My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 199: Mrs Grim Reaper

Chapter 199: Mrs Grim Reaper

Present Day, New York

Samantha completed her side of the story.

"Wow" Chance exclaimed in shock after knowing the whole truth.

"So, I deceived you for months and you deceived me for years?" Chance asked her.

"It is not a competition, Chance" Samantha calmly said.

"True. I am just surprised you played me for so long" Chance looked at her with a straight face and she was not able to understand what is going on in his mind.

"I didn't play you, I loved you" Samantha corrected him.

Chance laughed when he heard her words, "I still can't believe all of this" He honestly said.

"Hmm, I understand" she then offered her coke to him. This time he accepted it and took a few sips.

"Are you upset with me?" Samantha asked him.

Chance shook his head, "I have no right to be upset with you. Honestly, I am glad you love me in spite of knowing the truth. Today, when I was coming here, I feared losing you but with this new turn of events, I am very happy"

"Why did you suddenly choose to be honest? Were you trying to sabotage our wedding?" Samantha teased him.

Chance laughed and said, "Today, dad made me realize by not telling you the truth I am making you go through the pain and agony of deceiving me. I thought you still believed I am suffering from Foniasophobia and must be feeling guilty for deceiving me."

"So, you didn't wish for me to go through the pain of deceiving you like you were going?" She asked and he nodded his head.

"That's why I love you so much"

Chance pulled her closer and tightly hugged her.

"I stopped caring about you being Grim Reaper, long ago" she honestly said.

"I am glad" Chance cupped one side of her face in his palm, and sucked on her lips, kissing her. Slowly, his kiss turned rough and he kissed her as if he wants to eat her up.

After knowing, she loved him for him all these years, in spite of everything, he couldn't control himself anymore.

"I want to fuck you here" He declared.

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Samantha looked around and saw there were people, "In the car" she suggested.

After two rounds of lovemaking, they headed to Isaac's home as they all planned to have dinner there for tonight.

On the way, Chance and Samantha decided to tell his friends that she forgave him after knowing the truth as they didn't intend to share the whole truth with others.

It was their personal matter and they wanted to keep it to themselves.

So, they pretended like Chance told her the truth and she forgave him.

They decided to share the truth only with Bill, later.

The guys were anticipatingly waiting for Samantha and Chance and when they saw how normal they were, they got confused.

Then Chance lied to them that Samantha forgave him.

"Wow, sir, you are amazing" David praised Bill, confusing Chance.

"Remember, when we all bet what she would do to you after knowing the truth? Sir, bet that she will forgive you" Lucas explained.

When Chance and Bill were alone, Bill explained that he saw how much his daughter loves him, so he was sure she will forgive him after knowing the truth and he was happy for the two kids.

Later that night, after going back home, Chance and Samantha shared the truth with Bill, who laughed and expressed how proud he was of his daughter for catching their lies.

He too then explained why he lied to her and supported Chance.

"Don't worry dad, I am not upset" She assured him.

One Month Later, Seattle

At Woodinville Lavender, a stunning outdoor wedding venue. Chance and Samantha stood at the end of the altar facing one another with lavender garden being at the backdrop.

They looked like a dreamy couple.

Bill, who just walked Samantha down the aisle, got emotional seeing Chance and Samantha facing each other as this was the place where he got married to Sarah.

Chance made Bill and Samantha come out of their discomfort and made them visit the city where Sarah's memories were intact.

To honour Sarah's memory, Chance and Samantha decided to get married at this same beautiful venue, where Bill and Sarah were united.

David was the officiant at their wedding.

He cleared his throat, "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in the bonds of holy matrimony. We shall proceed to the vows."

David looked at Chance.

With a bright smile on his face, Chance vowed, "Sam, it is said after night comes the day. If there is darkness, sunshine is bound to mark its presence too. In my dark night life, you came as the sunshine, that brightened my world. With you, I am sure I'll fight any darkness that would follow. As long as you are with me, it is enough, everything will just fall into place. I vow to never deceive you and to never hide anything from you, no matter what. I vow to love you till the rest of my life"

Everyone including Samantha got emotional after hearing his vow.

"Chance, I always believed the love shared by my parents was so great and so pure that I would never meet a man and a woman, who would love each other with that level of purity and passion. But I am glad, I was wrong. Thanks for proving me wrong. You brought out a side in me, which I never knew existed. I had no idea, I had in me to love a person with no bounds, until I met you. Thanks for being a part of my life. I vow to continue loving you till the rest of my life"

Every guest turned emotional and happy after hearing their vows and bright smiles were painted on their lips.

"Chance Miller, do you take Samantha Allen, to be your lawfully wedded wife?" David asked him.

"I do" Chance happily declared.

"Samantha Allen, do you take Chance Miller, as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do" Samantha too brightly smiled back at her husband.

"With the powers vested in me by , I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride" David excitedly looked at Chance.

Chance gently kissed Samantha, for a short while as she hates publicly kissing one another.

"I love you, Mr Grim Reaper" Samantha softly whispered hugging him.

"I love you too, Ms Danger-Ace or should I call you Mrs Grim Reaper?" He playfully asked her.

"You want to die?" she glared at him.

"Ms Danger-Ace it is"

The two people laughed.


Author's Important Note (Please Read):

Dear all this novel would be ending on August 31st for last privilege tier and I'll be giving a mass release that day, for others it will end in September, so please think before you purchase privilege subscription next month.

Also, if you would like please check out my other two books:

1)    Sister, Back-off from MY MAN (It is my new book, ongoing): It is a dramatic love story, mixed with some revenge drama and siblings' rivalry.

2)    The Doctor and The CEO (This book too will be completed soon): It is a simple love story with multiple stories of other couples, no misunderstandings, no dragging and a feel-good love story.

I'll be grateful if you can try these two books and show them as much love as you have shown to my book 'My Wife is a Secret Assassin'

If you people can leave your reviews on my books, it would be great, so that I can know what my readers think about them.

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