My Unconventional Lover: Seeing A Different World

Chapter 127

127 A Man Defiles My Body!

(Tom’s PoV)

This time, there was no voice; only a soft hum buzzing in my ears which reminded me of the start-up sound an engine or machine made. Those holes opened up again. It still felt strange to me but if I had not seen it with my own eyes, I would have told the person who told me this story to go to sleep. He must have been dreaming when he said he saw two holes filled with lava as eyes of unknown gigantic creature. Unfortunately, I saw it myself.

Seconds passed but there was no voice. Where was it?

As those holes opened up again, I could see the both of my visitors more clearly. The owner of the other voice belonged to a tall and hefty middle-aged man wearing dark clothes with striped inner t-shirt that I was sure it was red and white stripes, but probably due to some unknown circumstances turned into brown and dark red stripes. Even if it looked tattered like his friend’s clothes, I could still recognize the origin of the clothes. It was traditional costumes from Madura.

I gulped. As far as I know, Madura was known for their straightforwardness. Their ancestors possessed some tricks in martial arts and mysterious power that made them formidable.

Seeing one in the form of non-human, I was one thousand per cents sure this man was not any ordinary man when he was alive.

Compared with the Hell-Boy looked like creature, this man looked more human. There was no horn on his head, no tail, no unusual skin color, and even though he looked ragged and poor from the way his clothes appeared, he was not dirty at all. I always thought Madurese would have thick mustache on their upper lips, but this man didn’t have it. If it was not because of his clothes, I wouldn’t believe that he was a Madurese.

Or... was he, really?

Staring at other people for too long might be rude, but not when you were engaged in a staring contest. I knew that I was not supposed to stare at them, but since they were staring at me, I thought I should return their good intention by staring at them, too.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


Scared? Yeah, a bit. But, I had been living as a non-living human before and I had seen my fair share of ugly creatures, so even though I was feeling a bit scared, I was sure it was not because of their appearances.

I was mostly scared of new place, especially this place where no human could live.

Where am I? How can I go back to my own world? What will happen to Jane if I’m trapped here?

I had just returned from the waiting room to wait for my time to head towards the land of dead and I had not met my mother yet, how could I accept that I would be trapped into an unknown place?

But, being in panic was not helping at all. That was why I still put on my calm face in front of all of these bizarre things.

The ground was still shaking a bit under my feet as I was in staring contest with the visitors. I even forgot that the volcano could speak. My attention was still full on those men and only when the ground shook harder that I shifted my eyes to the ground.

“What is happening?” I asked myself.

“The volcano is going to erupt!” The Hell-Boy look alike shouted as both of them flew away fast.

True to his words, the volcano did erupt and the sound of loud crying penetrated my eardrums, making me dizzy from the sudden wailing like voice.


Spits of fire came out from the big hole as magma flowed from smaller holes, creating two small streams. It didn’t need a genius to guess that it looked like a crying mountain; a wronged and crying volcano.

I was dumbfounded as I saw it. It was not cute at all!

“Hey, shut up!” I said loudly.

“Waa!!!” Its cries got even louder and the lava and fire turned even more intense.

I flinched from where I was standing as fire started to rain on me. Stepping on the ground in attempt to avoid the spit of fire, I unknowingly moved closer to the source. Even with all the shaking and lava, I was amazed I didn’t lose my balance.

My shield had long gone by now, so my skin started to feel the heat from the lava well near me. Now that I was standing near the holes, I was able to see the protruding rock near the biggest hole which was still spitting fire. My feet walked towards it, my body was being drawn to it unknowingly.

As I was getting closer to it, I saw the rock was red, like coals being burned by fire, but only a half of it. It was as if there was a source of fire behind the rock. Somehow, the wail got even louder as I got nearer, but the voice changed a bit.

“Waaa!!!” It still cried, though. “A man defiled my body! Waa!” The voice continued.

I stopped in my track as I heard it talk.

“A human male steps on my body! Waaa!” The cry turned even more aggrieve.

My lips twitched. Okay, that’s it! It must mean ‘me’, right?

I hastened my steps, but before I could get real closer to the rock, the chain around my wrists buzzed and lit up. The other end of it moved by itself and dropped to the ground. My shock didn’t end just like that because it started to move towards the big rock, like a snake. As soon as it disappeared behind the rock, the wailing sound disappeared.

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