My Wife Longs for Divorce Every Day

Chapter 420: 420, Mo Family Anniversary Celebration

Chapter 420: 420, Mo Family Anniversary Celebration

Aunt Zhou arrived at the Southern Mansion, found no one on the first floor, and began to head towards the second floor.

The bedroom door was ajar, it hadn’t been properly closed.

She walked up to it, bowed her head, and knocked lightly, “Young Master Xiao, Princess, the Master called you for dinner.”

No one responded.

As Aunt Zhou was about to knock again, she suddenly heard a woman let out a gasp from inside.

A moment of surprise passed, then she instantly understood what was happening.

Respecting the privacy of others is important.

She turned to leave, but then…

“Aunt Zhou, having been working in the Mo family for so many years, she knows what you’re doing.”


“Let them wait a bit longer.”

The man’s voice was low and husky, filled with a touch of rare mirth.

The woman’s tone was soft and flirtatious…

Both were distinctly audible through the substantial gap in the door.

Aunt Zhou’s face flushed deeply, and she quickly left the place, descending the stairs.

She knew the young couple was passionate about each other, but she never expected this at dinner time.

Always scholarly and calm, who would have thought that Young Master Xiao, in private, was so clingy?

May Buddha have mercy.

Such is life.

After getting some fresh air outside, Aunt Zhou went back to the dining room, only to face Mo Yaoxiong’s questioning, “Where are Yiyi and Yebai?”

Her face reddened in embarrassment again. She lowered her head and replied, “Young Master Xiao said to wait a little longer. They should be ready soon.” That’s exactly what Young Master Xiao had said.

After another ten minutes, Xiao Yebai and Mo Weiyi finally came downstairs.

They were both still wearing the same clothes. Xiao Yebai maintained his usual expressionless face, while Mo Weiyi had a subtle blush on her cheeks.

The old Master Mo didn’t say anything, and Mo Yaoxiong didn’t mind.

Dinner started.

In the midst of the dinner, Qu Yunyao raised her head casually, and was suddenly struck dumb.

Because she had clearly spotted a mark on Xiao Yebai’s neck…

His skin was fair, the red mark sat glaringly at his neck, impossible to ignore.

He was sitting directly opposite her, holding a wine glass. Every time he drank, it was all too noticeable.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

If it were in the past, she would have thought of Xiao Yebai as a calm, collected, elegant gentleman like any other woman.

But after observing him carefully on several occasions, she increasingly felt that this man’s private persona was vastly different from his public image.

More than once she had seen marks all over Mo Weiyi’s neck, collarbones…

This time, he had even left a mark on his own neck.

Just how wild must their private life be for Mo Weiyi to give as good as she gets?

“Yunyao, Yunyao?” Xu Jing fiercely nudged Qu Yunyao’s arm.

Xiao Yebai, who was seated opposite, lifted his gaze and met her eyes.

Stared upon by his deep, cold eyes, Qu Yunyao finally snapped back to her senses.

“What are you daydreaming about? Your uncle is asking you something.”

Qu Yunyao quickly turned her gaze towards Mo Yaoxiong, “Uncle.”

Mo Yaoxiong said, “Last time we both mentioned it, next weekend, both you and Xu Rui should come to Mo Group’s annual celebration at Huashang.”

Qu Yunyao quickly extended her gratitude with a smile, “Thank you, Uncle.”

Xu Rui also profusely thanked, “Thank you Chairman Mo, thank you, President Xiao.”

Mo Yaoxiong laughed, “Soon, both of you will be legally married, making you family. You need not be so formal.”

Thrilled and overwhelmed with joy, Xu Rui stood up with his wine glass, “Chairman Mo, President Xiao, this toast is to you.”

They were drinking red wine. Xiao Yebai raised his glass and met Xu Rui, slowly savoring his drink.

This forthcoming weekend marked the 50th anniversary of the Mo Group. This year was different from the past. The entire event was delegated to a professional event management company. Not only had invitations been sent to local aristocrats and business partners in Nancheng and well-known political figures, but they had also hired top-tier hosts from national media, popular stars, idol artists for guest performances. They had even bought live broadcast rights from several TV stations and internet platforms.

Such an unprecedented grand function would be an ideal occasion to accomplish some tasks.

Qu Yunyao sipped her tea and smiled gently, glancing at the man drinking across from her. A swift hint of malice and satisfaction flashed in her eyes.


It was the old man’s birthday, everyone had naturally prepared presents to offer congratulations on his long life.

The gifts from Xiao Yebai and Mo Weiyi were a set of tea sets, bearing the pattern of “Along the River During the Qingming Festival.” It was delivered the day before and the old man had already begun using it, showing his adoration of the gift.

Deliberate in their selection, Qu Yunyao and Xu Rui handpicked a set of writing brushes, ink sticks, paper, and ink slabs as they knew the old man enjoyed the refined art of academia and would often hide in the study to practice calligraphy when he had spare time.

Others, in turn, presented their gifts.

Until it was Xu Jing’s turn.

“Sir, I heard from your doctor that you’ve been having problems with your legs. Given the cold weather and the damp, cold climate of Nancheng, I personally knitted these kneepads for you. Though they might not look appealing, they are genuinely warm. My skills are rudimentary, so I made them based on designs online, I hope you won’t reject them.”

The old Sir Mo didn’t expect such a considerate gesture from her.

In this day and age, the ability to make things by hand is precious, especially considering Xu Jing’s arm had only recently healed.

Mo Yaoxiong also spoke up, “You really shouldn’t have gone through so much trouble, it would’ve sufficed to have a servant make it.”

“I just feel that Yunyao and I have been living here for almost half a year now, and I feel guilty for imposing on you all.” Xu Jing’s statement took a sudden turn, “I plan on hunting for a place outside starting tomorrow, to move out as soon as possible with Yunyao.”

Upon hearing this, everyone was taken aback.

Because it was too sudden.

But Xu Jing had already decided in her heart.

Having been here for so long, living off the Mo family, she felt insecure.

On one hand, she always felt it unjust for a widowed mother and daughter to live here – and especially after Qu Yunyao got pregnant, there were a few times when she overheard the servants gossiping in hushed tones.

Their chatter was mostly focused on how the older woman was divorced and unwanted by any men, while the younger one was unwed with a child whose father is unknown, hence the saying, “a crooked beam holds up a crooked house”.

Xu Jing was a woman with strong self-esteem. She wasn’t comfortable hearing these remarks but she had no position to scold the servants.

On the other hand, Qu Yunyao was already three months pregnant. She originally planned to move out once her daughter married into the Xiu Family, but she didn’t anticipate that the wedding would be delayed until next year, after the birth of the baby.

Given the circumstances, was she expected to witness Qu Yunyao, with her growing belly, aimlessly living here for the next few months?

Her daughter was naive, but as a mother, she couldn’t stand being ridiculed by the servants behind their backs.

“Auntie.” Mo Weiyi was the first to speak up, “Are you planning to move out? What about Yunyao…”

She looked at Qu Yunyao, her face had lost all its color.

“Mom, if we move out, where will we stay?”

“Nancheng is big, surely there would be a place for us to stay. Don’t worry, I receive salary every month. We can find a good place. You can move in with Xu Rui, and I’ll live alone.”

Xu Rui’s face changed instantly.

Move in with him?

Qu Yunyao quickly interjected, “Xu Rui is very busy with work every day, how could he possibly have time to look after me?”

Mo Weiyi took a look around at everyone and couldn’t help but comment internally. One moment she gives such a thoughtful gift and the next, she announces her will to move out, this surely cannot be a coincidence.

Sure enough, the old master who usually kept out of family matters spoke up, “The northern villa is vacant, there are no outsiders in the house, you can live there peacefully without overthinking.”

Mo Yaoxiong also chimed in, “Since dad has already said so, Xu Jing, you and Yunyao should settle down here with ease. She is pregnant and Xu Rui is very busy, who has spare time to take care of her? At least here, she’s cared for.”

Qu Yunyao hurriedly said, “That’s right, mom, why the rush? Can’t we wait until I’ve given birth?”

“You’re showing more and more, if we continue like this, people will gossip…” Xu Jing wanted to continue but stopped herself.

Mo Yaoxiong immediately asked, “Has a servant been talking indiscriminately?”

The faces of a few servants on standby suddenly flushed with tension.

“That’s absurd!” Mo Yaoxiong slammed the chopsticks onto the table, “You are Xu Xian’s sister, Yiyi’s aunt. This house is empty anyway. If someone is gossiping, tell me, and I’ll have them dismissed immediately!”

The old Sir Mo was displeased, “Replace the servants in the northern wing immediately.”

“Sir, that’s not what I…” Xu Jing protested nervously.

Yet, the old man had already stood up, “Yiyi, come with me.”

“Alright.” Mo Weiyi glanced at Xiao Yebai and followed the old man out.


“Yiyi.” Inside the bedroom, Sir Mo looked warmly at his beautiful granddaughter, “How have you been feeling lately? Is there anything uncomfortable?”


“Really? Nothing at all?”

Mo Weiyi shook her head.

Sir Mo’s face fell with disappointment.

Soon, he asked again, “I heard from Auntie Zhou that you’ve been studying exhaustively every day, waking up early and returning late, sometimes even skipping breakfast. Tell me honestly, has that boy Yebai put some aphrodisiac spell on you again?”

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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