My Unrivaled Princess: I Won’t Mess With You

Chapter 81 - Chi Gathering Powder

Chapter 81: Chi Gathering Powder

Murong Yun gradually closed his eyes and the layer of frost on his body became thinner and thinner as well, Luo Qianqian could feel his breaths again, she touched Murong Yun’s cheeks and there was still warmth, Luo Qianqian touched her lips and heaved a sigh of relief.

‘Great, it looks like that was over.’ exclaimed Luo Qianqian in the heart.

“Feng Qing, are you all right?” Luo Qianqian walked to the yard and supported him to stand up, poor Feng Qing, got attacked out of nowhere, Luo Qianqian’s heart was still fluttering with fear when she Feng Qing nodded his head.

No wonder Murong Yun had a hot spring in his house, he definitely needed it to save his life. Murong Yun was passed out, his eyebrows were still tightly knitted, it looked like he was still in pain. There was still a thin layer of frost on his body, Luo Qianqian felt it again and withdrew her hands on reflex.

Feng Qing remind Luo Qianqian, “Your Highness, there must be pills in master’s sleeve, they will help him feel better.”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“Feng Qing, lying on the ground will only worsen it, let’s carry him to the bed first and tuck him in blankets and quilts!” Luo Qianqian demanded.

Feng Qing nodded, he struggled to walk to Murong Yun. It took the two tremendous effort to accomplish the job.

Luo Qianqian groped in Murong Yun’s sleeves and withdrew a little white jade bottle, she was overjoyed, rich aroma of saussurea involucrate sprayed into one’s face as she opened the bottle.

‘Saussurea involucrate? Isn’t that the most rare herb in the world? This must be so difficult for Murong Yun.’ Luo Qianqian’s heart softened.

She fed Murong Yun two pills and told Feng Qing to go back to his room and take some rest.

Luo Qianqian went to the space after Feng Qing withdrew the room.

“Xiao Bai, I need your help, it’s urgent.”

Xiao Bai was sound asleep, it rubbed its eyes and yawned, “Master, what are you doing here at such a late hour? What’s so urgent.”

Luo Qianqian went straight to the point, “Xiao Bai, it’s Murong Yun, the Frigid Poison attacked him just now, it was horrible. I need you to find me some medicine to cure him, at least to alleviate his pain!”

Never had Xiao Bai seen its master so worried like this, it replied, “Let me see… …”

With that Xiao Bai flew around in the shop and returned to Luo Qianqian with a long face, “Masater, I’ve turned this shop upside down, but I’m afraid there isn’t much I can do about it. The antidote prescription that I gave you last time seems to be the only cure.”

“Xiao Bai, are you sure there’s nothing else you can do to help him? He is in great pain now!” Luo Qianqian still hadn’t realized how much she grown fondness of Murong Yun now.

“Master, you are learning martial arts recently, right?”

Luo Qianqian raised her head and said, “Yeah, is it relevant?”

“You can instill Internal Chi to Murong Yun, but I understand it’s not going to be easy for a beginner like you, but don’t worry, I have the right product for you, it’s called Chi Gathering Powder, it will boost your Internal Chi enormously temporarily.”

“Great, how much is it?” Luo Qianqian’s eyes sparkled when she heard Xiao Bai had a way.

“Five points.” Xiao Bai observed its master’s reaction, normally she would complain about how pricy everything was in the space and at least try to haggle, but to Xiao Bai’s surprise, Luo Qianqian paid without any complaint.

Feng Qing returned to Luo Qianqian’s room to check on his mater and only to find Luo Qianqian in a daze, he tried to talk to Luo Qianqian, but it was of no avail.

Feng Qing panicked, ‘Her Highness always looks so poised and collected all the time, but look at her in a daze now, how frightened she must be. Yeah, I suppose everyone will, master behaved like a monster when the Frigid Poison attacks him… …’

Luo Qianqian returned from the space when Feng Qing tried to ‘wake her up’, she smiled at Feng Qing and comforted him, “I’m all right, I was just dozing off. Don’t worry any more, I came up with a way to help your master, I promise you it will work, go back to your room first.”

Seeing how confident and serious Luo Qianqian was, Feng Qing nodded and said, “That’s great, Your Highness. I will just be outside just in case you need me.”

With that Feng Qing walked out of the room, he trusted Her Highness.

“Thank you so much, Feng Qing, I won’t disappoint you.” replied Luo Qianqian.

Luo Qianqian lifted a hand, and a little bottle appeared in her palm, it was Chi Gathering Powder that she just purchased from Xiao Bai. What made this Chi Gathering Powder so special was it was actually a liquid ranter than some powder, and it would greatly enhance the user’s Internal Chi.

According to Xiao Bai, there were many types of Internal Chi, take Murong Yun for an example, he had an extremely cold constitution, therefore his Internal Chi was of cold nature. And Luo Qianqian was quite the opposite, her Internal Chi was warm in nature.

Xiao Bai also said Luo Qianqian might be responsible for this early attack of the Frigid Poison, it was her who had accidentally witnessed Murong Yun broke into a paroxysm on a full moon night, and that had worsened Murong Yun’s condition.

Luo Qianqian gulped down the Chi Gathering Powder and soon she felt an overwhelming surge of Internal Chi in her body.

She took off both her and Murong Yun’s clothes and she leaned on Murong Yun tightly, she shivered when her skin felt Murong Yun’s skin, she took a deep breath and instilled Internal Chi to Murong Yun’s body.

She would take a break after every session of Chi instilling, just like that she cuddled Murong Yun and fell asleep.

Murong Yun woke up first in the morning, and he remembered what happened last night in fragment, he couldn’t stop blaming himself for almost hurting Luo Qianqian last night.

Then he turned to the other side, with that he blushed crimson, Luo Qianqian… Luo Qianqian was lying right next to him, and they were… they were both naked.

‘Did she… did she warm me up with her own warmth?’ Murong Yun’s heart softened.

‘Two times, you’ve saved my two times now! How can a little girl like you do this, you are my lucky charm, my princess, my love. And I sear I will protect you with my own life!’ Murong Yun stroked Luo Qianqian’s face, ‘I will treasure you all the same no matter whether you are my cure or not.’

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