Neurolink System in the Modern World

Chapter 27: Meet up

Chapter 27: Meet up

I arrived at the Starbucks located at 72 Toegye-ro, Hoehyeon-dong, a bit later than the designated time.

The café was located in the middle of a bustling market area, its large glass windows providing a clear view of the interior. The signature green and white Starbucks logo stood out against the surroundings, attracting passersby and customers alike. As I gazed at the café from outside, I could see a mix of people seated at various tables, engaged in conversations or immersed in their laptops.

But what stood out the most was my aunt sitting at one of the tables. Her anxious expression was clear even from a distance as she scanned the café. She wore a white jacket over a short white dress that highlighted her slender legs. Amidst the bustling café environment, her presence exuded tension and uncertainty.

Okay, I might be biased here, but she was the human version of a thorny rose. Despite my internal alarm bells clanging about her possibly having a hand in my attempted murder, I couldn't help but admit that she was really hot. It's like she had this invisible gravitational force that drew your eyes – it was like watching the mundane scene around her get upgraded to a feature film.

And it wasn't just me who was under her spell. Café customers were stealing glances more covertly than international spies sharing secrets. I guess her charm radiated louder than a spotlight

Hold up! Rewind, brain. This is the person who might have had me on her hit list. But darn it, life's complicated! There I was, torn between my brain telling me that she's dangerous , and my dick making me excited .

It was an laughable truth – her outward appearance held power. No matter how flawed her character might be, her beauty had the ability to sway judgment and perceptions in her favor.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Allysa POV

"Where is that perverted bastard?" I couldn't help but grit my teeth in anger. That guy, that damn creep, actually threatened to expose my sex videos. And now I'm pushed to this situation.

I can't even refuse his request because I'm too afraid that he would really do it.

The weight of his blackmail materials presses down on me, and I feel trapped and vulnerable. This situation has me grappling with frustration and fear, like a mouse cornered by a cunning cat. An ugly, creepy and crazy cat!

I couldn't even sleep properly for a couple of days because of that damn guy. The mere thought of him forces my eyes open, as if sleep itself is betraying me. He coerced me into sending those illicit videos, and now he holds even more ammunition to blackmail me.

He's even playing the waiting game with me! I'm convinced he's lurking around somewhere, relishing in my current predicament. What a psycho.

As I sat there, my frustration mingling with the tension in the air, a figure clad in a face mask and hat approached my table.

Is he the pervert who had been messing with me? My emotions immediately went haywire just looking at him.

What a jerk. I could feel my blood boiling with a mix of frustration and resentment that had been simmering beneath the surface. If it weren't for the fear of creating a commotion, I would have slapped that smug look off his face without a second thought.

He didn't even ask for permission; he just sat in front of me.

"Hello, Darling," his repulsive voice echoed in my ear. It was like a punch to the gut, realizing that this guy was indeed the one who had been blackmailing me. This is the person who made me suffer!

"You're dead, pervert!" I sneered with undisguised disdain, my anger propelling me to give the cue. What a foolish creep. Did he really believe I would just show up here alone without a second thought? He's far more stupid than he thought if he believes he can toy with me like this.

Suddenly, four men appeared out of nowhere and occupied our table. The perverted man's shock made me chuckled, his face contorted with disbelief as he attempted to stand up, only to find himself discreetly pinned down in his chair.

"You so much as breathe funny, and you're a goner," my boyfriend's voice was cold as ice. He had been hiding since the very beginning, accompanied by his friend, to confront this perverted scum and put an end to his vile games once and for all.

"Please don't kill me ,"

"Let's slowly walk outside, I have a knife and I will fucking kill you if you make a commotion ," My boyfriend warned.

It might have seemed like he was bluffing, but my lover was a legitimate gangster. In that moment, there was no doubt in my mind that he meant every word he said. As unsettling as it was, I also couldn't help but feel a strange sense of reassurance.

"Well, I don't really care what happens to this pervert," I thought to myself, the rush of emotions and adrenaline making my decision clear. All I cared about was putting an end to his sick game, preventing him from uploading the video that he'd been using to control me.

Ring Ring Ring.

Suddenly, the familiar chime of my phone's ringtone pierced the tense atmosphere.

"Who's calling me in such a critical moment?" I muttered, a mix of curiosity and annoyance prompting me to pick up the call. Glancing at the screen, I saw an unfamiliar number staring back at me.

"Who is this?" I questioned, my voice carrying a hint of suspicion.

"Hello, Darling," a voice oozing with malice responded. Every word felt like a verbal slap, that voice sends shivers down my spine. "You think you've outsmarted me, but you're an idiot for even trying. I gave you a chance, and you repay me by being a lying, backstabbing piece of shit."

My heart raced, my breath catching in my throat as I processed the gravity of the situation.

"You..." I stammered, a mixture of shock and realization sweeping over me. The sinking feeling in my gut confirmed my fear: I had walked right into his trap.

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