My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 188: First Kill

Chapter 188: First Kill

He took slow steps towards them and when the four people clearly looked at the man as he stood under the light, their eyes widened in shock.

"Here comes my elder brother, Giuseppe Berlusconi" Flavio proudly introduced his brother to them.

Flavio was just standing a few meters away from the four people, in the middle of the room. While the four people were on his either side, Chance on his left and the three women were to his right.

When Giuseppe Berlusconi stood next Flavio Berlusconi, Chance clearly saw the man, who was just a foot away from him.

Chance was still speechless and not a word could be uttered from his mouth.

The three women were equally shocked at what they were seeing, they couldn't talk or say a word even if they wanted to.

Carol tried to shout and talk but the cloth covering her mouth didn't let her, yet she didn't give up, she started shouting from her throat trying to make desperate sounds.

Flavio laughed seeing her state and instructed one of the men standing there, to uncover Carol's mouth.

"Let that woman talk"

The man followed his instructions and as soon as Carol's mouth was uncovered, she shouted, "Lucas, Lucas you are alive" She started crying happily.

"Elder brother, where were you all this while? Brother, please save us, please protect us, pleaseeeee" She shouted.

She then looked at Mia and Abigail, "Girls, you all can see Lucas too, right? It is not a dream, right? I am not hallucinating, am I?" She asked them.

The two women nodded their heads confirming that she is indeed looking at Lucas and he is alive.

Carol then looked at Chance, who was still looking at Lucas in shock.

His dead best friend, was actually standing in front of him alive. Chance looked shocked and speechless.

"Chance, you too can see elder brother, right?" Carol asked him.

"Yes, I can" Chance calmly said.

"Flavio, why does this girl keep calling me elder brother? Is she, our sister?" Lucas asked Flavio.

Carol was shocked when Lucas didn't recognize her.

"Brother, you don't know who I am? I am your sister, Carol" Carol shouted at him desperately.

"What nonsense, he is not yours but my brother" Flavio taunted her.

"NO!! He is my brother; he is my family" Carol desperately shouted.

"I think this girl is crazy" Giuseppe rolled his eyes and looked at Flavio, "Flavio, what is this drama? Didn't we decide to release these women as soon as we get our hold on Grim Reaper? Why are you still keeping these women here?" Giuseppe scolded Flavio.

"Brother, I had an amazing idea. How about we kill these three women in front of Grim Reaper?" Flavio sadistically smiled.

"Flavio, don't forget we never go back on our words. Just let them go" Giuseppe was clearly annoyed.

"But brother"

"You know I hate women, their presence itself is annoying enough for me. Just throw these three women out" Giuseppe ordered.

"Fine, elder brother" Flavio had no choice but listen to Giuseppe.

He signalled his men to release the three women, as soon as Carol got free, she ran towards Giuseppe and tightly hugged him.

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She was so swift that no one was able to stop her.

Flavio was enraged but seeing Giuseppe get irritated too, he calmed down.

Carol cried tightly hugging her brother but Giuseppe held her arms and pushed her, "Are you crazy? I just said I hate women. Stay away from me" He shouted at her.

Carol was unaffected by his shouting, "Lucas, you have no idea how much I missed you" she declared and again hugged him.

Giuseppe was so annoyed that this time he pushed her and slapped her very hard. Her left cheek turned red.

"SCRAM!!!" Giuseppe shouted.

Carol smiled in spite of the pain, "I am glad you are alive."

"Throw these three women out" Flavio ordered his men as he could see how annoyed Giuseppe was with their presence.

The three women reluctantly left the mansion. The women were helplessly walking, unsure of where to go when they saw Jack and Isaac, who signalled them to follow them and they reached a big van, which had been hiding in the dark for a while.

Flavio and Giuseppe looked at Chance, who was silently observing Giuseppe.

"What happened? Is my brother so handsome you can't move his eyes away from him?" Flavio sarcastically asked him.

"Elder brother, let's kill this man" Flavio declared.

Chance's assassin organization and the Berlusconi family were always at loggerheads as they believed Chance's assassins were stealing contracts from them.

It was Flavio's dad, who killed Chance's biological parents to threaten them.

Their rivalry had been deep-rooted.

Now that Flavio found out Chance is digging deeper about them to eliminate them from this world, he couldn't keep quiet and targeted easy people around Chance.

He kidnapped the women and got Chance here.

"Let's kill him" Flavio looked at his brother.

Giuseppe nodded his head and took out a gun from his suit jacket.

"Mr Grim Reaper, you are going to be dead soon" Flavio evilly laughed while Giuseppe stepped towards Chance, who was still on his knees.

"Untie him" He instructed his men.

"But brother" Flavio got worried but Giuseppe asked him to shut up.

"I can't kill a helpless man" He declared with pride.

Although Chance was freed, he didn't try to fight Giuseppe and rather sat on his knees looking at the man in suit

Giuseppe pointed his gun at Chance's forehead, "Any last wish Mr Grim Reaper?"

"I am dying in the hands of my best friend, what can be better than that?" Chance smiled.

Giuseppe looked at his younger brother, "Why does he keep calling me his best friend?" 

"He is crazy, elder brother, don't mind him. Just kill the man"

As soon as Flavio was done talking, Giuseppe pulled the trigger, shooting his target's forehead and the target fell on the floor, lying dead in the pool of his own blood.

The other bodyguards in the room were shocked seeing Giuseppe kill his brother as they expected to see Chance lying dead but what they saw was Flavio lying in the pool of his blood.

But the next minute, six silent bullets were fired and the six bodyguards in the room too were lying on the floor dead.

As soon as Lucas killed Flavio, he took out another silencer gun and threw it at Chance, who was prepared for something like this.

Then the two men, within seconds killed the six bodyguards in the room, before these guards could recover from the shock of seeing Flavio's dead body.

Chance and Lucas smiled at each other and hugged one another.

"We did it" Lucas said.

"Now we need to get out from here" Chance reminded him.

"Yeah, before anyone else could find us we need to leave" Lucas agreed.

Lucas then took Chance through the secret door from which he entered, a few minutes ago. 

"I have created a secret passage to leave this place" Lucas explained while leading Chance towards exit.

"Lucas, you have extra bullets?"

"Of course."

They loaded their guns before leaving the secret passage. 

After they reached the backside of the building, Lucas and Chance thought they were safe but suddenly a few men passing by there, saw them and seeing Chance they realized something is fishy but before they could do anything, these two dangerous assassins killed them.

Chance and Lucas then stepped forward to leave after killing these men, only to get shocked at the view in front of him.

Flavio's right-hand bodyguard, Marco, was standing in front of them pointing a missile gun at the two assassins.

"I told Flavio, to not trust you but he didn't listen to me. Now, I am going to avenge his death" The bodyguard declared.

"Marco, listen to me" Lucas tried to explain himself.

"SHUT UP!!!" Marco shouted at him, "I am going to eliminate Grim Reaper and Maestro in one missile" He declared.

"Are you crazy? Why would you use a missile gun to kill us? Just use a pistol, you moron, you will die too if you kill us with this gun" Chance shouted at the fool.

He was trying to buy some time before they can escape.

Marco laughed like a mad man but the next minute a bullet passed through his forehead and he fell down on the floor surprising the two men.

Chance and Lucas then got shocked seeing David holding a gun, standing behind the position where Marco had been standing.

It was evident he is the one, who killed Marco from behind.

"Woah David, isn't this your first kill? We should celebrate." Lucas grinned from one ear to another and looked happy.

"I hate you, bastard" David declared and said, "Isaac and Jack are keeping an eye outside, let's go fast, if they get caught, they won't be able to fight"

David then led the way, Chance and Lucas silently followed him.


Author's Important Note (Please Read):

Dear all this novel would be ending on August 31st for last privilege tier and I'll be giving a mass release that day, for others it will end in September, so please think before you purchase privilege subscription next month.

Also, if you would like please check out my other two books:

1)    Sister, Back-off from MY MAN (It is my new book, ongoing): It is a dramatic love story, mixed with some revenge drama and siblings' rivalry.

2)    The Doctor and The CEO (This book too will be completed soon): It is a simple love story with multiple stories of other couples, no misunderstandings, no dragging and a feel-good love story.

I'll be grateful if you can try these two books and show them as much love as you have shown to my book 'My Wife is a Secret Assassin'

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