My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 43: You Want To Marry Me?

Chapter 43: You Want To Marry Me?

After realizing Carol's feelings for him, Chance always tried his best to handle this matter sensitively and to let her know his opinion in a way that he doesn't hurt her but now he is regretting it.

Because he was sensitive towards it, she reached this extent and today she almost crossed the line.

Chance was very upset with Carol but he was even more upset with himself for not being able to handle this situation in a better way.

He promised his dead friend that he will take care of Carol as she had no one except for her brother and now after losing him she was all alone.

So, he decided to be a responsible person and take Lucas' responsibility. Not just him but David and Jack too were in it and the three decided to take good care of her but he never thought she would develop romantic feelings for him.

Chance genuinely saw her as a kid and a sister, so he found these feelings disgusting and he always ensured to never give her any wrong signals or hopes but unfortunately for him she fell even more deeply in love with him after seeing this behaviour of his. 

On one side, he felt bad for hurting her and on the other side he was getting frustrated with her weird antics.

Today, when she suddenly tried to kiss him, Chance's last thread of patience broke and he said those hurtful words to her which he hoped he never would have to utter.

Chance wanted to be alone for some time and drink alcohol to calm himself down.

He sat at an empty chair at the bar and ordered a glass of whiskey for himself.

Someone suddenly draped a jacket over his shoulders and Chance was startled as he was pulled out from his deep thoughts and turned to the other side to look who it was.

Samantha sat on the chair next to him and ordered a pint of beer for herself.

Chance was surprised to see her there as he assumed, she would leave with David and Carol.

He kept looking at her as he was taken aback by her presence.

"What? Am I that beautiful that you couldn't take your eyes off me?" Samantha suddenly asked him after feeling his gaze on her for a few seconds.

Chance didn't expect her to talk like this and smiled, "What if I say, yes you are?"

"Then I would say, okay then keep looking at me, I won't mind" 

Chance had a big grin on his face after what she said.

"It looks you too are turning cheesy, just like me" He commented.

"Or maybe my true nature is coming out now" She winked at him and Chance dramatically placed his hand on his heart, "If you behave like this, it won't be long before I get an attack"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Samantha smiled and was relieved that Chance turned normal as earlier the way he walked away she was worried about him.

That's why at that time she took Chance's jacket back from David and insisted she would stay here with him.

David too smiled to himself and was happy with her suggestion as it was rare for Chance to get angry and once, he is pissed about something then it is very difficult for his mood to turn back to normal, so he was glad when Samantha took the initiative to stay with him as David was sure if she stays back with Chance then his mood will turn normal so he agreed to it and safely took away Carol with him and Samantha headed back inside the bar to see Chance sitting at the bar.

"Oh, well in that case I should stop acting like this as I can't bear to see you having an attack" Samantha flirted back.

"Are you drunk?" Chance questioned her as suddenly she was flirting with him without any constraints.

"Yeah, maybe" Samantha lied, her alcohol tolerance is very high and she doesn't get drunk easily but she joked.

"It seems your true feelings come out when you are drunk" Chance smiled.

"Oh, what true feelings?" Samantha wanted to engage him so that he doesn't think about the earlier incident that spoiled his mood.

"Whatever they are, like flirting with me, instead of being cold and indifferent you are being open, that is what I meant"

"Hey, what the fuck do you mean by I am cold and indifferent? I am very sweet and gentle"

Chance: ""

"I am sorry Samantha; I don't think so" He smiled at her.

"Nonsense, I am a very nice person"

"Of course, never denied that. Cold and indifferent people are nice too" 

"Hey, this is a wrong accusation, I am not cold and neither am I indifferent" Samantha glared at him in anger.

Just then their drinks were served, Chance took a sip of his drink and cleared his throat, "You are nice to everyone else except for me" 

Samantha rolled her eyes at him and he found it very cute and he pinched her cheeks, she was startled by his action but before she could react, he stopped pinching her cheeks and continued enjoying his drink.

His mind went back to Carol and her actions, he sighed recollecting the events earlier.

"Chance" Samantha softly called him.

"Hmm?" He didn't look at her and continued having a sip of his drink silently.

"Do you want to talk about earlier?" Samantha asked him after hesitating and pondering for a few seconds, she was not sure if she could ask him something so personal or not but then it also felt like until and unless he doesn't talk about his thoughts, till then he won't be fine and would keep sulking in a bad mood so she directly asked him.

"No Samantha, just let it be" Chance was not sure what to say.

"Wow" Samantha scoffed at him.


Samantha laughed, "Nothing"

"What is it Samantha?" Chance was affected by her reaction 

"It is just that, two months back, you confessed to your feelings to me as if you were serious about me but now it seems you are not at all serious and didn't mean anything you said"

"Excuse me? What do you mean by that?"

"One's actions speak louder than words" Samantha taunted him.

"Enough Samantha, clearly speak your mind, you are confusing me." He was running out of patience because of her words.

"Well, two months back, you implied to me as if you are very serious about me. To an extent that you want to marry me but when it comes to sharing your real feelings and thoughts, you are not ready to do that. Chance, if you can't share your real thoughts with a woman you love then there is no point in being with that person or dreaming about marrying her."

Chance was really surprised when he heard her words, he heard every word of hers very clearly so as to not miss anything.

"You want to marry me?" Chance questioned her still looking surprised.

Samantha face-palmed herself, 'This is what he concluded from my speech' she thought to herself.

"Chance, I meant you intend to marry me but you don't intend to share your feelings with me. Are you sure you love me?"

"I really love you, if this is how I need to prove my love then fine, ask me whatever you want." Chance could see a ray of hope in his love life.

"I have nothing to ask you, do you have anything you want to share to feel better?" She cleared her intentions to him.

"Samantha it is just that I respect Carol and her feelings, although I can't reciprocate it, I don't look down on it, by discussing about her in a negative way will only undermine our relationship, which I am not willing to do" 

Samantha felt weirdly impressed with his thoughts instead of getting annoyed by him.

"I understand, you don't need to say anything you don't want to" Samantha assured him.

"Thank you" Chance sipped on his drink and Samantha on hers, the two sat there in silence for some time.

Then Chance suddenly spoke up, "She is a nice person, she would have never behaved like this, out of line, it is because she was drunk that she acted like that, she is not bad" 

Samantha understood he was talking about Carol. He was trying to explain Carol's side of story.


"She means a lot to my friend, and therefore she means a lot to all of us. At times, I even hate myself for not being able to fall for her but what can I do, I really can't, she is like a sister."

"Hmm, it's okay to not like someone back who loves you. Everyone has their own choices and preferences." Samantha tried to console him.

"I just hope Carol understands this and moves on" Chance took another sip worrying about Carol.

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