Naruto: The Prince of Lust

Chapter 24: Chapter 24

After thirty minutes of covertly surveying the perimeter, he couldn't spot her through any windows, balcony, or in their flower shop, leading him to debated his next move. It isn't that he couldn't think of a way.

He was just worried about the fallout as it could easily lead to issues if he was found out.

It had only been five days since their shared experience and everyday Naruto grew more and more worried, and so, after an agonizing over the pros and cons for several minutes, Naruto just shrugs and henge's into Shikamaru.

The spiky-haired lazy-ass wasn't hard to imitate and as Ino's team member, it wouldn't be odd if he showed up to check on her.

Knocking on the main house door, a woman he wasn't sure was Ino's motheras she didn't have blond hair or blue eyes and seemed very rigidopened the door. Still, in a sweet voice, rich with familiarity, she instantly recognizes the bored expression of her daughter's teammate.

"Shikamaru-kun, what a surprise. I had no idea you were stopping by."

After showing the perfect imitation of Shikamaru's unenthusiastic exhale, Naruto calmly responds, "I wasn't going to. I was just close by and wondered how Ino-ch- Ino was doing."

"Oh, isn't that sweet of you," she says, either ignoring the slip or not drawing attention to it. "That must be your mother's influence. I could never see Shika ever showing that level of concern. 'Too Troublesome,' he'd say.

Unfortunately, dear, she's still unwell. Here, wait inside, and I'll see if she's up for a visit." she states, naturally moving aside and waving him in. Naruto nervously enters and Ino-chan's mom verbalizes her daughter's need to always look presentable.

"I know the importance of always presenting your best face, but teammates and strangers are two different things, I feel."

Naruto only hums a bored agreement as the madam of the house retreats to her daughter's room. After five minutes, she returns with an apologetic face, and seconds later, he leaves their home. Deflated, Naruto returns to his apartment in failure.

He spends that night wondering how he can see her without causing too much ruckus. Of course, he could break in, like he's been doing to see Iruka-sensei, but he didn't think that would turn out well on Clan property. It was the next day, with Naru-nii's help, that Naruto figures out what he can do.


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Ino sat in her bed, legs bent under her so that her butt rests on her feet, staring forlornly at a pictured frame in her hand. The picture within the regularly polished oak frame was of her graduating classafter they had passed the exam but before team assignments.

There were twenty students in the picture but Ino was only staring at one: the raven-haired, onyx eyes of Uchiha Sasuke. Gazing at the pale imitation of his likeness, her mind is a mess of thoughts about him, about her, about what happened, about it all.

Deep down, Ino knows she's destined to be with him, though it always irks her no one else could neither see or accept that. Not that it mattered. In the end, she knew they would end up together. Simply put, she had a critical advantage.

Unlike his other simple fans, she was heiress to one of the Noble clan's of Konoha.

She couldn't claim to be the only heiress in their class, but that was yet another sign that fate favored her inevitable union with Sasuke-kun since Hinata-chan, the Hyga heiress, was perpetually shy and showed no interest in the Rookie of the Year to begin with.

No, out of all the girls that could be with him, she was the only one with the pedigree to be by his side, a fact Forehead always ignored.

On top of that, much like all the girls rate all the boys by looksSasuke-kun being the clear victorIno was officially voted most beautiful girl in their class. She may have just missed out becoming top kunoichi but that's always been more academic than practical.

With beauty and clan alone, it was obvious she was the clear choice for Sasuke-kun's affection. And still, she had more to offer him.

Her clan are specialists of the mindmind-walkers, therapists, councilors, healers. On multiple occasions, her father explained the many ways their clan serves Konoha, and one of them happened to be healing mental anguish after surviving traumatic events; a vital service in a military village.

She recalls vividly how her father felt such sympathy for Sasuke-kun after the massacre of his clan and his family. Her father cared deeply for his well being, making her care too, but at the time, he worried more for Sasuke-kun's mental state, and what that loss will do to him.

Ino will admit she lacks the expertise to properly treat his traumano matter what form that tookbut she knew Sasuke-kun needed her more than anyone to help him heal from his suffering. She was the only one that could understand him, that could save him. They were made for each other.

That's why it brakes her heart every time her memory wanders to the event that took place last week.

She's meant to be with Sasuke-kun, to help him, to be his strength, and yet, she thoroughly debased herself with another boy; the weakest, loudest, Dead Last of their class, and worse yet, she was out of her mind in bliss for every second of it.

Thank Kami, the idiot wasn't in the photo she was desperately clutching at. He hadn't passed the final exam, and despite the oddity of him showing up to team assignments, no one cared. However, after what happenedwhat they had doneIno didn't need his photo to accurately picture him.

It had been seven days to the day, and she can still picture everything about his strong body so perfectly. Just thinking about him, undressed and on top of her made her chest tight and her mouth water as much as her loins.

Biting down hard on her plump lower lip, this was the burden she'd been dealing with all week. Thinking about him lights a fierce fire inside her and since her debauchery, it's been a constant penalty Ino was frightened would last the rest of her life.

She would wake up in the middle of the night to heart-pounding wet dreams, her sheets soaked with sweat and vaginal fluid, and more often than not, her practically useless fingers between her perspiring legs.

Her body quite simply craved him, to feel his thickness inside her, to feel his steaming man-milk flood her To Ino, it was the very definition of a drug. A schedule I Stimulant she was forcing herself to quit cold-turkey by taking it upon herself to relieve her body's frequent cravings.

If she didn't orgasm several times a day, she was afraid her fragile resolve to avoid him would break and she'd run to the loser for a full night of being gutted and buggered by his weird dick.

After much thought and a lot of memory diving, Ino knows the way his penis ejaculates is most certainly not normal. It's not even common among humans. It's not even a medical condition to have. What Ino does know, is it's an extra layer of spice to her depressing shame.

Somehow the penis that deflowered herthat ruined herhas a bulbous gland at the base that expands during ejaculation 'exactly like a dog!' her mind screams.

'Why would he have that?' she would always yell in her mind. 'Is he part dog?' Ino is fairly well informed by many of the older kunoichi in the bathhouse and the workers in the Yamanaka shop. If the Inuzuka clan had a feature like that, she would've heard about it months if not years ago.

The fact that she, Yamanaka Ino, heiress to their clan was knotted like a bitch by a blond idiot dog-boy is the greatest shame in her young life. 'Why did he do this to me?' she mentally whines.

Ino knew she was supposed to be with Sasuke-kun, but her body can't seem to forget Naruto. It's why she stayed in bed, cried often, and shut the world out. Her parents were obviously worried.

Her mother, in particular, tried to connect with her detached daughter, guilting Ino into lying to them, assuring them that she's just sick and will feel better soon. She's not sure they buy it. She knew her team was worried as well.

Asuma-sensei and even Shikamaru have come by to see her, but she didn't want to see anyone; she couldn't.

Somehow, in the back of her mind, she expected them to know the moment they took one look at her. She somehow believed they would see his thick semen caked on her face and know it was from Narutowhich she's aware enough to admit was idiotic.

Clearly, if her own mother couldn't see how excessively deflowered her only daughter now is, then Ino doubts anyone else will. It may be an irrational fear, but still, how could she just return to the world as if nothing had happened?



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