My Unconventional Lover: Seeing A Different World

Chapter 160

160 The Tears of A Mother (3)

(Tom’s PoV)

Waves of dark mist attacked me, made me gritted my teeth hard. Why did I feel I was only moving in the same spot? There must be something wrong with it.

“Stupid human, you’re trapped in her halucination! Her dark mist can make you halucinate and trap you inside!” It was Putra’s voice, scolding me. “I thought you’re so brave when you decided to pull down your shield. Turns out you’re just so stupid!”

“So, the pain I’m feeling is halucination, too?” I asked.

“Ah, that’s... real.” His previous despise disappeared in instant along with his voice.

I snorted. I didn’t have to argue with him. I needed to break out from this illusion as soon as possible. Another batch of needles were being pierced into my skin and I gasped in pain. No, these were not needles anymore. These were rods of iron with sharp tip. The pain attacked me in waves after waves. I almost knelt out of pain, but I held back.

Even though the pain was real, I didn’t smell or feel blood on my skin. It could only mean that the one that was under attack was my soul, not my physical body. I needed to come out from this illusion so that I could deal with whatever that hurt me.

But, how? Using pain to make me out from this illusion was clearly impossible since I was being inflicted with pain all this while, but there was no sign of me to be able to break out from this halucination.

I took a deep breath. I needed to calm down. There must be someone who could pull me back and help me. But, who?


Ah, quit thinking that somebody was going to be there to help your *as! Just find a way to end this soon!

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“Stupid human.” I heard Putra was insulting me again.

“Ireng, make yourself useful. Come on!”

“Don’t call me Ireng!” He shouted.

“Fine. Don’t call me stupid either. Now, come and help me.”

“As the Guardian of Death Volcano, you’re certainly stupid. How could you think that you’re spiritual power is limited to that amount only?”

“My dearest Putra Semesta, can you speak in one go? I don’t think I can hold on much longer.” The pain was too much!

“Focus! You have Death Volcano as your source of power! You are the Guardian of Death Volcano!”

For the first time, I heard Putra’s voice so serious and powerful. He was right. I had never thought about the benefits as the Guardian of Death Volcano ever since I came out that day. I thought my only duty was to take care of that brat, but I forgot that even the chains had chosen me as the Guardian, and I could command the chains. It could only mean one thing, now that I thought about it.

I could command the whole Death Volcano if I wanted to!

As I thought of it, my body felt light and slowly... trace of fire appeared in my eyes, burning through the dark mist that had been enveloping me. I couldn’t summon any spiritual power before, but now, I could feel my body was flooded with spiritual power in endless stream.

I smirked. The fire made a path for me, lighting up towards the ghost who was shocked to see the change in me. This time, I made sure it was not halucination as I clearly saw the distance. I pounced on her with my whole body exuded of spiritual power. I could feel no pain and when my hand grabbed her foot, I couldn’t hold the smirk on my face.

“Got you. Try to run away? Heh...” I snorted as I pulled her down hard.

“How could you!” She screamed as her dark misty body was thrown towards the floor. Since the room was sealed in whole direction, she couldn’t pass through the floor and ended up like a ragged sack on the floor.

I didn’t bother to reply to her accusation. The fire followed my wish as it trapped her inside in a circle. The ghost seemed to underestimate the fire, but when she realized she couldn’t get through, panic started to overwhelm her. Even the dark mist that had been controlling Nita was cut by the fire which made Nita fainted.

“No! No! No! I don’t want to end here! I must make them suffer! I must make them suffer!” She screamed hysterically.

I ignored her and walked towards Nita. After making sure she was okay, I pulled out the residue of dark mist that tried to stick in her and burned it in my hand.

To be honest, if I were not too occupied with the whole situation, I might still admire my new found found power and thought that all of it so cool. Who wouldn’t? I was like the one in the Fantastic Four who could control fire, how cool was it?

But, all I thought of was to finish this off quickly. After taking care of Nita, I retracted my chain back and used it on the ghost. Only after the ghost was tied up, I could finally breathe. The dark mist started to dissipate, too, leaving only the warm glow of lamps in the room.

I called back the fire and approached the ghost who was still wailing on the floor, saying that ‘they must suffer’ and ‘I’m gonna kill them’. Again, she was crying with intense hatred in her eyes.

I knelt down beside her. “Surrender to me.” I said as I put my hand in her head.

“NO!” She tried to struggle, but it was in vain.

I entered her mind, peeking into her memory. She was still struggling, not allowing me to see them, but I persisted. In the end, I saw something that made my heart ached.

What I saw first a sight of a woman bawling her eyes out while holding onto a big white bundle tightly in front of a house. Judging from the model of the house, the way she dressed, and the environment, I was sure this happened not too long ago. But, why did she cry in front of the house?

There were not lots of people around her but no one approached her. I walked towards her, trying to see more clearly about what she was doing. But, I got another shock after I got closer to her. The white bundle in her arms actually was a dead body of a boy around six to seven years old.

What actually happened here?

“What is this woman doing here?” The front door was opened and the one who came out was a thin man with hard expression on his face. He looked displeased when he saw the presence of the woman in front of his house.

I watched as hatred and rage filled the woman’s eyes when she looked up to see the man. “You animal! Heartless bastard! Sick pervert! I want people to know what kind of sick person you are!” With tears on her face and hatred and rage in her eyes, she pointed her finger towards the man. Her hand trembled because of her rage, but it didn’t make her looked like she was weak.

“Servants! Throw away this woman far away!” The man called out for his servants hurriedly.

“This man... The man who you all looked up as the gentlest man, is an animal! He raped my son, forcing him to keep silent, and when I finally managed to know the truth from his scribbles in his books, I got the news that my son was found dead near the river bank. He was supposed to be at school! But, you killed him! He wrote it in his book, that you would kill him if someone knew about it! You raped him, then you killed him because you don’t want your dirty act to be known by people!” The woman shouted, every word was clear and powerful.

I turned my head towards the man and saw his expression changed for time to time. His pale face changed to red and then pale again, which exposed his mind. This woman was speaking the truth!

He was disgusting! I really wanted to tear this kind human alive!

It was a pity that he was pretty good at controlling his expression, which was good enough to deceive the uneducated people around them.

“Nonsense! Servants! Bring this woman to the police station! I want her to be punish for slandering me!” He shouted towards his stunned servants.

“Punish me?! Hah!”

“You accused me for raping your son, do you have any proofs? An uneducated woman like who didn’t even finish her elementary school dares to say that I’m doing dirty things? Aren’t you the one who sold your son to people? Why did you accuse me for doing nothing? I didn’t even know your son. On what base that you said I raped your son? I’m not sick! I have a beautiful wife. You should know that I can make you spend the rest of your life in jail just because of your accusation towards me and for killing your own son!” The man was shouting, so fluently as if he was stating the truth, that he was innocent.

Hearing his word made the woman’s body trembled in anger. Her eyes widened as her finger kept pointing at him. “You... you... you...” She kept repeating the same words.

It was a pity that the woman was really uneducated, that she was defeated by the man who studied in more higher degree than her. His skill in talking made him won the heart of people and in instant, before the woman could defend herself, she was dragged by the man’s servants.

Later on, the woman was sentenced with a life sentence. She would be in jail for her whole life which was kind of sad and infuriating for me. But, before her first week over, she killed herself.

She was found dead in the bathroom after painting the walls with her blood, writing her curse towards the man and all of his offsprings. She vowed that she would not rest before she made his offsprings suffer, not being able to continue his line of family, and finally killed them all. In the end, she said to herself “My dear son, I’m sorry I can’t be with you there, for I sold my soul to the devil so I can avenge you”.

And I did see her selling her soul to the devil.

Until the end of her life, she always cried and mourned for her dead son. Even when she took her own life, she was still crying. The pain of losing her only child made her blind and resorted to the dark path.

“What kind of mother will not feel pain for losing her child? My tears is the only thing I can give to my son, the only thing that makes me remember that he died miserably, that I have to avenge him. I will make sure they feel what I feel, before I make them end their own life.” Her eyes showed her resolute hatred as she said this repeatedly before the day she ended her life.

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