My Unconventional Lover: Seeing A Different World

Chapter 85

85 The Sacrifice and The Trigger (2)

I saw red, splashing on the bed and Amanda’s body. The thick smell of iron invaded my senses. The cry filled with agony and pain made my whole body trembled in fear. Despite the horrid scene happened in front of me, my eyes were still wide opened, too shock to close my eyes. I could feel all the colors drained from my face.

Until today, I still have a nightmare because of it.

The glaring red of blood filled my sight and suddenly I felt nauseous. The body on the bed was now twitching in agony. Blood kept spurting from the fresh wound on his chest. His eyes rolled to the back of his skull and his face scrunched up from the immense pain.

I was so shocked with what had happened to Senior Rizal that my mind started screaming that it was not real; that I was only dreaming and I needed to wake up.

I didn’t even realize the tears had formed two small rivers on my face and I had been chanting the same words over and over; wake up, wake up, wake up Jane.

Suddenly, the twitching stopped and I blinked my sore eyes to make sure I didn’t see it wrong.

Yes, the twitching stopped.

And yes, he had stopped breathing, too.


There was a huge lump in my throat and my heart thumped even wildly. My whole body was shaking with fear as I reached towards his wrist. Unfortunately, I couldn’t touch him and it made me even anxious.

“No, no, no, no, no...” I kept saying the same words like a broken record. My tears kept flowing on my cheeks.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“It must be a dream. It must be a dream. It must be a dream.” I whispered to myself.

Lunatic laugh filled my ears and I found the source was no other than Amanda.

Her right claws was still dripping with fresh blood as her eyes filled with thirst for blood. Her tongue peeked from between her slightly dark lips, licking the blood on her lips. Her current image was like a cold blooded killer combined with lunatic member of Satan sect, like a bloodthirsty psychopath.

“Too bad. I’ll use your blood to nourish our child.” She said icily as she rubbed her belly.

I was still having a hard time to properly breathe. The only thing that could hold me back from breaking down was I believed it was only a dream and I reminded myself to treat it as if I was watching some gore movie.

Yes, I was just watching some bloody scene.

Then, I heard someone called my name; a very familiar voice.


Turning my head to the source of voice, my eyes widened once again as my breath hitched.

It was Senior Rizal with his chest dripping with blood, standing not too far from me. I turned my head to look in front of me and I saw Senior Rizal lying motionless in his pool of blood on his bed.

“Oh, you’re finally here.” Amanda smirked as she stared right at Senior Rizal in my back. “Now you’ve met her, right? My last gift for you before I’ll tie you up with me forever.”

That was my last thread of hope. I was not dreaming. I was in another dimension, the dimension where all ghosts and souls stayed which explained why Senior Rizal couldn’t see me just now.

Now that he was dead, he was in the same dimension as I was in and he could see me.

But, that was it. As my last thread of hope vanished in my sorrow of losing the one I wanted to save, I felt something snapped inside me.

I heard nothing.

I felt nothing.

I could only see a very clear scene of Amanda pulling Senior Rizal with some sorts of metal chain. Her face was a description of evil being and Senior Rizal was her prey.

I had no idea what they were talking about and I didn’t care whether they were talking or a one sided threat.

I only felt my body went cold. My mind was as clear as morning dew. I could even breathe like usual. My hands twitched and formed a fist. The only thing in my mind was to kill Amanda.

I wanted to kill her!

I wanted to kill her!

I wanted to kill her!

As the desire grew bigger, my ears main function returned.

“Did you enjoy the show?” Amanda shot me a victorious look. “You have your last chance to say goodbye to your ex, Rizal. It will be the last time you met her and you’ll stuck with me for eternity.” She smirked, showing his sharp teeth to us.

I was not in the mood to talk. I only wanted to kill her so bad, that I broke into a sprint and crashed on her. My left hand grabbed her neck in a tight grip as my right hand pierced through her belly.

Amanda wailed loudly.

She might not believe that I could attack her. I wouldn’t believe it, too if I didn’t do it myself. I had no idea where the strength came from, but it was like I had been given the power to kill her.

Warmth filled my body but it couldn’t warm my already cold heart. The killing intent was still so strong inside me.I wanted to see her suffer and die!

“You... you... you...” Amanda’s eyes widened in shock as she stared right at me.

I turned my hand inside her belly and she screamed again. There was no blood, but the pain was strong for her.

“Damn you!” She shouted and swung her hands towards me.

I squinted my eyes and a flash of white shot from my back. Amanda screamed again and her hand was stuck to the invisible wall behind her, with a spear holding her in place.

There was a man in white holding the spear, but he didn’t say anything.

And I wouldn’t care less about him.

But, Amanda’s eyes filled with fear as soon as she saw him.

“WHO ARE YOU EXACTLY?” She shouted at me. Her voice was filled with rage and fear now.

I pulled out my right hand from her belly and reached out to the black chain from her other hands which connected her with Senior Rizal who was like a puppet. With a slight tug, the chain broke and Senior Rizal gained his freedom.

“Go. You don’t belong here. I’ve forgiven you. I’m sorry I couldn’t rescue you on time. Now, go. I’ll clean you of your grievances. It is the only thing I can do to help you achieve a better after life.” My hand swiped his face three times and the wound on his face disappeared.

Instead of being a grey ghost, he turned into white clothed ghost which brimmed with lights.

I could feel something or someone was approaching, a big power but filled with warm. But I couldn’t see anything or anyone other than white light. It could be this thing or this person was too big that I couldn’t see its true form. I watched as Senior Rizal was engulfed in the white light and disappeared.

A part of my burden lifted from my shoulders. But it didn’t mean I would let Amanda go.

“Now it’s your turn.” I turned my head to her as I said it coldly.

If it was how a ghost paled, then I guess it’s safe to say that the color drained from her face. For what reason? I didn’t care.

“You... you... who are you exactly?” Instead of roaring in rage, her question now came out like a whisper.

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