My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 88: Acting Like A Wife

Chapter 88: Acting Like A Wife

"Fine, if that's what you want" It was obvious Chance was not being sincere.

"I hope you won't lie or hide stuff" Samantha questioned him.

"No, I won't. I'll tell you everything"

"Good, I want to know your first kiss and all your other firsts" 

As she expected, her words again made him worried, he turned anxious.

'Finally, Mr Chance Miller, you are going to get a taste of your own medicine. You teased and troubled me a lot. Now it is my turn to torture you and your turn to get tortured. HAHAHA" She even laughed like a vamp in her thoughts.

'You, cruel woman' Chance scolded her in his heart but in reality, he just nodded his head agreeing to all her demands.

"Tonight, is going to be a hell lot of fun" Samantha smirked at him and Chance just continued eating his breakfast.

"The breakfast is really very good" He half-heartedly praised her.

The food was indeed very nice but the thought of him revealing all his past relationships to her really scared him. He was not sure how she would take it.

In his life, he never shared anything about his past relationships with any of his girlfriends as they were all temporary or were not important enough to discuss such topics.

To hide his secret life, he was always careful to divulge as minimum information as possible to new people he met.

But now, for the first time he has to talk about his past to Samantha, he definitely was very nervous and cursed himself for falling in love with a difficult woman in spite of knowing her true identity.

'Danger-Ace, you are going to be the death of me' He cursed and left for work.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

That day Chance had a much better day in the office than he expected as his new partners from whom he acquired this business were really good.

After interacting with them he realized why they were in a loss in spite of having a brilliant team. They had good, sincere and smart employees working for them. The reason why they failed was because although they were all smart, they had no idea on how to run a business, they were lacking the basic skills required.

If someone shows them the right direction, then they can manage everything well but if they are left to figure out everything by themselves then that was a problem.

This is how the business in spite of having a great team ended up in losses and was acquired by 'Avenue Real Estate'

Chance looked into all their old projects and current ongoing projects which are still pending. He realized there is a lot of work to be done here and he got into the zone.

He made a lot of changes to the current plan they have; he gave reasoning to every decision he was taking in the meeting and put his point forward very well, the new employees were very happy as they could see Chance knew what he was doing and were sure their business is now going to flourish.

Due to all of the work, Chance didn't realize he had been working till 11 pm in the office. Earlier, he asked his employees to leave as there was nothing they can do for now, he had to strategize everything first then they could take over.

So, he was the only one still working in the office unaware of the time. 

His concentration was broken due to a phone call he received.

Chance causally glanced at his phone and was surprised to see Samantha's name flash on the display screen.

He checked the time on his watch and realized how late he was, he immediately answered his phone.


"Um Chance, I just wanted to know if you would be coming over for dinner?" 

He could sense how awkward she was feeling and how much courage she had to gather to make this call.

"I am so sorry; I was so immersed in work I didn't realize it was so late" He apologized to her.

"It's okay, how long will it take for you to finish it?" 

Chance realized unlike before, now there was someone at home who is waiting for his arrival.

'Fuck, I can't be this careless from now on' He made a promise to himself.

"I am leaving the office right away" Chance already stood up from his seat and wrapped up everything.

"Okay" Samantha hung up the call and slowly banged her head to the wall.

For the last three hours she had been overthinking on why he was not back home.

First, she assumed he must be busy with work, then she thought he was trying to avoid coming back home because she teased him in the morning about his past relationships.

Then the wildest thought came into her mind, she thought he met some hot girl at his office and is hooking up with her.

At the end, she got worried wondering if he met with some accident while coming here, this is where her threshold broke and she immediately called him and when she heard his tired voice, she understood he was busy with work and her first prediction was right.

She sighed in relief when she heard his voice as he was fine but on the other side, she felt ashamed of her actions as now he knows she was worried about him.

It is damn embarrassing.

After some time, Chance came back home, he didn't waste any more time going to his home and directly knocked on Samantha's door.

When she opened the door, she was greeted by a very tired looking man, his white shirt near the shoulders was crumpled with the sleeves folded up till his elbow, his black suit coat was hanging on one of his arms and his tie was loosened.

Although his appearance clearly implied how tired he was, there was a bright, charming smile on his lips, Samantha too subconsciously smiled seeing him.

"I am so sorry, I lost track of time" Chance apologized and Samantha shifted to a side, to let him in.

"Are you always like this? Workaholic?" Samantha was upset with him for coming so late.

Chance chuckled, "At times I am like this, not always. It is a new branch we set up and there were a lot of changes to be done so I was working on that and had no idea it was this late"

He headed to the dining table and sat there while Samantha went to the kitchen to warm the dishes.

"You have no other employees in this company? Are you the only one who work there?" She scolded him but Chance found it very cute. He can see her care for him.

'Already acting like a wife?' He only thought this to himself as he did not dare to say it out loud, she was already upset with him for coming so late and if he talks nonsense, she might just beat him up.

"It is not like that, they are all a bit lost, they need some direction, so I had to prepare strategies for it as we are short on time, later I'll involve them more and it won't be this hectic" He patiently explained.

"Then why not have someone from your other branches shift here? Aren't you paying them well? Make them work." Samantha was very angry that Chance had to do all the work alone.

He smiled and wanted to hug her to calm her down but he controlled himself, "Some employees in other branches were offered higher positions here and they accepted it, they will be coming after a week"

"Why so late? Shouldn't they report immediately?" 

"Because it was all done on a short notice, I suddenly offered them positions on Friday and today a few of them accepted it but they can't come here leaving everything. They need to wrap up their existing projects, so next week a few of them would come here and the rest a week after that"

Chance stood up from his chair and joined her in kitchen. He leaned his back on the kitchen platform and stood next to Samantha who was heating dishes in the oven.

Technically they were facing each other, standing side by side.

"Why would you do all of this at such a short notice?" Samantha looked at him.

"Because I wanted to be here as soon as possible"

"Why?" She reflexively asked but the next second she regretted it.

"To be with the love of my life" Chance had a huge grin on his face.

Samantha glared at him, "How many times I told you, don't flirt with me?"

"I am not, I am just being honest." He joked.

Samantha ignored him and removed the first dish from the oven and placed the second one to heat it.

"Did you too not have your dinner yet?" Chance just realized after looking at the quantity of the food.

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