Naruto: The Prince of Lust

Chapter 177: Chapter 177


Despite the restrictions placed on him, Haku had been planning for the past three days to severely attack a well-established citizen and retired shinobi of Konoha.

Since the initial warning alert from Naruto's Finjutsu security during their lunch after the first test of the Chnin exam, the beautiful former hunter-nin has been playing possum throughout his day, acting as gentle bait to draw out the would-be thief.

Haku's strategy was simple, carry Kubikiribch in the open and practice with the great executioner's blade before sealing it in a flashy orange and blue sealing scroll.

Haku will then visit Iruka-san in the hospital and end his day by picking herbs in the vast fields and forests of Konoha before mixing medicine alone in the Umino residence.

On the fourth day of subtly surveilling his surroundings for the thief, Haku is pleasantly surprised to find Kakashi-san waiting by Iruka-san's front door. Leaning heavily against the house wall is an exhausted red-haired girl with glasses.

While a lovely and vibrant color, the girl's hair is haggard, her shoulders sag, and she looks like she hasn't slept in days.

It all makes sense when Kakashi explains about the girl's time with the Torture and Interrogation department, but what's deeply shocking about her emigration to Konoha, is her relation to Naruto-kun.

"Pleasure to meet you," Karin states with an exhausted bow. "I'm Uzumaki Karin."

Haku bows as well, returning the greeting and introducing himself before inviting them in and taking a seat at the dining table. While Haku prepares an herbal remedy to help Karin with the dehydration, malnutrition, and accumulated anxiety, Kakashi explains how this state of affairs came to happen.

As Naruto is the only person Karin-chan knows and feels safe with, she naturally wanted to stay with her cousin, and it doesn't surprise Haku one bit Naruto offered Karin a home.

Haku serves them both as Kakashi-san further explains to them, "as I told you, Haku-kun, this village is not without its black-ops.

I still believe they wouldn't attempt to recruit you until you've established your allegiance to Konoha to their satisfaction, but Karin, with your unique chakra, they might make an exception. So, be careful," he warns her.

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Rubbing her throbbing temple, Karin nods lazily, informing them, "I have no intention of joining any shadow organizations. I'm going to help Naruto restart our clan in Konoha and that's it."

Kakashi simply nods before stating, "you may want to look into the requirements.

From my understanding, Uzushio and Konoha were close allies, much like Suna and Konoha are allies, only closer, but I don't know if Uzumaki can simply apply for clan status in the same way other clans already residing within Konoha can.

For example, a clan from Suna wouldn't simply be able to restart their clan in Konoha, but, Suna is still around. It'll be tricky, to say the least."

"Since Naruto-kun is a member of this village," Haku points out before asking, "can you say if it'll be easier or harder for him to establish his clan in Konoha?"

"Will you be assisting the Uzumaki," Kakashi first asks Haku, who answers, "of course. I am Naruto's tool to bring about the world he wishes."

Though her face is set to perpetual exhaustion, Karin curiously asks, "his tool?"

Though Haku answers the redhead with a clear nod, Kakashi clarifies, "Naruto would use the word friend rather than tool. I can't imagine you will experience too much difficulty, but you'll want to consult with an expert.

From my knowledge, I know you need to meet certain requirements as well as the seal of approval from our Hokage, our Daimy, the civilian council, and endorsement from an honored or major clan; for example, the Hyga, the Aburame, the Akimichi, the Nara, and the Yamanaka."

"Would they dislike the idea of more clans within the village," Haku asks, wondering what the political landscape my look like, and if his plan to catch, maim, or kill Dny-san would hurt Naruto.

"The Hyga are the only clan I can think of who would disapprove of your application," Kakashi answers.

"Something to think about, at least," Karin says as her head wobbles and drops a bit, sliding her red-rimmed glasses down the bridge of her nose. "I think the tea is kicking in."

Standing from the table, Haku tells Karin, "I'll prepare a futon for you."

Haku gives Karin his room and mentally plans to sleep in Naruto's until he returns.

Dressed for bed, Karin asks Haku to tell her about Naruto, not only to learn some more about her cousin, but to hear a comforting voice to ease her torture-provoked anxiety, however, Haku didn't finish his first sentence before peaceful sleep finally takes Karin.

Recalling his night after being release, Haku stays with Karin. It was a great help to hear Naruto and Kurenai-san after many days of torture. Their conversations, their lovemaking, and even cleaning after them, greatly grounded Haku when his mind felt scattered and in constant turmoil.

Haku was able to focus and return to normal because something of comfort was nearby, and he wants to be of comfort to Karin-chan.

His thoughts then hovered around the possible obstacles Naruto may face reinstating his clan within Konoha. The most pressing issue Kakashi-san stated was the civilian council's approval because Haku can't imagine that going over very well.

From the very beginning of his life in Konoha, he was constantly introduced to the extent of the village's hatred toward Naruto-kun. In addition to civilian approval, the Hyga feel like another obstacle. Any further thought is interrupted when he finally senses it.

With Karin sleeping ill at ease in the futon before Haku, it's the worst possible time for Iruka's home to be broken into. As the villain searches the living room, Haku abhors the idea of leaving Karin alone when she's so fretful.

Judging ten minutes to be more than enough time to deal with the would-be thief, Haku utilizes a variant of the seals Naruto taught him and creates an ice clone of himself to watch over Karin before exiting the room through the ceiling.

Haku creates enough noise to draw the intruder outside to the large forested backyard.

Removing a senbon from his sleeve, Haku calmly waits as the larger man opens the backyard door.

But for the man's eyes, his entire body is completely covered in dated black and gray armor, yet, brandishes brand new twin long blades in each hand, Haku recalls is generally referred to as a butterfly sword.

Haku is happy the man came prepared for battle, as it would be much easier to prove to the authorities that Haku isn't, in any way, at fault. Tenten's father is clearly here for Kubikiribch and Haku pulls out the blue and orange scroll from within his yukata, displaying it.

"You made a grave mistake coming here," Haku tells him.

"The mistake is a magnificent weapon like Kubikiribch being in the hands of children," Dny-san retorts. "Hand it over and I promise not to kill you."

"Not only is it not mine to give," Haku simply begins, "but you are far too weak to wield it. It would wither under your ownership."

"I tried to be civil about this," Dny-san claims with an aggravated huff. "I even offered that demon ryo, but I'm out of time and you're in the way.

If you don't hand it over now, your death will be on that boy's conscious," Dny-san declares, however, before he can even take a step, a completely silent long sword effortlessly moves from behind Dny-san's and around the man's neck in nearly an instant.

The man suddenly behind Dny-san is unrecognizable to the unsuspecting eye; wearing a black hospital face mask, his black hair is longer, slick back and under a monk's hat, larger eyebrows over pale-blue eyes and wearing a traveling monk's disguise with many beads around his neck, but Haku saw through it all in an instant.

By the man's height, his shoulder to hip ratio, skin tone, and even fingernails, Haku can recognize the Demon of Hidden Mist, Momochi Zabuza anywhere.

"Causing trouble, Haku," Zabuza casually asks in his deep voice. Zabuza's large hand grips Dny's shoulder and squeezes painfully hard until Dny drops his swords. "You know that's always been my job."

"Wh-wh-who are you," Dny-san asks before Haku sends two high-velocity senbons into the man's throat, temporarily paralyzing him and knocking him unconscious.

"Still haven't crossed that line, I see," Zabuza claims. "Not that there's any opportunity too in such a boring country."

"I would prefer to question him, Zabuza-sama," Haku claims, stepping up to the unconscious body on the grass. "He mentioned being out of time and I'd like to know what that meant."

"He's probably referring to the group I traveled with," Zabuza tells his long-time companion. Kicking the body on the floor, Zabuza informs Haku, "apparently this trash reached out to a friend of his; told him he was in possession of Kubikiribch and wanted to sell.

Mei heard about it through little Chjr and considering the war she's waging against Karatachi, she thought having another of the seven swords in her forces would give her an extra boost."

"Mei-san is here," Haku repeats with clear surprise in his lovely voice.

"Along with three from Kumo," Zabuza adds. "They're around your age, maybe older. Except for the busty blond, the other two are fodder; Chnin, at best."

"And they're all here for Kubikiribch," a concerned Haku realizes aloud. Recalling the open challenge between Naruto and Zabuza, Haku cautiously asks his seemingly recovered special person, "should Naruto-kun be worried?" However, what he meant to ask is, 'should I be worried?'

Understanding the question in Haku's heart, the Demon of Hidden Mist smiles sinisterly before he asks, "I'm here, aren't I? Of course he should."

This chapter was incredibly difficult to write; More than any other chapter I've ever written. Part of it was because I felt VERY rusty when I returned to writing, but on top of that, I just couldn't get the technical aspect of what I wanted with the Flying Thunder God Technique.


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