My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 718: Reunion

Chapter 718: Reunion

The figure in the demonic ghost mask did not make a move, but instead spoke softly.

“How is your Second Mother doing?”

“During the day, she is no different than before, but when it gets late at night, she sits alone in her room and cries for a long time, unable to sleep.”

The masked figure sighed. “Your Second Mother is a good woman. If possible, without regard for the rules of mourning for three years or becoming a titled consort, let her find someone new.”

Qin Feng gave a bitter smile. “I dare not say that to the Second Mother, lest she kill me.”

“It makes sense…Did Jianli and Feilan have a baby? Is it a boy or a girl?” 

“It won’t be long now, just a few more days. Once I return, I must be prepared.”

The calm, conversational exchange between the two stunned everyone present.

The Ox-Headed and Horse-Faced also snapped out of their daze, realizing that this “elder brother” was clearly familiar with the Ghost Emperor, and their relationship was quite close.

But at that moment, a sharp slap rang out, stunning not only Qin Feng, but also everyone watching.

“Could they have guessed wrong?” the Ox-Headed and Horse-Faced Guardians wondered.

Even the previously terrified Tubo felt his anxious heart somewhat lighten at this sight.

The masked figure admonished sternly, “I am no longer alive. You are now the pillar of your family. How can you still behave the same as before, meddling in everything?” 

“Even if you don’t think about your own safety, you should think about whether your second mother can bear the blow of losing you again.

“Besides, Jianli and Feilan are about to give birth. Instead of wading into this quagmire, why are you not at home making proper preparations?”

Qin Feng rubbed his face, his eyes were red but he said with a smile. “Originally, I did not want to come down, but now I must thank my two senior brothers for allowing me to see you again.”

“You still like to wear the mask like before. Can’t you break that habit of yours?”

The masked figure sighed and, with a wave of his hand, the demonic ghost mask slowly dissipated, revealing the face of Father Qin.

Qin Feng immediately stepped forward and embraced him, choking back tears. “Father, I’ve missed you so much.”

Father Qin ruffled Qin Feng’s hair and said softly, “And I have missed you all as well.”

The Ox-Headed and Horse-Faced gaped in disbelief – no wonder their “elder brother” possessed such extraordinary powers, he was the son of the Ghost Emperor!

The restrained Tubo in the air was completely dumbfounded, as he had dared to suggest that the Ghost Emperor should eliminate this man earlier. What had given him that kind of courage!

With a wave of his hand, Father Qin brought the massive Tubo down to the ground. He gave it a cold look and asked, “Now, explain what happened.”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

About an incense-stick’s worth of time later, after Father Qin had learned the full story, he coldly addressed Tubo, “You dare to defy the rules I have established?”

Tubo groveled on the ground, not daring to even breathe. “This humble one was momentarily befuddled, which is why I committed such an absurd act! “

“Had I known this handsome young man was your son, even if I had ten lives, I would not have dared to raise a hand against him.”

“I beseech the Great Ghost Emperor, remembering this humble one’s meager contributions, to spare my life. I do not wish to die.”

By the end, Tubo was speaking through tears…

Father Qin glanced at Qin Feng. “So, what do you think?”

After a moment of contemplation, Qin Feng replied, “It did not actually make a move against me, nor did it consume any souls. A death sentence would be too harsh, but punishment is still necessary.”

“From now on, he shall serve under the Ox-Head and the Horse-Faced together guarding the Gate of Hell.”

“Huh?” The Ox-Headed and Horse-Faced exclaimed, both shocked and delighted. How could they, of all beings, be entrusted with overseeing Tubo and the Gate of Hell?

Upon hearing this, Tubo was overwhelmed with gratitude. “Thank you, young master, for sparing my life!”

Father Qin communicated telepathically with Qin Feng, “Are you truly fine with this arrangement?”

Qin Feng replied, “Father, you have only recently become one of the Ghost Emperors, and your foundation is still shallow. Although Tubo is cowardly and afraid of death, he has lived for many years. He can still be of use to you, so there is no need for him to die.”

“I made it a subordinate of the Ox-Headed and Horse-Faced. I hoped to see if it would hold a grudge and seek revenge later. “

“However, its sense of honor… Well, never mind.”

“The only concern is whether the Ox-Head’s and Horse-Faced’s  strength is sufficient to control Tubo.”

“You need not worry about that.”

After the telepathic exchange, Father Qin spoke aloud, “Since my son has spoken thus, then so be it. Ox-Headed, Horse-Faced!”

“We are here!” The two responded in unison, standing up straight.

“From this day on, you two may freely enter and exit Mount Luofu. Quickly work on improving your strength, so as not to disappoint my son!”

The two of them were overjoyed, their emotions clearly visible. 

The five mountains of the Ghost realm were all havens of powerful Netherworld energy that greatly accelerated the cultivation of ghostly beings. In the past, they would never have been allowed to go near such places, let alone enter them.

But today, they encountered a powerful patron. From this point on, their future was bound to soar!

“Thank you, Great Ghost Emperor! Thank you, Young Master!” 

Father Qin turned to look at the crowd of souls on the bone-paved path and instructed, “Escort them into the Gate of Hell and see to their proper accommodations.”

“As you command!” The Ox-Headed and Horse-Faced immediately complied.

At that time, Tubo quickly stood up and flatteringly said, “This small matter does not need to be personally supervised by you two esteemed ones. Allow me to handle it.”

With that, he went off to guide the crowd of souls, its obsequious manner seeming quite at odds with its imposing physique.

But these details were of little concern to Father Qin and Qin Feng now.

Qin Feng sensed the spiritual energy around his father, realizing to his surprise that Father Qin had already reached the Transcendence Realm. It seemed that even after his death, his father had actually found good fortune in misfortune.

“Father, what exactly happened during the battle at Zhenling Pass back then?” Qin Feng asked curiously.

At this, Father Qin briefly recounted the events.

Apparently, after his death, his spiritual consciousness did not dissipate, but was instead transported to the Netherworld Realm by a white light. 

This was a time when the rift in the Netherworld Realm was opening, and many ghostly beings were attempting to invade the human world. Father Qin had used his power to block their entry.

He then discovered a black-gold radiance within himself that constantly nourished his spiritual consciousness, allowing him to grow increasingly powerful in the Netherworld Realm, until he naturally reached the Transcendence Realm.

This led to his battle with the previous Ghost Emperor, whom he slew to take the position, establishing new rules and guiding the souls of the deceased.

“The white light… Could it have been from the Heavenly Tower’s National Teacher?” Qin Feng speculated.

It seems that aside from him, no one else would possess such means.

“As for that black-gold radiance, perhaps it was a gift bestowed upon me by the teacher in the Imperial City,” Father Qin said pensively.

Qin Feng contemplated that his father’s teacher must be the Divine Guardian…

“I see that your soul has not been infected by the death energy and is still alive. How did you enter the Netherworld?” 

Qin Feng then recounted the full details of the events leading up to this.

When Father Qin learned that such monstrous beings had appeared in the human realm as well, his brow immediately furrowed.

As one of the five Ghost Emperors, he had naturally encountered such ghostly creatures before. They were not only incredibly powerful, but also unkillable. The only way to contain them was to employ sealing techniques.

“…The City God who fell from the Immortal Realm said that the Farshore Flower in the Yellow Springs can vanquish those that are unkillable.“

“The Heavenly Tower’s National Teacher must have known of this legend, which is why he had my two senior martial brothers send me here. After all, only the living can pluck the Farshore Flower.”

Father Qin’s expression grew grave. “I do know the location of the Yellow Spring, but do you realize how perilous that place is? One misstep could lead to eternal damnation!”

“Someone has to take on this task.” Qin Feng spoke with conviction.

Before Father Qin could say more, a melodious voice suddenly interrupted, “I was wondering why the Southern Territories’ Ghost Emperor left in such haste. I didn’t expect to see such a handsome young master…”

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