going to stop here now, no, she wouldn't stop till she snatched him from the other girls in his life and made him only hers, as she would be only his.

Afterwards the class started, with that Ayane and Meru returned to their respective rooms.

( `END` )

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