My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 50: Couldn't Believe This Woman

Chapter 50: Couldn't Believe This Woman

"Aren't you tired of coming up with such cheesy lines to hit on women?" The woman was annoyed with him.

The more she was annoyed, the more he enjoyed it.

"Well, if someone is as beautiful as you, then I would never get tired"

The woman rolled her eyes at him and surprisingly Chance was enjoying every bit of her reaction, he liked it when she got annoyed.

Then he saw she again glanced around and looked suspicious, it was evident she was wondering why Mario has not yet come to the bar, she stepped down from her seat probably to lookout for him.

Chance wanted to stop her as if she goes to Mario's room now then she might get implicated in this as people didn't realize he is dead yet and she might lose her alibi if she goes to the same floor Mario is living in, so he quickly apologized to her to make her stay with him, "I am sorry if I annoyed you, please don't leave because of me"

The woman was surprised by his actions which Chance expected, "I am in Hawaii, I don't intend to stay at one place, I am not leaving because of you." She coldly answered him.

The woman was about to leave after saying these words and Chance was thinking what to do to make her stay with but then suddenly there was a sudden uproar at the resort.

Chance realized Mario's body has been discovered and he sighed in relief. 

Mario had a friend who kept checking on him as he was aware of the threat to Mario's life, so when he called him and Mario didn't respond to his call, that friend called the resort he was staying in and asked them to check on Mario and that was when his dead body was discovered.

The staff who were the ones to discover his body panicked as they assumed it to be a murder and this news spread around quickly.

Chance then looked around and realized the news is out and then he looked at the Danger-Ace who was confused about this commotion, just then they heard some people were whispering that a man named Mario just died in his hotel room.

Just like what Chance expected, the woman with him was shocked and he understood that Danger-Ace was surprised that her target died even before she made her move which made him realize that she is not aware of the fact that he too was hired for the same mission and she therefore had no idea that Grim Reaper too was here to kill the same target.

Just then Chance thought of something and he approached this woman and innocently asked her, "What happened? Why are people panicking?" He tried his best to look naturally worried.

"Someone died" She answered him.

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"What the fuck" Chance tried to look terrified, he wanted to react how any normal person would react after hearing any sudden death news.

Then they saw some policemen head towards the rooms and they asked them all to not go into the area where Mario died.

"Don't be scared, everything will be alright" Chance acted like he was very scared and yet was trying to make the woman with him feel better.

Chance thought of a plan and to execute it he had to act like he was very affected by this death news. 

"I am fine" She indifferently told him.

"You can hold my hand, if you are scared" Chance offered and he tried to look pale.

The woman rolled her eyes, "Don't you have better ways to flirt, hold your hand? You are trying to take advantage of the situation, aren't you?"

The woman turned to face him, Chance looked pale and his hands were shivering, he pretended like he was very affected by this news, she believed his fake act and assumed he was not flirting with her and rather wanted to hold her hands as he was scared.

The woman then held his shivering hands and tried to calm him down, "Relax, don't worry, everything will be alright" She suddenly looked very gentle unlike her cold self.

For a second Chance couldn't believe this woman is indeed Danger-Ace, he even wondered if he just made a mistake and confidently assumed this woman is an assassin but seeing how gentle she looked like he had his doubts but since he already jumped in this act, there was no moving back so he acted along.

"What if there are some murderers around and they killed him?" He looked fearful.

"Why would you think so? Maybe that man died naturally" The woman tried her best to comfort him but he still tried to look pale and was sweating. She stroked his back and tried to comfort him. Chance could feel his heart flutter because of her actions and he wondered what the hell is happening to him when suddenly David showed up there.

"Chance, you alright?" David asked him.

Chance nodded his head and winked at him. 

David who came out because of the commotion saw the woman they saw earlier at the breakfast room and Chance together.

The woman was stroking Chance's back and David got worried as he knew she was an assassin and so he quickly approached them but when Chance said he is alright and winked at him, it was enough for David to understand the situation.

Although he doesn't know the details, he understood Chance is faking something and the woman was worried for him, he therefore acted along with Chance.

They knew each other for many years, so somethings were need not spoken between them for them to understand each other.

David looked at the woman who was with Chance and thanked her, "Thank you for taking care of my friend, Chance. I am David" He extended his hand after introducing himself.

"Hi David, nice to meet you" The woman politely greeted him and David wondered if Chance's theory of her being an assassin is really true or he is mistaken as this woman didn't look like an assassin from any angle.

Chance acted like he was feeling a bit hot and he removed his black coat. For a moment, he felt insecure when the woman who was cold towards him till now was polite towards David, so he wanted to show off how amazing his body is and the woman indeed looked at him and he smiled in satisfaction.

David helplessly shook his head at his friend's actions and thought, 'I love Mia and you know that, yet you act like a baby'

Just then some cops and the medical staff carried Mario's body from room to take him away to the hospital. Chance observed the woman's reaction who looked at Mario's body which was taken away with utmost concentration. Chance could see she was confirming if her target really died or not.

'I guess I was not wrong, she is indeed Danger-Ace' He thought to himself.

David asked the resort staff how Mario died to see what they would say and they said, heart attack is the cause of death.

It seemed first they thought it was a murder but seeing no attacks on Mario's body while taking him away they realized it is something like a heart attack.

Chance acted like he relaxed after knowing this reason and he intentionally did it in a way that the woman with him would notice his actions and would question herself as to why he was acting like this.

"Chance, all our friends are near the pool, we have been waiting for you" David was trying to find an excuse to take away Chance from there but Chance was not ready to leave yet, so he again flirted with her, "I saw this attractive young lady, so couldn't join you guys" He then winked at the woman.

"Chance behave yourself." David was embarrassed at Chance's behavior and more than that he was scared as she is an assassin. She was not any normal assassin, she was Danger-Ace and he was worried if she will right away kill Chance because of his flirtatious nature.

"Hey beautiful, would you like to join us at the pool?" Chance ignored David and asked her to join them which terrified David as he was bringing another assassin into their gang.

"No thanks, you guys have fun" The woman rejected him, Chance was disappointed and David sighed in relief.

Once the woman walked away, David scolded him, "Chance, what the hell are you doing?"

"I am pursuing the woman I like"

Saying this Chance ignored David and went to join his friends at the pool not giving him any opportunity to talk.

"Hey guys" Chance greeted his friends.

"Where the fuck were you?" Jack asked him.

"I just met this beautiful woman at the bar, I was with her till now" Chance tried to be as honest with his friends as he feels guilty for hiding so much from them.

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