My Unrivaled Princess: I Won’t Mess With You

Chapter 115 - Hui Comes to See Luo Qianqian

Chapter 115: Hui Comes to See Luo Qianqian

Translator: Sissy That Walk

In Gu Village.

“Brother Eighth, good news, I think we’ve got some clues now.” Su Liancheng flashed the letter that he just got from the carrier pigeon.

The letter cover said: Confidential, to Prince Eighth.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Murong Yun nodded to Su Liancheng with a faint smile and took the letter, he opened it hastily and read it through.

His facial expressions changed frequently when he read the letter, Luo Qianqian could only tell it was a long letter, curious as she was, she didn’t crane her neck to peer.

“Is it about the attack? Was it the Xiao’s doing?” Luo Qianqian asked when she noticed Murong Yun was done reading.

Murong Yun bit his lip and stroked Luo Qianqian’s hair like he was comforting her, “No, not the Xiaos.”

“Could it be… the Liangs?” Luo Qianqian asked in a low voice, hoping it wasn’t true.

“You are right, Qianqian.” Murong Yun turned around and smiled at Luo Qianqian.

“It turns out the Liangs were involved in the ambush targeted on you and Feng Qing.” Murong Yun’s voice tight, controlled.

Hearing that,Luo Qianqian was taken aback, she had never even met a Liang, it baffled her why the Liangs would ambush her and tried to kill her. But soon she got over this, the point now was to find the Liangs, everything would be readily solved after they found the Liangs and interrogated them.

‘They are courting for death! Trying to hurt Qianqian and Feng Qing! I will pay them back tenfold!’ Murong Yun swore in his heart.

“Why the long face? Isn’t this great news? At least we know who has been hiding in the dark and made an attempt on my and Feng Qing’s lives. We have ally now, the Liangs attacked the Gus, they attacked me and Feng Qing, let’s join hands and hunt down the Liangs!” Luo Qianqian didn’t understand why Murong Yun looked so solemn.

This was the first time that Su Liancheng had heard about the ambush, he was shocked when he heard Luo Qianqian and Feng Qing almost died from it. He couldn’t wait to find out more details on the letter, he grabbed the letter from Murong Yun’s hand and started to read.

Su Liancheng was baffled as well after he read the latter, “What are the Liangs up to? I get it when they operated the attack against the Gus, that’s fine, the Three Clans have been vying with each other for decades, but why did they ambush my sister-in-law! That was so low of them! A big clan attacking an innocent girl! Brother Eighth, I’m at your service! No way we can tolerate this!” Su Liancheng fumed.

Murong Yun and Luo Qianqian answered in unison, “We need to wait.”

“Wait?” Su Liancheng didn’t see that coming, “Are you sure?”

The two exchanged a subtle look and nodded at Su Liancheng.

Su Liancheng was right, the Three Clans had been vying with each other for decades, their conflicts were deeply involved with social and political factors than they could imagine, rushing headlong and treating it with unconcern was no difference than a leap in the dark.

More information was they needed at the moment, not fighting back!

Murong Yun wasn’t going to let the Liangs go after what they had done to Luo Qianqian, but he wanted to handle them once and for all, otherwise there will be no end of disastrous aftermaths.

It took Su Liancheng a minute to think this through, he leaned towards Murong Yun and asked, “What do you have in mind then, Brother Eighth?”

… …

The Three Elders asked Murong Yun and Su Liancheng to meet them in the hall in the afternoon.

Out of sheer boredom Luo Qianqian grabbed a book, trying to distract herself from thinking about the Liangs, but she couldn’t focus on the book at all.

For the first time Luo Qianqian felt scared after she had transmigrated to this time and space, even though she knew Murong Yun would do anything to protect her. She was being targeted by the Liangs after all!

She wished she could progress faster in martial arts so she could protect herself instead of putting the people she loved in danger.

‘They have failed the first time, but I’m sure it’s just a matter of time before they operate another ambush, gee, I really hate to put Feng Qing in danger!’ Luo Qianqian felt so frustrated.

“Meow~” Hui jumped on the floor thought the window and walked inside of the room

“It’s you, little Hui! You are here to see me?” Luo Qianqian was surprised to see Hui again.

Yet somehow heavy smell of wine wafted along with Hui.

Luo Qianqian jumped out of bed and walked to Hui, the smell was so heavy, Luo Qianqian felt she could almost get drunk by smelling this.

“Where have you been, Miss Thing!” Luo Qianqian frowned and stroked Hui’s back.

“Did you fall into a wine jar or what? I need to give you a good bath, otherwise I think I will get drunk by just holding you.” Luo Qianqian tapped on Hui’s nose with affection.

Luo Qianqian shook her head trying to shake the dizziness out of her body.

“Good girl, let me take you to have a bath.” with that Luo Qianqian walked behind the screen holding Hui in her arm.

And half an hour later… …

Guang Yao who was resting in bed felt so itchy all over his face, it felt like someone was touching his face.

He opened his eyes with some efforts and couldn’t believe what he was seeing, “Sister Qianqian?” with that Guang Yao sat rigidly upright, “Are you all right? Why are you so red?”

‘And… and you are staring me like you are about to eat me up!’ Guang Yao didn’t say that out loud.

Luo Qianqian leaned towards Guang Yao and showed him an ear-to-ear grin, “What a good-looking boy! Have you got a girlfriend?”

“Are you all right, Sister Qianqian? I’m Guang Yao! Don’t you remember me? You and Brother Feng Qing saved me on the street!” Guang Yao shouted.

“Guang Yao, such a good name.” Luo Qianqian smacked her lips.

Guang Yao had smelt the alcohol at this point, “Are you drunk, sister? Why did you drink so much?”

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