Naruto: The Prince of Lust

Chapter 29: Chapter 29

"You okay?" she suddenly hears Kakashi ask, bringing her out of her heart-thoughts.

Schooling her features like many kunoichi have been taughtextensivelyshe answers in her calm voice, "fine," before walking around the gathering and leaving.


Walking up the final flight of stairs, Naruto can hear before he sees someone knocking on his door.

He had just finished some intense training with his clones, so he was sore, tired, dirty, just getting over his migraine, and his chakra coils felt chalky, like fire-damaged, but checking out the curvy figure knocking on his door, oddly enough, made him feel much better.

His eyes land on the bubble of her butt before eventually moving up to her lustrous mane of ebony hair.

She noticed him as he approached and he recognized her as Team 8's sensei. Even under the ugly glow of the old flickering fluorescent lights of the hall, he can still see how extremely gorgeous she is.

He's suddenly very mindful of his appearance in front of such a stunning beauty, but as he's just come back from training, there's really nothing he could do about it.

"You're Team 8's sensei," Naruto absentmindedly comments, stopping just in front of her, when suddenly, he realizes he doesn't know her name.

"I am," she responded. "I'm Jnin-sensei, Yhi Kurenai."

Forgetting his exhaustion for the polite beauty before him, he smiles as he returns, "I'm Uzumaki Naruto, future Konoha Hokage!" It's not very often he meets others who don't immediately look irritated or disgusted to see him. So he wants to impress her with his best attitude.

'Arrogant,' Kurenai mentally asserts. Easily recalling his Academy grades, she just can't see how anyone could boast about a future when all evidence says otherwise.

That sort of delusion is a pitiful pitfall she's trying to help Kiba-kun steer clear ofthough in Kiba's case, he does possess credible ability and his clan has always been headstrong, so Kurenai isn't sure how much success she'll have with the Inuzuka.

Uzumaki-kun, however, isn't her student and doesn't care nearly as much. Still, Kurenai does need his help, so she presents him with a tight smile, asking, "can we speak inside?"

"Sure," he exclaims before opening his door.

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She regretted it as soon as he opened the door. His residence was a complete mess. She felt stricken by the clutter, trash, unwashed clothes, and he didn't even seem to notice. The old, rancid, musky odor is so overwhelming, Kurenai's eyes water as they feel infected.

Realizing her uniform will more than likely retain the infectious smell forever, she plans on throwing it away later. Her worry graduates to her skin and hair, to which she makes a mental note to buy several bottles of odor neutralizing conditioner and pray it'll work.

'How is he not embarrassed,' her mind yells.

After moving the only chair in the small space to the filthy couch, and taking a seat he waits for her.

She isn't sure why he doesn't remove the old ramen cups, the clutter of papers, an adult magazine off the old stain couch for her to sitnot that she wouldas it would be the hospitable thing to do when she remembers he's an orphan and probably doesn't know any better.

Refusing to sit anywhere, and eager to leave, she forgoes setting him at ease with polite conversation and jumps straight into the purpose at hand. "I would like you to help a student of mine. Do you know Hyga Hinata?"

Tapping his chin, he hums, "Mnnnn, yeah," guessing himself, "dark hair, white eyes?"

"Yes, that's her," Kurenai politely confirms, though wonders how he can be so oblivious about a girl he attended school with for four years. "This might be tricky to understand but don't be afraid to ask me any questions when you don't understand something."

"Got it!" he responds with gusto.

"So, I want to help Hinata become more assertive-"

"What does assertive mean?" He interrupts.

Inhaling in disbelief, she slowly answers, "it means confident. I want Hinata to be more confident." After he nods she continues. "This is where I feel you can help. She's noticed how confident you are, and I believe if you were to talk with her, than she will learn to be more confident as well."

"So, you want me to tell her she should be confident?"

"Not exactly," Kurenai patiently states.

"I'm confused," Naruto interjects.

"Let me finish, Uzumaki-kun," she states.

To which he happily expresses, "you can call me Naruto!"

He's really testing her patience, but in order to keep him comfortable, she corrects herself. "Naruto-kun, the thing that's difficult for Hinata is that she's very very shy, which is why she's never talked to you before.

Now, before you say anything, my plan is to convince her that she's only talking to a genjutsu version of you. If she believes it's only a genjutsu that she's talking to, I believe she'll eventually feel safe enough to talk to you in person and grow more confident because of it."

"Soooo, you want to trick her," Naruto simplifies as only the best pranksters can.

With a tighter smile, Kurenai digs deep to answer, "...I wouldn't use those words exactly, but if it'll help you better understand, than yes. A simple play to help ease her anxiety."

With squinted eyes, deep in thought, he asks, "and you know how to use genjutsu?" It sounded like fantasy the first time he heard of the discipline, and he's been told many times he doesn't have the head for it.

"Yes, Naruto-kun, I do," she answers tightly, doubting her reputation as the best for a moment. "Now, would you assist me in helping her?" She didn't need to tilt her head and look at him with soft eyes, but she wanted him to agree quickly so she can leave. Asuma had already annoyed her enough today.

Add to that she's standing in front of the seal containing within the cause of her father's death on top of the gagging odor of this apartment, and her annoyance is rapidly eating away at her patience.

Even with a slightly pleading look on her attractive face, Naruto answers, "I don't know. How long will this be for? I have a lot of training to do." Normally Naruto is all for helping, however, he's dedicating every waking moment to his training with Naru-nii.

Knowing what some of the future will bring and those it'll hurt is a powerful driving force, and Naruto is making progress he doesn't want to slow down for anything unless it's for Sakura-chan or Ino-chan.

'Maybe he's too dense for that type of subtle play,' she wonders before speaking, "evenings would be best, every day until she's better. I've already asked your Jnin-sensei and he's approved, so any training Kakashi has you doing can wait."

Quirking his brow low in agitation, Naruto nearly laughs when he asserts, "I didn't mean Kakashi-sensei's training. All he ever teaches us is team drills.

We spar in the mornings before we do D-rank missions and that's it!" Crossing his arms confidently, he smirks as he proclaims, "I meant my own training. It's super important and I can't waste any time."

Though mildly glad he seems to take independent training seriously, Kurenai has her mission and for Hinata's sake, she will have her way. "Surely helping out a fellow genin is important to you."

"Yeah, it is," he answers, adding, "but so is my training. There are no shortcuts to becoming the greatest Hokage ever, which means I have to train hard every day."



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