New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 238 - Love Conquers All?

Ali waited patiently for the answer to a question he never dared ask before.

"They were bullying you," Kyle said simply.

"You weren't afraid of me?"Ali pressed on.

Kyle had been the only one that did not look at him with fear or hatred. Even at that young age, the emotions spilling out could be so negative. And being so young, they weren't restrained at all in voicing them out.

So why was Kyle so different?

How come Kyle treated him like any other person?

Kyle looked at Ali and tilted his head. He knew the unspoken question Ali had. Wasn't Ali a hidden spy? A sleeper agent? Or a ticking time bomb that would just go 'suicide bomber' and blow up the whole school?

How could he explain that as Kylie, living in Country M had given him exposure to all sorts of races and religions? Kyle wasn't ignorant of the truth and thus, wasn't swayed by the prejudices or misunderstandings that were prevalent in Country TZ then, of the lesser known religions like Islam.

It couldn't be said to be the same for the others though, so it was only natural that Ali would have been bullied. It's better now as there is more awareness - and people tended to be more accepting when said person is within a 'popular' group.

"Should I have been?" Kyle asked gently, his eyes clear as he looked at Ali in the eyes.

Ali sighed and gave up.

He knew that there was something more to it than what Kyle was saying. He found it incredibly amazing that he could have such clarity in mind and thought, even at that young age.

The fact that Kyle could simply accept him wholeheartedly, without prejudice and question, was something Ali lapped up like a man who found an oasis in the middle of the desert. Kyle was his oasis at that time, healing him in ways that he didn't think possible, and making Ali the way he is now.

Sometimes, Ali thought ... if he hadn't met Kyle, would he have turned out just the way those people feared? When you are bullied without rhyme or reason, what would happen if the bullied fights back?

Ali sighed and figured the 'why' was not important anymore.

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What's important was the pure brotherhood bond they have.

Being an Elite Five had given Ali a layer of protection that he wouldn't have had otherwise. It also made people much more receptive to him and Islam, so the negative perceptions weren't so prevalent.

At first, people did try to diss Kyle for bringing Ali into his 'group' but the die-hard Kyle fans shot them down. As time went on, people became more and more accepting and Ali had a much easier life.

The prejudice wasn't eradicated but it had lessened considerably. He knew he owed a lot to Kyle. Words that came out of Kyle's mouth sounded simple but he knew Kyle was anything but simple.

"You know, in my religion, all manner of behaviour is regulated. People only see the restrictions like no pork or alcohol or the rituals like fasting and the daily prayers," Ali began, changing the subject again, his eyes looking in the far distance.

"But it's more than that," Ali said, trying to explain, "It's a way of Life. Every single restriction and rule has a reason for it. One that is essentially for your own well being and health."

"I may have been born a Muslim, and brought up as one, but I am not a Muslim by force. I truly do believe in its teachings and agree with them. It's here," Ali said, hitting chest where his heart is, "I truly believe in it, in here."

Then his eyes started to get watery again, and a single tear flowed down as he asked in despair, "So why is it so hard now? Why am I doubting now? Why ... why did it have to be her?"

Ali took a deep breath, wiping that tear away angrily.

"Because you're still young," Kyle replied softly, understanding Ali's pain and confusion, "And it's your first time being in love. Of course, your feelings for her are strong and overwhelming."

Kyle looked in front of him, his eyes not really focusing on what was in front of him but was thinking of the past, of his first love. Husband.

"You already said, didn't you. If she is your destined one, it will be. No matter how long it takes, it will be. If she's not to be, no matter what, you'll never be happy in the end," Kyle said.

Ali gave a short laugh, which was more in disdain at himself, "Easier said than done. What am I supposed to do? Just wait? Just watch? What?"

"I remember a sermon I had to listen to once," Kyle began, "It's raining heavily. You're in a car that can only seat two. You come across a bus stop that had three people, getting quite soaked from the splatters. A sickly old lady, your best friend and your destined one. Who do you choose to help and pick up?"

Without waiting for an answer, Kyle continued, "You give your keys to your best friend, get him to send the old lady to a hospital or home and sit with your destined one."

"Huh?" Ali looked at him in confusion.

"God may have determined who is your destined one, but it doesn't mean you just sit back and she will fall on your lap," Kyle explained.

"God will give you the opportunity, but it is up to you to use it. If you had taken the girl, she would have thought badly of you for leaving the poor old sick lady behind, right? If you had not taken the girl, then she may not be there anymore when you get back.

"You will have lost that opportunity then, to have gotten her then. You would get more opportunities but if you don't actively do something, nothing will happen.

"The moral of the story is: you need to work to get the girl. Use the opportunity God has given you. Don't take it for granted and think 'she's your destined one so she will not be going anywhere'," Kyle said.

"So if Sophia is your destined one, then she will be. Pursue her. If she isn't, then your destined one will be far better than her."

Ali shook his head.

How could there be anyone better than Sophia?

"Even if it doesn't feel like there is no one better than Sophia right now," Kyle said, answering the unspoken question Ali had, "And that, my friend, is your test of Faith. Are you going to pass it, or fail it?"

Then, Kyle's next words hit Ali right where his greatest conflict lay,

"You're a Muslim. She's a non-believer. How far would you be willing to compromise to make her yours? How much is she willing to sacrifice to be yours?"

"We're not talking about likes and dislikes here. We're talking about beliefs. About Faith."

"What if she says she will convert just to be with you but she is not a practicing Muslim? Can you take it?"

"Will you be able to accept a woman who does not share the same belief as you, even if she goes through the process? She may not pray, she may not fast, and worst of all - she does not believe and simply panders to you," Kyle continued relentlessly.

"Is love enough?"

Ali was quiet, his heart in a turmoil. His head was saying one thing, agreeing with Kyle but his heart was screaming for another, saying it wouldn't be that bad. As long as love is there ...

Kyle had stated the crux of the whole matter.

Can love truly conquer all?

Kyle kept quiet for a while then said the words that hit Ali the hardest.

"You said it yourself. Your belief is your life. It isn't a game. How long do you think your love can survive if she never accepts the existence of God? Is she an atheist, whereby she believes firmly that God does not exist, or is she an agnostic, whereby she doesn't believe but does not reject the notion either."

"Will she think you're being ridiculous for having such a belief, for seeing 'signs' in things as proof that are just normal or coincidental? How would you view her for not being able to believe despite the many things you say is so clear that proves God exists?"

"And what about when you have children? Can she accept you raising your kids as Muslims or would she view it as you forcing your ideology on them? How would they view their own mother if she doesn't pray?"

Ali groaned, punching the park bench angrily.

He knew. He knew it in his heart but hearing it were two different things.

His situation is different. Just like what Kyle had said, his Faith was more than just 'following the teachings' as per his religion.

It was a way of Life. His life.

Would he start second guessing Sophia? Would she view his belief like a joke? Would she eventually start to hate him?

What sort of life can they have if they can't even agree on this most basic thing?

Love conquers all?

That might work if we're talking about something minor or basic like putting up with a guy who doesn't like the same food you do.

But not this.

Kyle kept quiet then, letting his words sink in.

He knew it wasn't easy.

He had seen it a lot of times back in Country M.

People who converted merely to fulfill the legal requirements to get married didn't always end up well. A lot got divorced and they went back to their original religion.

Didn't they just make everything into one big joke?

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