Naruto: The Prince of Lust

Chapter 181: Chapter 181

"Make it three thousand and you got yourself a deal," Chji counters between the loudly chewing of his potato chips.

"This can't seriously be allowed," Ino calls looking between Kurenai and Asuma. "They're teammates! Is the Hokage really going to allow this?"

"Why do you even care," Kiba asks from a few paces ahead. "It's the Dead-Last. If Sasuke-kun even thinks about losing to anyone, it's going to be me."

"Kiba-kun," Kurenai coldly voices. "I'm sure I've expressed my distaste for belittling fellow shinobi. More importantly, I've taught you better than to underestimate an opponent and you've failed to properly assess Naruto-kun's abilities."

Kiba is visibly shocked by the sharp ruby eyes behind his sensei's retort, shaking his hooded head before doubling down and assuring his sensei, "even if Naruto's gotten stronger, Sasuke's the real deal." Puffing out his chest he boldly claims, "and only another genius can beat him," with a knowing grin.

"I guess we can look forward to Sasuke-kun vs Neji-kun in the finals then," Tenten says from beside Rock Lee.

Removing his unlit cigarette, Asuma turns to Kakashi and asks, "they're your students who do you think'll win?"

The only answer Kakashi offers is his hand raising his eye-concealing bandanna so the Copy-Ninja's Sharingan won't miss a thing. Observing as much felt sobering of group's levity and all of them pay more attention to the boys at the center of the stage.

Growing far too nervous, Hinata disregards what may be improper and quickly performs her clan's signature eleven hand seals ending with her index and middle parallel to her nose as she calls, "Byakugan." It surprised many around her, especially her cousin who reluctantly follows suit.

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On the opposite observation deck, Kankur couldn't help smiling as he says, "Kami, I hope that midget gets pounded into the dirt," then turns to his sister before adding, "I bet you're happy you didn't have to use those wiles you hate so much."

"Yes, Kankur, I'm quite happy I didn't have to whore myself out for information," Temari flatly answers.

"Quiet," Gaara commands his older siblings, ending any further conversation.

Arms crossed, the Jnin-sensei behind the sound genin watches on, smiling in anticipation, eager to see how Sasuke enjoys the gifts he's given him. 'Show me, Sasuke-kun,' he humorously thinks.

Hayate starts, "the two participants in the first fight are," only to pause to cough. "Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto. Are you ready?"

"Yes," Sasuke states at the same time Naruto answers, "yeah."

"Please begin," Hayate says after clearing his sore throat, however, neither genin move.

"This won't be a friendly spar," Sasuke warns. Thinking about their near-spar after his and Kakashi's return, the Uchiha adds, "don't expect them to stop it because it's a little dangerous. I've already awakened, Dobe," Sasuke calmly states as he drops into his clan's stance.

"Come at me with everything you have so I can show you why it'll never be enough!"

On top of being belittled by the hate-filled Uchiha, Naruto notices Sasuke hasn't activated his Sharingan. Setting his own stance before his rival, Naruto can easily understand why Naru-nii wanted to use this moment to prove to himself that everyone was wrong about him.

He could feel that powerful life-long urge unconsciously energize his fists, however, with the blond's inability to forget the trouble that will befall so many people he holds dearincluding the friends he's yet to make and the future for all that's at stakeNaruto can see well beyond this fight.

With confident eyes matching his assured tone, Naruto proclaims to his troubled opponent, "I'm telling you here and now, even though I totally get your whacked-out anger issues, it's not my priority. You are not my priority.

I won't be the one to truly help you but we're teammates, so, after I smash your delicate little face in, I'll definitely get the person you need."

Though the boys' gazes are intense, Sasuke's onyx eyes are far angrier.

The room and its spectators vanish from their tunneling their visionfocusing instead on simply detecting the sheer determination of one anotherand in the blink of an eye, both boys spring from their positions, meeting each other center-stage in no time at all.

They catch each other's heavy punch, and though they both want to simply hit the other as hard as they can, they acknowledge each other's speed before spring-boarding into a back and forth trade of fast-paced blows.

Maneuvering effortlessly, Sasuke dodges a three strike combination before countering into a four strike combo that Naruto evades, guards, and counters himself. The sound of snapping wind and heavy muscle thudding flood their ears.

The pair dance and somersault around each other, each of their fists chasing for that elusive flaw in the other's defense, however, after nearly a minute of sliding, leaping, and sidestepping between repeatedly speeding punches, elbows, knees, and kicks, neither boy relents.

Creatively fluid in his strikes, Sasuke proves yet again he is a genius combat specialist, however, Naruto's work ethic cannot be overlooked.

Regularly sparing against multiple clones, against Sakura's intelligence, against Hinata's technique, and against Haku's speed and experience, Naruto is keeping pace with the genius

Until he's not.

Suddenly, Naruto feels like he's fighting against air. None of his attacks are landing. Instead, Naruto is being countered, effortlessly struck painfully hard in the stomach, chest, and face before Sasuke buries a roundhouse kick into his teammate's stomach, rocketing him back.

A grunting and hurt Naruto hits the stone floor hard, rolling several times before sliding onto his feet. The blood-red djutsu of Sasuke's three tomoe Sharingan stares amused as Naruto winces from the rolling pain of the perfectly countered hit.

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