My Wife Is A Killer

Chapter 44: Episode 44 Don’t look for the security guard

Chapter 44: Episode 44 Don't look for the security guard

In episode 44, Scarface was shocked, but he was hugged by Li Tian, where could he still move.

Ah, a scream, suddenly came out of the scarface's mouth.

Take a closer look, oh my God, Li Tian actually bit the scarface's ear with his mouth, and the scarface screamed desperately, but Li Tian didn't let go of his mouth, the yellow hair was shocked, and grabbed the Li Tian's hair, hey, the bastard let go.

At the same time, the machete in his hand slashed towards Li Tian's shoulder, and with a bang, I saw that Li Tian finally let go of his mouth, and the scarred face fell to the ground with a bloody scream, and his ear was bitten off alive by Li Tian.

The knife instrument held in Huang Mao's hand collapsed instantly, and a sense of fear that he had never felt before surged up from the bottom of his heart, looking at the four fallen Huang Mao lying on the ground, one of whom had a scarred face and Li Tian biting off his ear alive, didn't dare to go up again.

You're a kind of fucking yellow-haired person as you pale back away.

No way, he's scared.

The other two little brothers next to him got up from the ground, but with fear in their eyes, and quickly helped Scarface, who was screaming, and another guy who was beaten to death by Li Tian.

Slowly retreat.

As for Li Tian, he was roaring there with blood in his mouth and a hideous face, come on, kill Lao Tzu, you fucking come.

A roar came out of his mouth, he was covered in blood, and the whole person was like a beast, and the yellow hair on the other side of the roar was not generally afraid.

I was completely scared from the inside, and I quickly retreated with my companions.

Soon this yellow hairy child walked away with his own people.

And when they left, the bloodstained stick in Li Tian's hand was finally thrown to the ground with a clatter, and suddenly his body was slashed several times.

Because of the excessive blood loss in his body, his eyes were black, he fell to the ground with a thud, and passed out on the streets of Kyoto City, at this moment a Buick GL eight business car was driving fast.

Sitting in the car, of course, were the yellow hairs and the scarface whose ears had been bitten off, and their scarface's screams were still ringing, and their ears were wrapped in a handkerchief, but they were dripping with blood.

The yellow hairy turned his head, glanced at the scar that was moaning in pain, quickly took out his mobile phone from his arms, and then quickly dialed a call, and the call was quickly connected.

Hey, hey, Wang Shao, I'm Huang Mao.

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Huang Mao, who picked up the phone, hurriedly said respectfully.

Wang Shao over there asked, and after he asked, Huang Mao'er in front of him glanced at the scar next to him, and stammered with a stammering face, and he hit and slashed a few times.

But Wang Feng over there said angrily.

I only heard the yellow hair stammer, and the kid bit off Scarface's ear.

Wang Feng over there was obviously surprised when he heard it, and then he heard Wang Feng laughing on the other end of the phone.

Wang Feng suddenly scolded, Huang Mao'er here has an ugly face, he doesn't dare to speak, Wang Shao's kid is really not a person, he is simply a beast.

After Wang Shao finished speaking, he hung up the phone fiercely, but left the yellow hair in front of him, and he was stunned there with a look of embarrassment.

The boudoir of the Tang Corporation, Fei Fei, was filled with a faint scent of tulips, while Fei Fei was wearing a pale red dress in front of the dresser.

In the photo, wearing a lace dress, showing soft and fair shoulders, two slender legs and a black stocking.

It's very seductive.

The pink melon seed face also had a faint flush, which looked sweet and sexy.

It can be seen that Fei Fei is in a very good mood today, it turns out that Fei Fei, who was drunk last night, did not wake up from a dream until eleven o'clock in the morning.

My head was a little dizzy.

He made him a bowl of raw soup in the nanny, and after drinking it, it was better.

Fei Fei sat in the bedroom, thinking about what happened last night.

Although Fei Fei was drunk and unconscious at the time, the memory is still clear.

Regarding the scene when Li Tian finally saved him last night, so that he and Li Tian finally hugged him, Feifei's face was still slightly hot when he remembered it.

How could I, Tang Feifei, hold a big stupid person?

The knowledgeable Fei Fei thought about it, and her face was red with that big fool, sometimes she was quite smart, she knew where I was drunk, and came to save me from stinky for a day, and she had a conscience.

Fei Fei thought as she looked at herself in the mirror, what is that big fool doing now, is he still standing guard in the company?

Fei Fei grabbed her Herman bag while thinking, and opened the door, preparing to go to the company to find Li Tian.

How did Fei Fei, who had just gotten up, know that the current Li Tian had already been ordered by his father to resign, and Fei Fei, who was slightly excited in her heart and had some expectations, went downstairs happily.

In the hall, Tang Zheng was looking at the morning newspaper as always.

Dad, I'm out.

Fei Fei smiled and greeted her father, and then walked towards the parking lot.

Fei Fei, who had just taken a step, then heard her father's voice from behind, Fei Fei.

Tang Zheng closed the newspaper in his hand and looked at his daughter strangely.

Fei Fei heard her father's voice, turned her head quickly, and looked at her father with a smile on her pretty face, what's wrong, Fei Fei, where are you going, go to the company.

Fei Fei said with a smile.

Hearing Fei Fei say this, Tang Zheng's face gradually became heavy and looked at his daughter.

Why, I've been running to the company for the past two days, is there anyone there that you really want to meet?

Suddenly hearing Tang Zheng say this, Fei Fei's face turned red, Dad, you don't care about other people's affairs, I'll go.

With that, Fei Fei happily prepared to walk towards the parking lot.

Standing still, Tang Zheng's voice suddenly became louder, and he roared angrily, after Tang Zheng's voice changed from solemn at the beginning to roaring, Fei Fei was stunned for a moment, and turned his head to look at himself.

Why is the old dad a little weird today not allowed to go out.

Tang Zheng in front of him was annoyed and said, why did Fei Fei become stubborn all of a sudden, and looked at his father unconvinced.

Feifei, look at what you've become now.

A dignified eldest lady who hangs out with some little security guards all day long, if this word gets out, what will they say about you.

Besides, you're still a girl, how can you do this?

Tang Zheng roared angrily.

Hearing her father say this, Fei Fei immediately understood what was going on, and her father definitely didn't want to let her go to Li Tian.

Dad, how can you say that?

What happened to the security guards?

Aren't security guards human?

Whoever stipulates the status of the security guard is low.

In the face of Fei Fei's defense, the anger on Tang 1's face was nonsense, and a loud roar came out of Tang Zheng's mouth.

Feifei was startled and looked at his father in disbelief.

For so many years, Tang Zheng has rarely lost his temper in front of his daughter, and besides, the Tang family is such an eldest lady, it is too late for him to love, where has he said too much, but now Tang Zheng actually yelled at Feifei roughly.

This made Feifei very sad.

I'm telling you, from today onwards, you are absolutely not allowed to see that little security guard again.


Cui Fei asked stubbornly, his pretty face turned red, not for anything else, just because you are my Tang Zheng's daughter, and my Tang Zheng's daughter must not be mixed with a little security guard.

Tang Zheng said, listening to Tang Zheng's unreasonable words, Fei Fei felt very aggrieved, Dad, why do you look down on other people's security guards?

Although people are in your company, they are not your slaves, and they also rely on their hands to make money.

Besides, Li Tianai saved me, why can't I find him?

I said no, I just couldn't.

Tang Zheng slammed his palm on the big red rosewood table next to him, and the whole table shook slightly with Tang Zheng's palm.

It can be felt.

Tang Zheng is really angry, Dad, you are too unreasonable.

Fei Feiqi's eyes were red, and he said tremblingly in that body, but Tang Zheng was cold, and said with a gloomy face, From today onwards, you are not allowed to see that security guard again.

The sound echoed in Fei Fei's ears, making his heart flutter.

And even if you go to the company now, you won't be able to see him again.

Tang Zheng continued.

Hearing him say this, Fei Fei was slightly stunned, what do you mean?

Fei Fei hurriedly asked.

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