New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 196 - Taking The Bait

Samantha couldn't believe it.

She had just been given one of the most mind-blowing experiences ever, yet not only had there not been any actual sex, but the other party was also not even turned on! After doing all of that to her, he just stood there like some statute!

No man had ever been able to resist her and yet, this young kid could?


She went over to him, bare-chested and all, and glared at him straight in the eye.

"You're gay, aren't you?" she demanded angrily, stomping her foot, "That's not fair!"

Kyle just looked at her, not planning to correct her misconception. Yet.

"A promise is a promise," Kyle pointed out, "And the Greene's are always well known for keeping their promises."

Samantha grumbled and went to put on her bikini top. Kyle wondered what the point of it was, for it only had those little triangle pieces of cloth that covered her nipples. It didn't make any difference.

"Fine. You're free to go," Samantha huffed, "Take that thing with you and leave. The exit's that way."

She walked towards the door, stopped a while and turned back to face Kyle, who had now taken Midnight by the reins.

"Name's Samantha. What's yours?" she asked.

"Kyle," he said as he gently stroked Midnight's mane. Midnight neighed and bumped her nose at the side of Kyle's face. Kyle laughed gently at that, patting Midnight's nose.

Samantha watched the scene in a daze. With the sunlight glistening on the young man's face, showcasing the gentleness on his face as he handled the horse, his beautiful laughter that somehow made everything feel so warm ... she felt like she was watching it all from filtered lenses. It was too mesmerizing and romantic, in some way. She could even imagine roses blossoming all around him.

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She shook her head. Such a wild imagination.

Then she saw him turn towards her, giving her this heart-dropping gorgeous smile that made the breath get stuck in her throat.

"I'm not gay, by the way," she heard him say, "And the reason why I didn't get turned on isn't because you're not beautiful. It's simply because I viewed you as a woman that needed a massage, not as a piece of meat on display to be fucked."

Samantha blinked at that.

It didn't make sense, yet it did.

"You are a highly desirable woman, with one of the most beautiful bodies I have seen," Kyle continued saying, "Call me old fashioned, but you deserve to be made love to, by one who truly loves you for who and what you are."

"So, what was all of that then? It was hardly an innocent massage," Samantha retorted, crossing her hands across her chest.

Kyle smiled at that, "I live but to serve. You looked like you wanted more, so I merely complied to the best of my ability. To let you have your sexual release without needing to go all the way."

Kyle then gave a slight bow, saying, "I thank you for your kindness in letting my earlier transgression go and now, I have to get back to the crew. They must be pretty worried by now."

Samantha waved him off and slammed the door behind her. Though once inside, she leaned against the door and put her hand on her chest.

Why did her heart beat so fast just from those words?

Kyle watched her go inside with a smile.

"Come on, girl. It's time to go back," Kyle said to Midnight, "You did good."

Kyle walked off, knowing that Samantha was peeking at him through the window.

[All's clear, Kay]

[Finally] Kay grumbled [What took you so long?]

Kay was a bit miffed at not being allowed to see just what Kyle had been doing. Despite the fact that she was really curious, she still conveyed the message to the others and immediately, they cut off all visual transmission of the site.

[These things take time, dear sister] Kyle answered as he walked leisurely back to the site. The two guards that had been there saw him leave, and one took it upon himself to 'escort' Kyle back.

[Did it work?]

[The line has been cast and it looks like she has taken the bait. We'll know for sure tomorrow if I can reel it in but I have faith that it succeeded] Kyle answered.

Samantha Greene was one girl who appeared to be a nymphomaniac but Kyle suspected it was more than that. Her family was the distant type and she craved for attention and love. Unfortunately, she sought it in the wrong way.

Kyle didn't see anything wrong with women who were sexually active or even those who were into 'one-night' stands. So long as both parties were willing and knew what they were getting into, what's the problem with it? Men often do it, so why not women?

The only problem was, Samantha was seeking love through sex and that was wrong.

She found fake happiness from being in control of the 'relationship' and the way she could demand things from whoever she wanted. The euphoria she got from each sexual encounter was brief and not lasting, so she would keep on searching.

Sometimes, she would even choose and demand it from unwilling guys. Well, the guys were normally unwilling at first but were soon 'converted' - either through force or by the lap of luxury she would shower them with.

So what Kyle did was to show her that there was a person who did not see her just as a body for sex and money to buy love, but as a woman that deserved more than that. Kyle figured that she was slowly starting to believe that her worth as a person was strongly linked to her wealth and sexual prowess. Without it, she was nothing.

Now that he had shown her another aspect, her interest was piqued.

The only question was, will she follow that slight interest or not?

[By the way, please tell Sam I'm going to need some water] Kyle mentioned as he ran his tongue inside his mouth. Suntan lotion isn't exactly something that was meant to be eaten.

The entire time Kyle had been putting on the lotion, he had focused entirely on stimulating all the sensitive parts of her body. The fingertips were one method and in reality, it would have been faster to use his lips and tongue in certain spots.

He only did that for the fingers and nipples, and was extremely careful not to touch her core with his bare hands.

Kyle was walking a bit absent-mindedly, as he recalled the entire incident.

As a girl, he could objectively view Samantha's body and there was no doubt that it was as perfect as it could be. Smooth, silky skin with long legs that seemed to stretch on forever. Slim waist that felt like you could hug and break it in one shot. Breasts that weren't too big nor too small, but more importantly, was perky and full.

Every single movement he had done on Samantha had been partly based on the lessons of Master Shifu, and partly from his own personal preference as Kylie. His spouse hadn't been that imaginative when it came to foreplay but at least, he did spare some effort.

Kyle looked at his hands, remembering how it felt when he had begun massaging Samantha's breasts. It was really soft and wonderful, and a part of him wanted to continue kneading it. So when Samantha had brought his head close to it, he was acting out on the baser parts of his instinct.

He was a bit disappointed to find that other than the initial playing around with the round fullness, he didn't find that much enjoyment from his actions on her nipples. He imitated what his own spouse had done to Kylie before, and the fact that Samantha reacted with such moans meant he was doing it right.

Yet, he, himself, felt nothing much. He sighed inwardly and berated himself. He had used the opportunity to start the plan into motion but in the end, he started using it to find out if he could actually be turned on by it.

His fingers were still a bit sticky from the last move and he had absolutely no desire to smell it nor taste it.

He frowned at that.

Kylie had read a lot of raunchy romance novels which always had the male lead basically eating up the female lead, even stating that the juice was like nectar. Yet, here he was, not even tempted to find out just how sweet that nectar was.

In fact, he was feeling a bit icky at the moment. Perhaps that was why his own spouse never did 'go down' on 'her' though he had insisted on his own being pleasured in such a way. Kyle idly wondered what oral sex was like as he was always the one who had given, not being given it.

Maybe it really did ... not smell that nice at the core? Kyle shrugged.

If Samantha was to know what was going through his mind right now, she'd probably go ballistic at the insult. As it was, Samantha was still quite flustered by the whole experience and was busy finding out more about the 'young stud who was auditioning'.

As for Kyle?

His mind was getting to be a bit muddled right now.

Asexual? Gay? Bisexual? What was he? Was this aversion towards the 'sweet nectar' an indication of where his true sexual orientation lie or was it just because he hadn't found the right girl yet? He certainly could get it on when he started kissing so did this mean he was just one who couldn't get turned on normally?

The body was normal but since his mind wasn't, Kyle Jr could only get up with help?

Kyle sighed as he reached the movie set. Thanking the guy who led him there, Kyle walked back in a slight daze.

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