Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 230: Back Again...

Chapter 230: Back Again...

Title: Back Again...


After absorbing the now named Isshiki Otsutsuki. Yami clenches his fist and is a little surprised by the power boost he got from him. He then takes his memories it its raw form and destroys their emotions connected to the memory and he starts watching it like a movie. 

In the end Yami just frowns disappointedly at this. 'What a dumbass, he got betrayed by Kaguya when they landed on earth. Welp, what a loser all this power and in the end, his arrogant personality was the thing that stopped him from greatness.'

Well in the end to him it doesn't matter. What matters is that he has now learned where the other Otsutsuki and their clan are. Well now this is interesting to Yami quite interesting indeed

He then controls his Byakugan's vision as he


In an instant he is teleported at the end of the earth's atmosphere and almost reaching into space. His Byakugan now reaches to the moon, and he immediately teleports to where some of the Otsutsuki Clan Branch members live. Before they could even react, he just absorbed them and then he immediately puts even more chakra into his evolution cube to optimize his genes.

'It feels like there is no ending to the growth of the Otsutsuki Genes.' Contemplates Yami, as he doesn't even feel the DNA collapse or anything like it. Though he currently needs to go into a cooldown and strengthen his soul a little bit more before absorbing some more Otsutsuki. 'They will make some nice prey for me.'

'Hmmm guess I should make my own Eye on the Moon Plan.' At the side of Yami's skull an eye appears, more specifically a Kotoamatsukami eye. 

<Infinte Kotoamatsukami>

Them slowly another eye appears, it was a clone of Itachi's eye and Yami's right eye socket, a RinneSharingan appears.

<Infinite Tsukuyomi>

On the moon, the image of the Tsukuyomi and Kotoamatsukami are reflected. Madara and Kaguya wanted for a type of eternal peace for the people in their dreams. Yami cares none about that, he used his Tsukuyomi to modify everyone's dream and make it a perfect copy of reality. Even the laws of physics are the same. Next he used the Kotoamatsukami to put the idea in people's head that they must create as many new ninjutsu in their 'lives'. 

Then Yami makes a handsign and


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

A whole part of the planet is surrounded by smoke as around one million shadow clones appear. They immediately go down there to where the people in the Infinite Tsukuyomi are being held.

They will do daily inspection on them from today till eternity. Also there was another order give his children legitimate and illegitimate ones their own lives and how they would like it to be. 'Yami'... their father will always be there for them. This is Yami's last gift to his children an eternity in happiness. This is his heaven for them, as he knows that a real heaven doesn't really exist now. 

He knows that he can visit them whenever he wants in their 'lives'... this is his way of protecting them. For he will never take them with him, he knows how it will end if he does something like that, he will be betrayed by them. Eternity is a very long time...


-Yami POV-

I look at the beautiful earth below me as I am currently in space. I see that everyone, or more correctly everything on earth is under my control now. Also the smartest people on the planet will be working for me and developing techniques for eternity for me. Geniuses at the level of Orochimaru all around the world working just for me. I wonder what they will be able to come up with. But in this way, just like Humanity, I will always continue to evolve.

But still I want some more. Well then time to go some Otsutsuki hunting.




-General POV-

Since that day three years have passed. The Otsutsuki were already exterminated by Yami all of them devoured by him. His body, chakra, jutsu and everything else is at the limit. He has gained so many abilities, form the ability to read fate, see the future, erase time, even enter different dimensions. Ever since he gained the ability to travel to different dimensions, he also has the ability to see where one comes from from one of the countless Otsutsuki that he has devoured. And that is what is confusing him because when he opens a portal Yami can see a 'string' that can teleport him to a certain place which definitely isn't Konoha.

'So I can return home now huh' Thinks Yami, as he has a little conflicted look on his face. But in the end he comes to his decision. 'What should be done must be done. I can't cower out of it once more. But I still have some things to take care of here.'

As he thinks that Yami looks at the turtle-like thing in his hand as tendrils start devouring. 

'Time Travel has been acquired.' Thinks Yami as he then opens a portal in front of him. 'This is the 2nd Dimension or also known as Limbo or the place where Hagoromo, Shinigami, Jashin, etc should be.'

Yami has a smirk on his face as he is  confident in taking them down too. As soon as he walks through the portal.

He sees that he is in a gray world with water below him. Nothing makes sense in here as Yami immediately notices that not even the laws of the world are different. But when he activates his Byakugan, he sees something that absolutely shocks him.

'What the hell is that' Thinks Yami, his face full of shock at what he sees in front of him. The Shinigami, Haguromo and countless other dead beings nailed to another already giant dead being who seems like a fish with countless hands made out of darkness they are also all 'dead' too. 'Also that dark being with the hands made out of darkness is that the being who was attempting to grab me as I was getting reborn here???'


-Yami POV-

I also see something else written on the body of the dark fish-like being with hands of darkness attached to it. The writings say..

[Catch Me If You Can]

...and it was written all in English a language who no one in this world should know. My mind immediately connects the dots on who it is. 

It is the thing who reincarnated me. I have always had a most likely theory for who the being that reincarnated me is, let's see if this is real then.

I open a portal back to my original world and I step through it.


Immediately I am in outer space, I am already invisible so no satellite or anything like that can see me. I see my beautiful original earth. The countless satellites around it and with my Byakugan I can see something that brings me a little despair. 

Forty three years have passed in here since my death too. I immediately just teleport towards my apartment where me and my family used to live. When I entered I saw two old men chatting together happily one was a brown eyes dirty blond haired old man who looked around his fifties. This is someone I am very familiar with and even if I didn't see him for forty years I recognize him he is my little brother.

Next to him it is another old man, this one seems around his sixties as his hair is all white from old age and he too has brown eyes that old man





...that old man is me




I will post the chapter today too, the same with my Epilogue of my HxH story

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