My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 83: Sorry To Disturb You Two

Chapter 83: Sorry To Disturb You Two

Next day Samantha woke up with the ringing sound of the alarm. She again recollected what happened between her and Chance a day before.

She couldn't believe she accepted a ridiculous challenge like this.

'There is something about him, he makes me do things I don't want to' She clutched her head in frustration wondering if she fell into some trap.

But then the decision was hers at the end of the day, her say will be final, so she again felt relieved as he can't force her to change her decision.

Also, she understood Chance, he would never do anything against her will, so she had the upper hand and it was comforting to know that.

She went to freshen up and had a bath, after getting ready, she decided to cook breakfast for them and invite Chance over but as soon as she went to the kitchen, the doorbell rang.

'Fuck, he is already here' Samantha thought and nervously opened the door.

Chance was wearing a casual t-shirt and jeans; he was holding a tray with food and plates.

"You already cooked breakfast?" She was surprised as it was still early morning.

"Yeah, I woke up early and therefore I cooked" Chance entered her home and comfortably sat on the dining table.

"Cool, I'll cook dinner today" Samantha offered.

"Sure, or we can cook dinner together"

Samantha remembered the kiss last night which happened because of them cooking together.

"No, I'll cook alone" She immediately refused his suggestion.

Chance smiled at her, "So eager, to cook for me?"

"Believe whatever you want to, I don't care."

"What are your plans for today?" He casually asked her.

"I'll go to the florist boutique; it is during the weekend I make more sales"

Chance nodded his head, "Would you like to show me around San Diego later in the evening?"


"We need to spend two hours together, how would you like to spend it?" Chance asked her instead.

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"Hmm, I'll take you to Coronado beach tonight, it is a beautiful place" 

Chance was happy, "Let's go there after dinner then?"


"How's the breakfast?"

"It is amazing, you cook really well"

"Yeah, it was a hobby"

"What are your plans for today?"

"I'll prepare a few things related to my work as tomorrow I'll be meeting my new employees and new partners. Then I'll watch a series or play games while waiting for you to come back home"

"New employees and new partners?"

"Hmm, I acquired a small real-estate business in San Diego. I am keeping all the employees and the old owners are now my business partners."

"Wow, but isn't it weird that you did so much to be near a woman you like? I mean how did your other business partners agree to this decision?"

"First of all, you are the woman I love not like"

Samantha rolled her eyes at his correction.

"Secondly, I didn't make a loss-making decision, the last time when I came here, I met with a few potential businesses and the last two months went in research and financial study to see if it would be a profitable decision or not. It proved to be beneficial. David and I am the decision makers and once we presented it to the other board members and showed them the estimated profits, there was no way they would disagree to this proposal and therefore here I am"

"Wow, so you have planned all of it for a long time?"


"I didn't expect the last time you came to see me; you came here with an agenda"

Chance didn't say anything.

"Carol is also one of the business partners, right?" Samantha questioned him and Chance knew what she would ask next.

"Yeah, she is"

"Then how did she agree to this?" 

Although Samantha met Carol only for a brief period, it was enough for her to understand that woman and her obsession towards Chance.

"I never discussed this with her" Chance guiltily confessed.

"What the fuck? She is a partner, right? How can you not consult her?" Samantha couldn't believe what this sneaky guy did.

"The actual partner was my friend who died, so Carol just took his place but she is still not experienced and therefore she has less powers right now. Her decision wouldn't have made any difference, so I didn't inform her at all"

"Isn't she upset about it?"

Chance shrugged his shoulders, saying he has no idea.

"What do you mean?"

"She always wanted to be in New York, so before leaving I accepted her transfer request and by the time, she reached New York, I left. So, she is apparently furious with me and just sent me one message praising me for playing well but I didn't respond as I was scared."

"Why don't you contact her then?"

"Because I am scared" Chance honestly confessed.

Samantha helplessly shook her head, "You are the worst, you are so despicable"

"I know and the even worst thing I did was, I didn't even tell my friends that I am moving from New York" 

Chance didn't want to hide anything about this life of his from Samantha, so he told her what he did.

"What the fuck, are you kidding me?" Samantha looked at the guy sitting across from her in shock.

He looked very guilty.

"If I told them, then Mia and Abigail would inform Carol and she would make things difficult for me, so I didn't tell anyone except for David" 

"That is so bad Chance, your friends don't deserve to be treated like this by you."

"I know, they are very upset with me"

Samantha helplessly shook her head, "If you can be this bad with your friends who you know for a long time, I wonder how worse you will be to me" She taunted him.

Chance seriously looked at her and she ignored his gaze.

"If you won't hide anything from me then I will not hide anything from you" Chance seriously informed her.

Samantha was surprised as she didn't understand where was this coming from, for a second, she got scared wondering if he knew anything about her.

"Why did you say that?"

"It is a common fact that people hide something or another from each other, that's why I said that"

Samantha kept quiet as she felt guilty for hiding her identity from him and didn't continue this topic.

They ate breakfast in awkward silence so Chance decided to ease the mood, "I booked tickets for my friends, they are coming to San Diego this Friday night." He informed her.

"Oh, that's good."

"Yeah, I am sponsoring their whole trip and maybe during the weekend I'll take them somewhere to diffuse their anger."

"Hmm, nice way of making up for your ridiculous actions"


After some time, he went back to his place and Samantha headed to her florist boutique.

She attended the few customers who came to visit her and soon it was lunch time.

Samantha decided to head to a nearby restaurant to have lunch when Chance suddenly showed up.

"Why are you here?" She asked him in surprise. 

He showed her the packed lunch he brought for her.


"Didn't I say we will have lunch together on holidays?"

"Right, it skipped my mind"

"Shall we eat outside like last time?" Chance asked her.

"No need" Samantha showed him a room fresher, "We can use this to get rid of the food smell after lunch"


Chance then arranged the plates on a small table and they sat to eat their lunch but just then Bill visited the shop.

Samantha thought Bill would come in the evening but when he suddenly showed up, she got nervous as Chance was here.

She didn't wish Chance and Bill to meet each other.

Bill was happily surprised to see Chance, he didn't expect to see this man again although he hoped he would.

Chance too was very happy to see Bill again, as he had a strong intuition that Bill is his idol, The Exterminator.

"Sorry, to disturb you two, I'll come later" Bill commented as he saw them having lunch, also he wanted to give them some privacy.

Before Samantha could stop him, Chance spoke, "Please don't go sir, you are not disturbing us at all."

"Yeah, Mr Bill, please stay" Samantha added as it was awkward if her dad left now.

"Oh no, please I don't want to intrude your personal time" Bill refused to stay as he was happy to see Samantha finally being with this man for the second time. She never met the same man twice on date but with this guy, it seemed things are different.

So, Bill had no intentions of ruining things for his daughter.

"Mr Bill, would you like to join us for lunch?" Chance didn't wish for him to leave so he suddenly asked him to join them.

"No dear" Bill refused but Chance wished to spend some time with his idol and he also wanted him to taste the food cooked by him so he was not ready to let Bill go.

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