My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1420: Waiting for fumble

Chapter 1420: Waiting for fumble

Hey, my little fairies can you show some love to Guide To Reign My Tycoon Husbands?

It's really close to my heart and the adventures and fights in it are also amazing and the snu snu chapters. will see an upgraded version of them hehehe.


Lin Bolin was scared silly after realizing this horrifying truth. No wonder, no wonder Zheng Baozhi kept praising him and his skills these past few days and even asked him to work even harder.

She kept telling him that he needed to work hard or else his skills would never improve any further. In the past, Lin Bolin believed that the woman was caring for him but now that he knew the truth, Lin Bolin was so scared that the floor under his feet seemed to have sunken by three feet.

Lin Bolin's teeth chattered at that moment and his voice trembled, he asked, "Master Song, did that woman...did that woman kill those students under her?"

"What do you think?" Song Yan did not want to scare the mother and son pair but it was important for them to understand the consequences of following Zheng Baozhi and ignoring her warning. "The one who married and established the Zheng wax studio was none other than Zheng Baobei, for the sake of getting hold of everything that Zheng Baobei had, Zheng Baozhi did not stop at killing just her own half-sister. She is so cruel and vicious, do you think that she would think twice before killing those who have no relation with her?"

She stood up from the couch and glanced at Lin Bolin, "I came here because I saw death waiting for you, if you don't believe me then you can continue with your own decision. But of course, if you die, I will not be the one responsible."

"So don't come looking for me after your death."

With those words, Song Yan turned on her feet and then walked away. As she stepped out of the small apartment, Old Madam Lin turned to look at her son and said, "You will stop learning under her! I forbid you from going to that woman's studio anymore. Tell her that you will not be coming anymore!"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Thinking of Zheng Baozhi, the old woman shuddered, fear lingering in her heart. That woman could even kill her own sister. Who were they compared to that? Certainly, that woman would not think twice before killing her son.

Lin Bolin on the other hand didn't answer his mother and chased after Song Yan.

"Master Song!"

Song Yan, who was already standing at the top of the stairs, turned around and looked at the man who chased after her. She raised a brow and asked, "What the matter?"

"Master Song, can you help me? I don't think that Madam Zheng would stop bothering me just because I left the apprenticeship under her," Lin Bolin knew that Zheng Baozhi was a stubborn woman. She was the kind of woman who would make her assistant stand in the line for three hours daily to get the coffee that she liked.

Other than that she would not accept anything else.

That kind of woman, would she just let him go if he refused to follow her?

"I don't want to die!" Lin Bolin exclaimed as he almost knelt on the floor in front of Song Yan. Song Yan also thought that Zheng Baozhi would not give up so easily. She took out a yellow talisman with a red inscription on it and handed it to Lin Bolin. She said to him, "Here, this talisman will protect you for the time being, however, if you sense it getting hotter you need to contact me." She added as she handed a card with her number to Lin Bolin.

"Make sure to contact me at once because if you delay then who knows what might happen?"

"I understand," Lin Bolin nodded as he took the card and the talisman. Inwardly he had already decided to plant his talisman on his skin, there was no way he was going to let this talisman be taken away from him.

He would rather die than let it go.

Song Yan nodded and then turned to leave, however before leaving she handed another S- grade talisman to Lin Bolin as she was worried that Zheng Baozhi would do something to Old Madam Lin.

That woman and her mother did the same thing to Zheng Baobei's mother, what were the chances that would not do it again?

It was better to be safe than sorry.

"Don't let your mother go anywhere she is not supposed to," with that warning, Song Yan truly left the apartment building.

Outside the apartment building, Song Yan felt a sudden surge of yin energy. It was strong enough to plummet the temperature to the point where people around her shivered.

"Why is it so cold?" One of the women who was carrying a small bag with groceries looked around and rubbed her arms. "Is it going to snow in such weather? Sure enough, the world is on the verge of collapse."

Song Yan: "..."

She quickly made her way to the car in which she came to this place and then drove away. Once she arrived at her house, Song Yan ordered Madam Gu to make some dim sums for her as she climbed the stairs before heading to her room.

Only then did she summon Zheng Baobei out of the Ghost Ring but of course she also let Fang Yanli and the other two ghosts come out to subdue Zheng Baobei.

The Yin energy exploded the second Song Yan let the woman step out of the Ghost Ring. The explosion was so strong that the four ghost members of the Lu family were startled. They looked around the house before turning to look at the room where Song Yan was and shivered.

What kind of troublesome ghost did she bring home this time?

"What is wrong with you?" Song Yan calmly asked as she sat down on the couch in her room.

"What is wrong with me?" Zheng Baobei's voice was thick with hatred and malice. Dark fumes rose from the wounds that were on her face and her skin. Her eyes were darker than a beast as blood dripped from them. "My daughter... the one who is haunting that woman is my daughter right? The one who was dragged to the altar and eaten alive was my Meifeng!"

Song Yan did not deny it as it was indeed the truth.

She had investigated the two women and from her investigation, the chances of the malicious spirit that was haunting Zheng Baozhi being Lai Meifeng were rather high.

"How can you be so calm!"

"Then what am I supposed to do?" Song Yan turned to look at Zheng Baobei. "Should I lose control of myself and throw caution to the wind?"

Zheng Baobei's expression twisted as she turned on her feet, "I will avenge my daughter... I will kill that woman with my bare hands."

"Go ahead," Song Yan did not stop the woman as she kicked off the shoes that she was wearing and curled her toes. "However if you become a malicious spirit, then I will not be helping you. Instead, I will be exorcising your essence."

"Exorcising?" Zheng Baobei stiffened as she turned to look at Song Yan who stared back at her without an ounce of sympathy. "Why? Why are the heavens so cruel? It was bad enough that I lost my life, so why does my daughter have to lose hers?"

"Are the heavens really cruel?" Song Yan asked as she turned to look at Ni Ah who took out a bunch of herbs that she had harvested once they grew past a hundred years old. She studied the Three leaves bloom and carefully placed it down before saying, "Think back again, you had a lot of chances to escape and tell your husband about the truth. So why didn't you? Even if those women had your mother in their control, you could have told Master Lai the truth."

"It might have changed the course of your life but you were too scared to do that, so who is at


"Why should the heavens be blamed for your cowardice?"

Zheng Baobei clenched her fists while Fang Yanli looked at Song Yan and said, "Aren't you being a tad bit harsh?"

"I think I am being kind," Song Yan stated as she turned to look at Zheng Baobei. "You and your daughter still have the chance to reincarnate. If you listen to me I can make it so that you two will become mother and daughter in the next life as well. Not to mention, you were quite charitable when you were alive, so you will get a good life in the next life." Zheng Baobei lowered her head and questioned, "Then what about that woman?"

"Don't worry," Song Yan curled her lips. "She will end up causing trouble for herself sooner or


Zheng Baozhi was greedy, once Lin Bolin escaped from her grasp she would certainly panic.

"All that is left is for your husband to come to know the truth. We cannot let him support that studio of hers anymore.'

"If that woman is not pushed to a corner, she would not fumble."


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